Classroom Expectations for Mrs. Negroe’s class – Room 205

  Respect yourself and others at all times. Treat others as you would like to be treated. This means no name-calling, no teasing, bothering, or any physical disrespect (including body language). Keep your hands to yourselves!

  Bring all required materials to class. You must come to class prepared. You already have (or will be given) a list of what materials are required each day. You may not leave class to go to your locker.

  Due dates are final. Unless you and/or your parent have made some arrangement with me or you have a compelling reason, all assignments should be turned in on time. Scores on late assignments (zero credit) will negatively affect your overall grade. *Exception: illness. If you are absent due to illness, see me to make up your work. Making up missing work or tests is your responsibility. You must turn in all make-up work assigned on date of absence no later than 1 week from the date of absence. Otherwise, you will receive no credit for that assignment or test.

  Put your name and proper heading on all assignments. No name = no credit. No exceptions.

  Listen when someone is talking. It is impolite and confusing to talk over others. This rule includes listening to PA announcements over the loud speaker. Let’s respect others by listening while they are speaking.

  Respect other people’s property. This includes picking up after oneself (putting away materials, throwing away trash, etc.). Do not use or borrow someone else’s materials unless permission is obtained. This also applies to classroom books and materials.

  Obey all school rules. Consider this classroom a state with its own laws, which is still subject to the rules of the federal government (the administration). Those rules apply in my class and the entire school campus at all times.

  Leave backpacks in lockers. Backpacks create clutter and block pathways between desks. Please do not bring them into the classroom.

  Use restrooms during breaks and passing periods. It becomes disruptive for students to constantly walk in and out of the classroom. Our bell schedule provides lots of breaks, which permit us to use the facilities during those times. In the event of a restroom “emergency” you may use the pass (this will be limited to once per quarter).

  Do not bring food or drinks into the classroom. Food and drinks are easily spilled onto desktops, floors, and sometimes even computers. Exception: water in a sealed container.

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I have read and understand the above expectations. I promise to abide by them for the entire school year!


Name (please print) Signature Date