Use these questions and activities to learn more about your Senior Corps grant. Write down your answers in a place where you can return to them, as some will build on each other as you progress through the curriculum.

If you have any questions as you proceed, contact your CNCS Program Officer.

Module 2

  1. Return to your list of questions from Module 1. Have any of these been answered?
  2. This module lists a number of key components to sound financial policies and procedures. For each of these components, ask a colleague in your sponsoring organization to walk you through their key elements, and how they correspond to the basic standards the course outlines. If you do not have a colleague who can do that, use the list of individuals you created after Module 1. In some cases, you may choose to add to or strengthen your policies and procedures as you conduct this exercise. The course lists the following areas:
  3. Approval Documentation: Who needs to approve purchases? Are different levels of approval necessary for purchases of different size?
  4. Payroll: How does your organization manage its payroll? What are expectations for timekeeping and approval? Do timekeeping policies align with the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200)? (See the Introduction to Grants and Financial Management for more information on the Uniform Guidance.) It is particularly important for them to allow you to:
  5. Record actual hours worked (rather than just rely on a prospective budget or estimate)
  6. Segregate hours by funding source, so that you can identify specific hours spent working on your Senior Corps grant
  7. Allow you to denote that any time spent fundraising is not included on your CNCS grant
  8. Travel Policies: What approvals are necessary for the organization to spend funds on travel? How are travelers reimbursed? What policies and procedures apply for local travel? For out-of-town travel?
  9. Accounts Receivable: How are accounts receivable realized and collected?
  10. Procurement Policies: How do you ensure that funds are appropriately utilized and documented in purchasing? Do your standards align with the Procurement Standards in the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200)?
  11. Financial Reporting: How do you capture and communicate information so that decision-makers in your organization receive reports in a timely, accurate and complete manner? How will you capture and communicate information so that external stakeholders, such as CNCS, other funders, and the Internal Revenue Service receive reports in a timely, accurate and complete manner? How will you receive the financial information you need in a timely, accurate and complete manner?
  12. Personnel Policies: How are hiring decisions made? Terminations? How is compensation determined? What are your policies and procedures for personal and sick leave? How do these connect to the payroll policies you reviewed earlier?
  1. Using the list of contacts you created after Module 1, ensure you know where to find all of the following forms and documents if needed:
  2. Organizational charts
  3. Personnel action forms
  4. Job descriptions
  5. Voucher/Check requests
  6. Purchase orders
  7. Travel reimbursement
  8. Travel policies and procedures
  9. Information about your Board and/or Advisory Council
  10. IRS Determination Letter, Articles of Incorporation and other foundational and legal documents
  11. Conflict of interest policies for board, management and staff
  12. Records, equipment and property management forms and procedures
  13. Add any new questions you have to your list from Module 1.