Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
Transition Planning is about the future! Transition planning is an outcome-oriented process that is unique because it is based upon each student’s preferences and interests. This means that your son or daughter’s transition plan will reflect what he or she wants to “be” and what he or she wants to “do” after high school. And … it helps your son or daughter to evaluate and to achieve their personal goals. An important part of the transition process is gathering and using information to identify goals and to develop strategies, which assist students in making successful transitions from high school to adult life. As parents or guardians, you are valuable members of the transition team. Your input is very important to the future success of your child. Your responses on this survey will assist your son or daughter as they prepare and plan for life after high school. Thank you for your participation.
Name: Today’s Date:
Birth Date: Grade: Anticipated Year of Graduation:
Current Educational Setting: HS MS Other:
Social Security Number Parent Email (optional):
City State: PA Zip Code
Mother’s Name Father’s Name
Stepparent/Guardian: Home Telephone:
1. Educational Goals:
Upon graduation from high school, do you see your child participating in: (please check all that apply.)
A. Post-Secondary Education or Training
q 4-year college or university (with academic support)
q 4 year college or university (without academic support)
q 2 year college or community college (with academic support)
q 2 year college or community college (without academic support)
q Technical/trade school (with academic support)
q Technical/trade school (without academic support)
q No education or training
q Other (please describe)
B. Employment
q Competitive full-time employment
q Competitive part-time employment
q Self-employment
q Employment with limited support
q Sheltered employment
q No employment
q Other (please describe)
C. Military Service
q United States Army
q United States Navy
q United States Air Force
q United States Marines
q United States Coast Guard
q Comment:
2. Career Goals and Aspirations:
A. If your son/daughter will continue their education immediately after high school, what field of study or college major do you believe that they will pursue?
B. If your son/daughter will work immediately after high school, what job/occupation do you believe they will pursue?
C. Where do you see your child in terms of education or employment one year after high school?
D. Where do you see your child in terms of education or employment five years after high school?
E. What are your greatest concerns for your child’s future?
3. Volunteer or Work Experience:
A. What volunteer experience has your child experienced in middle or high school? Please describe:
B. What work experience has your child experienced in middle or high school? Please describe:
4. Community/School/Home Involvement:
A. Please list the activities in which your child enjoys participating:
q Hobbies:
q Clubs:
q Sports:
q Social Activities:
q Musical/Artistic:
q Other:
B. Family responsibilities … how does your child help around the home?
5. Strengths and Challenges:
A. What do you believe are your son/daughter’s greatest strengths?
1) Personal strength:
2) Academic strength:
3) Social strength:
4) Special talent:
5) Other:
B. What do you believe are your son/daughter’s greatest challenges?
1) Personal challenge:
2) Academic challenge:
3) Social challenge:
4) Behavioral challenge:
A. Transportation … how does your son/daughter “get around?” (check all that apply)
q He/she has a driver’s license.
q He/she plans to get a driver’s license.
q We “chauffeur” our son/daughter.
q He/she uses a bus.
q He/she rides a bicycle.
q He/she walks
q Transportation related issues/concerns:
B. Living … where do you see your son/daughter living after high school?
q Living with family or relatives.
q Living on a college/university campus.
q Living independently without need of support.
q Living independently with limited support.
q Other:
C. What agency connections do you believe are/will be most helpful to your son/daughter?
q BVS (PA Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services)
q MH (Mental Health)
q MR (Mental Retardation)
q County Assistance Office
q OVR (Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation)
q Pennsylvania Career Link
q Social Security
q Children, Youth and Family Services
q Other:
D. My son/daughter, as appropriate, has:
q Obtained a Social Security number
q Registered to vote (age 18 – optional)
q Registered for selective service (males age 18 – mandatory)
q Participated in CPR training
q Registered for a boat safety course
q Registered for a hunting safety course
q Other:
A. Please check the areas in which your family has concerns or in which you feel your student will need support. Check all that apply and circle your top two concerns:
q Academic scheduling
q Applying for college and/or trade technical school
q Career exploration
q College testing … PSAT/SAT/ACT
q Communication skills
q Community awareness
q Financial aid – grants, loans, scholarships, work-study
q Getting/finding a job
q Goal setting
q Independent living skills
q Leisure time planning
q Participation in clubs, organizations, sports
q Planning for post-secondary education or training
q Preparation for employment
q Self-advocacy skills
q Study/organizational skills
q Transportation
q Vocational education in high school
q Volunteer opportunities
q Other: (please describe)
B. Does your son/daughter know what an IEP is?
q Yes
q No
q I don’t know
C. Did your son/daughter participate in his or her last IEP meeting?
q Yes
q No
q I don’t remember
D. Will you encourage your son/daughter to participate in his or her next IEP meeting?
q Yes
q No
q I/we will consider this request
E. Does your son/daughter understand his or her learning disability (exceptionality) and the accommodations that are in place to aid in his or her academic success?
q Yes
q No
q I’m not sure
F. Is your son/daughter able to discuss his or her learning disability and the required accommodations with teachers, staff, and as appropriate, members of the community? In other words, are they able to be a self-advocate?
q Yes
q No
q I’m not sure
G. What do you believe that your son or daughter needs to do to achieve academic success?
H. What do you believe to be your son/daughter’s motivation to succeed academically?
q High
q Medium
q Low
I. What do you believe that teachers/support staff need to do to support your son or daughter in achieving academic success?
J. What do you believe that your family can do to support your son/daughter in achieving academic success?
K. In which areas do you believe your family needs assistance to help your son/daughter in achieving academic success?
Finally … please make any additional comments that you feel will help make your son or daughter’s education more meaningful to them:
Our Sincere Thanks For Your Efforts!
Your Input Will Be Shared With Learning Support Teachers and School Counselors