Principal’s Message

Congratulations to all of the Glenmore SHS Year 7 and Year 9 students for outstanding effort and behaviour for the NAPLAN tests this week. We are very proud of the students for displaying such excellent behaviour throughout the tests. A big thankyou also goes to the teachers who have organised and supported the students to do their best in these tests. The results will be available later this year.

Glenmore State High School has once again been acknowledged as a frontrunner in education. Mr Matt Newell has won the State Positive Teacher of the Year Award. Matt will attend and present at State conferences over the next two years as part of the award. Well done to Matt and his team in making Glenmore a Positive place to be.

A BIG thankyou to the Glenmore State High Dance Troupes who performed a variety of dance routines to visitors on the opening day of the 2015 Beef Week celebrations. The dance genres presented were only a few of the genres students study in their classes with Ballet, World Dance, Musical Theatre and Contemporary also being offered.

Brett McInnes – A/Principal

NAPLAN Testing Time Again

An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas.

Further NAPLAN information for parents and carers is available online.Please contact the school if you have any questions about your child participating in NAPLAN testing.

The Arts


The Glenmore State High Dance Troupes performed a variety of dance routines to visitors on the opening day of the 2015 Beef Week celebrations. Students have been practising for a number of weeks to polish their Hip Hop and Jazz routines. Most of the routines have been devised by their teacher Kendal Lane, however a few of the students presented some pieces that they choreographed themselves. “Dance is offered as a curriculum subject from Years 7 – 12 here at Glenmore, and the Dance Troupe is an extra-curricular activity the students can be involved in. It’s very popular with the girls, but we do have a few boys who are excelling in their Dance”. The Michael Jackson Dance Mix routine performed by the Year 11 and 12 Dance class and the Bad Romance routine performed by the Dragon Dance Elite Troupe were very popular with the crowd.

The dance genres presented were only a few of the genres students study in their classes with Ballet, World Dance, Musical Theatre and Contemporary also being offered.



Selected Dance students were fortunate enough to be involved in workshops conducted by The Queensland Ballet on Friday. The Ballet Company was in Rockhampton performing Copelia and came to our Dance Studio to give students this valuable experience. Students thoroughly enjoyed it and Miss Lane said it was a fantastic opportunity to have industry professionals’ work with students.

Jesse Rasmussen is coming to our school to conduct some funky dance workshops. Jesse was a choreographer in the television program So You Think You can Dance, so he brings a wealth of experience. The workshops will be conducted on Monday 18th May. Students would have received permission sheets and need to have them returned as soon as possible.


Students are reminded that they must attend their lessons for instrumental music as timetabled. The Music Room and Instrumental Music Room can be used to store the student’s instruments when they arrive at school, so they don’t have to carry them around. If there are any students who still wish to join the Instrumental Music Program please come and see Mrs Champion in A Block Staffroom. Lessons are Percussion - Monday morning;, Strings - Tuesday and Wednesday after lunch 2 and Woodwind and Brass - Friday after lunch 2.


Our students will be performing at the Rockhampton Show on Wednesday 10th June, from 1pm to 2pm. This is another great opportunity to showcase the talents of our Glenmore students studying The Arts. Students in the Dance Troupes/Classes, The Glenmore Ensemble (students in Strings and Woodwind/Brass), the Rocky Reclaimers and The Guitar Group will be performing and will receive a letter and permission sheet. Please have them returned as soon as possible.

The ArtsCont…


Year 8 and 10 Drama students are performing their night of comedy on Saturday 30th May.

The students have been rehearsing over the last couple of weeks polishing their performances. During the week the students will have lunchtime performances so other students can witness their great display of talent. The plays to be presented are: Murder at Brantley Manor (a short, quirky murder mystery), Diamonds in the Rough (a hiking adventure with a twist) and several short skits, In the Dark, The Driving Lesson, God I love the Bush and The Important Papers. Parents and friends are welcome to come along. 6.30pm start Drama Studio, here at school. The MMC carpark will be open for your parking. Light refreshments will be available for sale and a gold coin donation would be appreciated.

Trish Champion – HOD The Arts

Junior Secondary News


Congratulations to Year 7 who continue to have the highest attendance rate in the Junior School on 91.8%!

The three highest attendance roll classes in the Junior School are: 7A – 94.4%; 9A – 92.19%; 9C – 92.18%

Friends Teamwork

Wellbeing Bank: to build your wellbeing element Relationships and Optimism by developing healthy relationships with friends.

