Spring 2008
Course: Introduction to Painting I – Art 232
Instructor: Professor Patricia Fox (Patty)
Office: McMullen Hall 128
Phone: 775-753-2262
Credit Hours: 3
Days/Times Wed. 4:00 -6:45
Classroom: GTA 122-23
Office Hours: Monday (all day) or by appointment
Catalog Description: Introduction to concepts of painting including color, form, and composition.
Method of Instruction: This class will meet in a regular classroom studio setting. Students will be given
minimum lectures and demonstrations with instructor expectations of student discussion. Most of the
class time will be spent painting under the guidance of this instructor.
Resources: Painting as a Language, Robertson & McDaniel; Color, Betty Edwards; Susan Sarback Video, New Mexico Painter Video, Ray Vinella Video
Materials Needed
There are many good art supply companies. Cherished Friends and Walmart are probably the only places in Elko where you can get supplies. Michaels in Twin Falls has a good selection. I like to purchase from Dan Smith Art supplies in Seattle because they have very good service. AWS and Jerry’s have cheap prices in their catalogs and so does Cheap Joe’s.
You will need to purchase for the class:
paint (at least seven colors)
Large tube or jar of Titanium white
Ivory black
cool red – alizarin crimson or quinacridone red
warm red – permanent red or cadmium red
cool blue – phthalo blue
warm blue – ultramarine blue
cool yellow – lemon yellow
warm yellow – cad yellow
Extra colors: raw and burnt umber and raw and burnt sienna (burnt version is warmer in each)
Extra colors are fine if you want to purchase more. Green, purple or orange can be mixed with the other colors.
I will be purchasing canvases for your exhibit work and also different mediums for you to try.
Gesso if you want a white coated surface (not necessary)
Rubbing alcohol is better for cleaning brushes than water
Brushes (flats or filberts work well and cheap ones are better with acrylic paint)
palette knife (2 styles optional)
sketch pad (at least 11 x 14)
writing journal
palette (this can be a piece of paper or something you can throw away)
paper or canvas support (you can get spare pieces of cardboard from frame shops)
drawing tools you prefer ( have charcoal)
Bring jars, paper towels, apron, paper plates for palette, newspaper, masking tape, table cloth
Course Objectives:
1. Students will increase their knowledge of painting techniques
2. Students will be able to communicate their feelings through the painting process
3. Students will be able to present and exhibit their work.
4. Students will be able to have course discussion about painting styles and a variety of artists.
5. Students will understand what content in a painting means including form and cognitive meaning.
Learning Objectives / MeasurementsTo learn painting techniques / Paintings and sketchpads
Create a good composition from which to base a painting / Paintings and sketchpads
Have a better understanding of color as an artist’s tool and to understand the basic palette theory / Paintings and sketchpads
Be able to recognize and discuss artists and their paintings of cultural significance / Class critique and discussion
Help students interpret their personal skills in self expression / Paintings and sketchpads
Give students an opportunity to display their work / Paintings displayed in the hallway gallery and student exhibit
Painting exercises in a portfolio labeled 70%
(If you would like to exhibit your work in the student show it will need to be framed.)
Two exhibit pieces (I will provide the surface) 20
Sketch journals (written and sketch) 10
Grading Scale 90-100=A
80-89 =B
70-79 =C
60-69 =D
Below 60 is failing.
A "W" will only be given up until the “13th week”. An Incomplete grade is allowed only under special circumstances. It will become an "F" if not completed.
All students are required to keep a sketch pad. Assignments will be due at the end of the semester. Each assignment should be labeled with a tab system in your sketch pad. We will also be doing some journal writing to help with our expression and you might want a writing notebook for this. I will not be collecting the writing notebooks.
Paintings are graded on the following criteria: design of the painting, completing the goal of the assignment and craftsmanship. I will give you a list of paintings due in your portfolio at the end of the semester.
This is mandatory for all students and is kept by the instructor. Class attendance not only benefits the individual student but also enhances the entire classroom. Poor attendance can lead to a lowering of a letter grade. Three unexcused absences will result in being dropped from the class. If you are going to miss a class it is helpful for you to let me know on my voice mail.
Class Work
Students should keep their work until the end of the class in case there is any discrepancy in grades. It is also the student’s responsibility to pick up any artwork that is displayed in an art exhibit. Some exercises will be done in class and others will be homework. All assignments will be turned in with project identification and name of student. Late assignments will lose ten points per week.
Homework consists of unfinished paintings started in class. Two paintings on canvas supplied through lab fees. Also you may want to work on your sketch journals and your writing notebook at home.
Fairness Statement
If you have any concerns or academic problems, or if you feel you need special assistance, please discuss all matters with me first - and as soon as you can. See the GBC General Catalog on the procedure you must follow to protect your rights.
On Disability Access
“Great Basin College supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko (775) 753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.”
This is the responsibility of everyone in the classroom not only for your individual work area but also the tables, sink area and other supply areas. I will provide a tablecloth for you to use under you painting area for easy clean up.
It is important to the instructor that safety precautions are taken in the art room. We will discuss individual products and procedures in class. There is a First Aid kit next to the sink.
The emergency safety exit is out the back door of the classroom into the exterior parking lot. Meet the class there so that I can take attendance and know that you are not in the building.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)
From time to time throughout the course, selected assignments completed by you may be made available for public display. Should this cause you concern, please indicate to me in writing that you do not wish to have any of your work so displayed.
Release form
I would like to have permission from everyone to photograph their paintings and use them as examples in a Powerpoint Presentation of this class. I would like to be able to show your work to other classes. If you do not want to sign this release please let me know.
Class Schedule / Sketch bookAssignments / Projects Due
January 23 / Class 1 / Getting Started / Begin color Theory
January 30 / Class 2 / Materials and Techniques / Acrylic Paint/ Color Palette Grid
February 6 / Class 3 / Color
February 13 / Class 4 / The Picture Plane
February 20 / Class 5
February 27 / Class 6
March 5 / Class 7 / Shape, Plane, volume, and Brushstroke
March 12 / Class 8 / Shape
March 19 / Class 9 / Shape
Spring Break
April 2 / Class 10 / Shape
April 9 / Class 11 / Space
April 16 / Class 12 / Class Critique / 4 8 x 8 paintings
April 23 / Class 13 / Space / Sketch journals due
April 30 / Class 14 / Space / Portfolios due
May 7 / Class 15 / Form and Light
May 14 / Class 16 / Pick up student art work and portfolios