World Meteorological Organization

Weather · Climate · Water

WMO Multidisciplinary Workshop on the Exchange of Early Warning and Related Information Including Tsunami Warnings in the Indian Ocean

(14-15 March 2005)

Jakarta, Indonesia

Information note for participants Provisional list of participants

Provisional Programme

14 March 2005

10:00 – 10:30 Opening of the workshop

10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break

10:50 – 12:15 Introductory session

·  Presentation of the WMO’s activities in disaster risk reduction including multi-hazard Early Warnings Systems, WMO’s Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme, and goals of the Workshop;

·  Presentation of the WMO’s World Weather Watch/Global Telecommunication System (GTS) including space-based data collection and dissemination components, its purpose, structure, operational status and potential in the Indian Ocean;

·  Presentation of draft plans for a Tsunami Warning System for the Indian Ocean (IOTWS) and outcome of the IOC International Coordination Meeting for the Development of a Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the Indian Ocean (Paris, 3-8 March 2005) (UNESCO-IOC);

·  Discussion and Q & As.

Format: Three 20-minute presentations followed by a 20-minute discussion session.

14:00 – 16:00 Session 1: TEWS-IO concepts and the range of information exchange requirements – Presentations from Experts from Governments

Experts from Governments are invited to present their conceptual approaches to the different components of a TEWS-IO and the range of associated information exchange requirements. Presentations are invited from countries including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand and Germany.

Format: 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minutes discussion session.

16:15 – 17:30 Session 1 cont’d: TEWS-IO concepts and the range of information exchange requirements – Presentations from Experts from International Organizations, Programmes and Agencies

Experts from relevant International Organizations, Programmes and Agencies involved in seismology, oceanography and Tsunami observing and monitoring are invited to present their potential contribution to a TEWS-IO and the thirthe range of associated information exchange requirements. Presentations are invited from organizations including IOC, CTBTO, AEIC and IOGOOS.

Format: 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minute discussion session.

15 March 2005

9:30 – 10:30 Session 3: Operational Experience in existing TEWS and the range of information exchange requirements

Experts from relevant international and national organizations, programmes and agencies involved in existing TEWS operations are invited to present their experiences gained in developing and operating a TEWS, especially with regards to the range of information exchange requirements. Presentations are invited from NOAA/PTWC, JMA and IOC/ITIC.

Format: 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minute discussion session.

10:45 – 12:15 Session 4: Opportunities of space-based technologies and systems for TEWS data collection and information dissemination – Presentations from Experts from Environmental/Meteorological/Telecommunication Satellite Operators

Experts from relevant Environmental/Meteorological/Telecommunication Satellite Operators are invited to present the opportunities of space systems and space technology, including the WMO Space Programme, for TEWS data collection and information dissemination requirements. Presentations are invited from China, EUMETSAT, India, Japan and France.

Format: 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minute discussion session.

14:00 – 15:45 Session 5: NMHSs’ role in EWS, in particular related to information exchange, including TEWS interim arrangements – Presentation from Experts from NMHSs and Regional Telecommunications Hubs (RTHs)

Experts from relevant National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, and, in particular, from GTS/RTHs and Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs), are invited to present the role of NMHSs in Early Warning Systems and related information exchange; s chemes for interim Tsunami Warning exchange in the Indian Ocean will be also addressed. Presentations are invited from Australia/BoM, France (La Reunion)/MeteoFrance, India/IMD, Indonesia/BMG, Japan/JMA and Thailand/TMD.

Format: 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minute discussion session.

16:00 – 16:30 Closing of the workshop

The outcome of the workshop will serve as a platform for the subsequent expert meeting (March 16-18), which will develop a draft technical implementation plan for the operational collection and distribution of data and information related to EWS via the WMO GTS including the relevant Space Programme components in the Indian Ocean. This will in particular address operational arrangements for the interim Tsunami Warning exchange in the immediate future.