Friends are great wellbeing builders; they matter because withthem you can celebrate good times together and have fun.

  • Discuss problems and issues.
  • Support each other with challenges.
  • Study together and help each other.
  • Chill out, exercise and relax togethre.

A true friend will accept and respect you as you are.

  • They like you for you.

When you meet new people,

  • Let them like the real you, not some pretend image.
  • Show them the happy person you see in the mirror.
  • Believe you are a person of worth who matters.

Avoid pretend images and boasting.

  • They show that you are not happy with yourself.
  • Believe in yourself, you matter.

The Golden Rule is to treat others the way you like to be treated.

As friends, listen to and support each other.

  • Remember to seek out help from a trusted adult as they have the skills and strategies to help you solve problems.


Natasha Bunn – HOD Junior Schooling

Year 8 News

Wow! Week 4 is already here. This year seems to be travelling so fast and I’m not sure that it’s going slow up anytime in the near future. We are coming up to a particularly busy time of the term where students have many assessments both in the form of assignments and tests. Please remind your children of the importance of eating and resting properly, particularly at busy times like this.

Remember that our goal for student attendance is 92%. That’s only 2 days off per term or 8 days for year. A big congratulations to the students in 8A as they are achieving above the 92% on average so far this year.

Kevin Boorman – Year 8 Co-ordinator

The Career’s Office

What Do Employers Really Want? We continue our series of Employability Skills and Personal Values, written by Nathan Chanesman CEO MyCareerMatch & MyResume.

Employability skills and personal values are the critical tools and traits you need to succeed in the workplace – and they are all elements that you can learn, cultivate, develop, and maintain over your lifetime. In this edition we look at the skills of Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities, plus the Value of Reliability.

Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities: Deals with your ability to manage multiple assignments and tasks, set priorities, and adapt to changing conditions and work assignments. “Flexible team player who thrives in environments requiring ability to effectively prioritise and juggle multiple concurrent projects”

Reliability: There’s no question that all employers desire employees who will arrive to work every day – on time – and ready to work, and who will take responsibility for their actions. “Dependable, responsible contributor committed to excellence and success.”

Important Dates:

  • Manufacturing Industry Tour at Aurizon – 28 May
  • Business Schools Day – 29 May. For students interested in careers in Accounting/Financial Planning, Human Resources, Management and Marketing.
  • Capricorn Careers Expo – 3 June
  • Dates are being planned for: First Aid, White Card, RSA, RSG

Want a Job – Read the ETOB! Don’t forget to check out the Job Opportunities advertised in the weekly Employment Training & Opportunities Bulletin. This bulletin can be accessed in the Careers office, or the School to Jobs website (S2J) at this link:

To register interest for courses or to speak with Careers staff, please call us on 4923 0346.

Debbie Dreaver & Cherie Turner - Careers

Year 7 News

Term two is in full swing here at Glenmore High with some important events coming up in the future. We had some of our Year 7 Dance Troupe students perform with other students from the school at the Beef Week Celebrations, the showgrounds on Monday 4th May. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to represent the school and present to the public the skills they have in the area of Dance. The same Year 7 Dance Troupe students have the opportunity to work with industry professionals when the Qld Ballet Ed Squad are on site, Friday 8th May to run ballet workshops. These workshops will focus on ballet technique and repertoire from their latest production Copelia.

As the cooler weather looms upon us, it is important to adhere to Glenmore’s uniform policy. Students are required to wear school shorts and the school polo shirt with black shoes and black socks. In the cooler months in addition to the junior uniform students may wear the school jumper or any plain black jumper. If you need more information on this policy, it can be found in the student diary or on the school’s website.

As the new electronic device policy is now fully implemented, these devices are not to be viewed during the school day. If seen the device will be confiscated. It’s great to see so many students adhering to this policy and in turn focusing more on their learning.

NAPLAN is held on Tuesday-Thursday 12-14th May in the mornings at N Block. I wish the Year 7’s all the best on this although I’m sure they will do fine. Good luck.

Kendal Lane – Year 7 Co-ordinator

Year 9 News

Hello again parents, guardians and students. This term in our Student Wellbeing at Glenmore class there has been a focus on where are you going. Over the next few weeks 9A and 9B will be having guest presenters from the university to show students pathways that they can take to reach some of their goals that they have set. Meanwhile the remaining classes will be completing topics designed by their teachers. We at Glenmore like to build the wellbeing of our students and the following is an article that I have found at which I believe will benefit our students so please take the time to read the article and discuss it with your child/ren.

