Title / Age,
D.N.I.(Identity Card Nº) / Address
D.N.I.(Identity Card Nº)ó C.I.F. (Tax IdentificationNº) / Address
Who gives responsibility for the professional work detailed below to the architect(s):
Address of Architect(s)
Member of the Official College of Architects. Membership Nº
Who participates in this work in the following capacity:
And declares that there is no impedance which causes incompatibility in accepting and carrying out the work detailed in accordance with the general conditions and specifications detailed below:
Square meters / Total area.
Estimate according to the details provided by the person responsible €
ASSIGNEMENT(unless otherwise agreed in the contract):
No work shall begin without being authorized by the College:
Provisional payment in respect of the fees: €
shall be deducted from the total fees according to the following formula:


  1. Fees
1.1 Costs incurred at any of the stages of the work shall be added to the final payment of the total amount, which shall be levied retroactively from the date of beginning of the work according to the payment in accordance with the final cost of the work. The legal management fees shall be paid in installments when certifications of the contracted work are carried out, in relation to the amount.
1.2 The client understands and agrees to the changing of fees in accordance with the final cost of the work, which shall be at least those resulting from the rise of the agreed consumer index price.
1.3 Costs arising from work outside the residence must be paid as part of the partial or total liquidation of the main work, in accordance with the provisions of this document.
  1. Necessary Preliminary Documentation.
In addition to the fees and the costs incurred for operations carried out, all required preparatory work shall be the responsibility of the developer, such as drawings and plans, ground surveys, the testing of building materials, etc.
The architect shall ensure that the developer is responsible for all costs, all testing, ground surveys and integrity and quality of the work. If the developer does not accept these responsibilities the architect reserves the right to refuse the work. The architect has an obligation to report any such incidence to the College of Architects.
The client has the responsibility to ensure the precision and the correctness of all data and surveys.
  1. Withdrawal from or Inability to Complete the Contract.
Withdrawal from the contract by either of the two Parties does not come into effect until the College is informed by means of an official report as to the state of the work done.
The architect maintains rights of fees, costs and the official approved work certificate of the College until any change in building regulations or a suspension of building license. If both Parties are in agreement with an official termination of the work the architect must in all cases inform the College of the condition of the work completed.
If the developer independently decides that completion of the work is impossible, the architect reserves the right to be paid 15% of the fees for the completed work by the client, and in addition any costs previously incurred by the architect /
  1. Intellectual property of the work.
Plans, designs, sketches and other documentation are the intellectual property of the architect.
Execution of the work must be carried out exactly in accordance with the designs, plans and specifications of the architect. The builder, developer, or any other architect cannot vary from the specifications of the original architect's plans without specific permission.
  1. Beginning the work.
Work must not begin without permission of the architect. If this occurs the architect bears no responsibility for any matter which arises from this action.
  1. Occupation of Property.
For any occupation of property to be possible it is compulsory to obtain a certificate of end of work (art. 6 del decree 462/1971, 11th of March) This applies to the developer as well as any future occupants.
  1. Joint liability.
All Parties involved in the work share joint liability for all matters and consequences arising from the work. Any legal representatives of the Parties share equal responsibility, including any authorized third party, together with their representatives.
  1. Legitimacy and Jurisdiction.
Rights to claim, as described in this contract, are recognized as legitimate, by both the Official College of Architects and the architect or architects responsible for, or involved in the work.
The official College of Architects, the architect or architects responsible for, or involved in the work are recognized as having rights to claim, or be claimed against in any type of judicial or extra judicial proceedings.
The Parties expressly waive any other code of laws that might pertain to them and agree to submit to the jurisdiction and authority of the courts and tribunals of the city of Murcia in order to resolve any disputes over this contract.
  1. Subrogation.
The architect signing the contract freely and expressly charges the Official College of Architects of Murcia with the right to receive payment for any fees arising from professional work covered by this contract.
All signing Parties accept that the College, in case of subrogation of the architect, can receive any fees in all cases.
  1. I.V.A.
The amounts of monies in this contract shall be subject to I.V.A.
  1. Applicable Regulations.
The mutual obligations and rights of the Parties shall be governed in first place by the clauses of this contract, and any matter not covered by this contract shall be subject to the regulations and agreements of the Official College of Architects of Murcia. /
    Responsible ARCHITECT designated in the professional order Purpose Provision of contracted services, as well as related administrative, accounting and fiscal tasks, as well as keeping you informed about new products and services that may be of interest to you. Legitimation Contract of provision of services and legitimate interest to maintain the commercial relationship. Addressees Official College of Architects of the Region of Murcia. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation or needs for compliance with the contract. Rights Access, correct, delete and port your data, as well as being able to oppose and limit the use thereof. Provenance The data come directly from the interested party Additional information You can exercise the rights established in the RGPD, as well as consult additional information at the address included in the contract.
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
Designated architect in the manifestations of this professional assignment
For what purpose do we treat your personal data?
The Architect will treat the information provided for the correct provision of the service, as well as relevant administrative, accounting and fiscal tasks and keep him informed about new services and / or products.
How long will we keep your data?
They will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible liabilities that could derive from said purpose and the treatment of the data. The rules of archives and documentation will be taken into account.
What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?
The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of the professional work contract that is signed.
To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Personal data will not be provided to the Official College of Architects of the Region of Murcia, in compliance with the legal and statutory obligations of professional organization. Outside of this they will not be communicated to third parties except communications necessary for the fulfillment of the contract, which will be communicated to the client, or legal obligation.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether the ARCHITECT is processing personal data concerning you, or not. You also have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected, as well as request the portability of them.
In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. For reasons related to your particular situation, you may also object to the processing of your data.
The ARCHITECT will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. Remember that you can submit a claim to the supervisory authority at any time.
How have we obtained your data?
The personal data that we treat in ARCHITECT come directly from the interested party. The categories of data that are treated are: Identifying data, contact data, financial data, transactions carried out, and those data necessary for the provision of the contracted service.
In / ,on / of / 20

Calle Jara Carrillo, 5 30001 MURCIA Tfno. 968.213.268 Fax. 968.220.983