·  In the aftermath of the U.S. Department of Education’s first bullying summit, a new website, www.bullyinginfo.org, has emerged, allowing for an easy, more centralized access to federal resources.

·  The "Dignity for All Students Act"will help ensure that school administrators and educators have the tools and resources in place to afford all students – and particularly those who are targeted by bullies – an educational environment in which they can thrive.

·  NASP has a primer for school administrators on how to begin a school wide campaign to address bullying. The framework is clearly outlined for building a school wide program.


·  Kate Snow did a wonderful expose titled “Perils of Parenting” in September 2010. The video link is below and covers a lot of very current issues alongside little tidbits of how to intervene with students:


·  Bullied is a documentary film (40 minute DVD) that chronicles one student’s ordeal at the hands of anti-gay bullies and offers an inspiring message of hope to those fighting harassment today. A two-part viewer’s guide with standards-aligned lesson plans and activities for use in staff development and additional materials are online.


·  The Essential Teen Internet Safety Guide, offers basic tips, techniques and advice about how to protect your teen from a whole host of dangers, including fraud and identity theft.



The Olweus Bully Prevention Program is research based, standardized, and effective. Dan Olweus has been the preeminent researcher in this field and offers a complete program for schools.


Second Step Prevention Program is another evidenced based program that is a complete package for schools to address the issues around bully prevention. The Committee for Children has several wonderful programs available.


No Name Calling is a national grass roots movement based on the book The Misfits by James Howe. Schools can form clubs that tackle the issue of how we treat others.


Bullies to Buddies was developed by a school psychologist and is the opposite of zero tolerance. Some of the materials are free for download.


Operation Respect is a non-profit organization working to assure each child and youth a respectful, safe and compassionate climate of learning where their academic, social and emotional development can take place free of bullying, ridicule and violence. Founded by Peter Yarrow of the folk group Peter, Paul & Mary.


Peace Builders is a program suggested by several school psychologists within NYS after surveyed for information on the topic of bully prevention.



Teasing and Harassment: The Frames and Scripts Approach for Teachers and Parents by Hoover & Oleson



Poor Problem Solving Is a Predictor of Bullying
Predictors of Bullying and Victimization in Childhood and Adolescence: A Meta-analytic Investigationis a review of 153 bullying studies that found difficulty with social problem-solving was a significant marker of bullies, victims, and those who are both bullies and victims. Combined with academic problems, such students tend to be more likely to bully. For victims, negative attitudes about self compound the risk of being bullied.The most promising programs for the prevention of bullying address the development of individual skills and improving the peer context simultaneously.

Depression High Among Youth Victims of School Cyberbullying
National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers’ findingsunderscore the need to monitor and obtain treatment for recipients of cyberbulling. Unlike traditional forms of bullying, youth who are the targets of cyberbullying at school are at greater risk for depression than are the youth who bully them, according to a survey conducted by researchers at the NIH.The new finding is in contrast to earlier studies of traditional bullying, which found that the highest depression scores were reported by another category of youth involved in bullying: bully–victims.


The Cyberbullying Research Center has released five new research-based fact sheets, all summarizing recent findings being published in peer-reviewed academic journals. They cover:Cyberbullying and Self-Esteem,Cyberbullying and Suicide,Cyberbullying and Strain,Trends in Adolescents' Social Networking Use, andChanges in Social Networking Use from 2006 to 2009. Also, here is an elementary level site oninternet safety.

GLSEN provides resources and support for schools to implement effective and age-appropriate anti-bullying programs to improve school climate for all students. While many schools show a willingness to address bullying generally, effective efforts must address the pervasive issue of anti-LGBT bullying as a crucial element of the problem.

Welcoming Schools, created by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, is a new resource for educators, administrators, and parents who want to help schools embrace family diversity, avoid gender stereotyping, and end name-calling and bullying. Welcoming Schools is one of the few resources available for elementary schools that provide an LGBT inclusive, antibias approach to creating safe and supportive learning environments for all students.

Rachel Simmons has an entire program based on social aggression, often associated with how girls interact with each other.


· Defusing Violent Behavior in Young Children

· Name-Calling and Teasing

· Sexual Harassment(NASP handout)

· Teaching Young Children Self-Control Skills

· Temper Tantrums: Guidelines for Parents

· Zero Tolerance and Alternative Strategies: A Fact Sheet for Educators and Policymakers


U of B Prevention Center: http://gse.buffalo.edu/faculty/centers/alberti-center

Dr. Joel Haber, Bully coach http://www.respectu.com