Friendships are important for happiness and well-being. Children can be cruel, often excluding others from peer groups, often for no apparent reason. It can be lonely for children or young people who find themselves isolated from peer groups or without a best friend.


  • If possible, establish a dialogue with your child about friendships so that you can offer support when there are difficulties and provide some ideas when needed.
  • Identify and discuss any behaviour such as teasing, bullying or self-centredness that may prevent your child from making friends. Sometimes a child’s remarks can irritate others to the extent that he/she is ostracised.
  • Teach some social skills such as how to start up a conversation and how to hold the interest of others during a conversation.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to make friends at your place after school or during weekends so that friendships can develop. An invitation to bring a friend along to a family outing can provide opportunities to strengthen friendships.
  • Encourage you child to participate in ‘out-of-school’ activities or groups that may provide opportunities to meet new people away from the peer groups at school. Friendships formed through shared interests are very strong.
  • Encourage your child to take up a challenging or interesting activity so that he/she becomes a more interesting person for others to be around.

Mark Lightbody – Year 9 Co-ordinator

Senior Schooling News


Students in the Senior School started the term with excellent attendance. The current attendance rates for Term 2 are:

Year 10 – 87.4%

Year 11 – 86.9%

Year 12 – 90.4%

The school expectation is that students have at least 92% attendance and that all absences from school are explained. It is important to remember that every day counts and it is important to be in class and learning.

Congratulations to the students who have 100% attendance for Term 2. We have 124 students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who have been involved in their program of study every day this term. Well done!

Students who have unexplained absences have been issued with slips indicating the date/s they were absent and we don’t have a reason for. Please complete these and return to the office as soon as possible.

Try-A-Trade Day

Sixteen students participated in a Try-A-Trade Day at the Yeppoon State High School Trade Training Centre on Tuesday 5 May. This day was hosted and organised by Construction Skills Queensland and gave students the opportunity to try their hands at bricklaying, carpentry and levelling to name a few. All of the students who participated enjoyed the experience and were excellent ambassadors for the school.

Work Experience – Year 10

All Year 10 students should have now received the initial request for work experience forms. Year 10 students have the opportunity to participate in work experience during the last week of Term 3 (14 – 18 September).

Senior Schooling News Cont…

Work experience is an excellent opportunity for students to see what it would mean to work in a job they are interested in and to get an idea if this is really what they would like to do when they leave school.

Students need to return their preference forms to the Careers Office as soon as possible so that we can start organising the placements. Students who do not participate in work experience expected to attend school during this time.

As there is a large amount of administration required to organise these placements, there is now a $10 charge for the organisation of work experience placements per student for the year. This is a one off payment per year no matter how many placements a student participates in.

University Experience Day – Year 12

CQUniversity are holding a University Experience Day on Friday 22 May 2015. The day is designed to let students experience life at the university and they will have the opportunity to experience activities in two areas which they are interested in studying after they leave school. Letters and Application Forms are available from F Block Staffroom and need to be returned as soon as possible.

School References – Year 12

At the end of the year, all Year 12 students will be issued with a school reference. Students are in the process of collecting information to help us prepare their school reference and ensure all relevant leadership positions, awards and activities are included. Students are requested to speak with the organising teacher to confirm your involvement in each activity they have participated in so that it can be included in your reference.

Jason Rich Foundation Defensive Driving Course – Year 11 and 12

The Jason Rich Foundation is a local organisation which organises and funds defensive driving courses for secondary school students. The defensive driving course is run by Safe Drive Training and three students have successfully completed this course this year. The next course is on Sunday 14 June 2015. Forms can be collected from F Block staffroom. Students must have their Learner’s Licence or Provisional Licence to participate in the course.

Students studying Certificate courses

All students studying a certificate course either at school (such as a Cert I or II Business or Cert II in Workplace Practices) or through an external RTO (such as CQU, Smart Skill, CSaT or Binnacle) are reminded that they are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number in order to receive their statement of attainment or qualification. By law, we are not allowed to issue you with your statement of attainment or qualification unless we have a record of your USI.

This is a new requirement which was introduced on 1 January 2015. Students who are studying a certificate course need to ensure they bring a copy or picture of their ID (birth certificate, passport, medicare number or driver’s licence) to school so that we can help you apply for your USI.

Please give a copy of your USI number to either your VET teacher or the Careers Office so that we can record your USI and are able to issue your certificates when you complete the course or in case your change schools after starting a certificate course.