School information can be found in our daily bulletin. Assess Fatima’s web site at: www.fatimacomets.org


To access the daily bulletin through YouTube go to Fatima’s Web Page: www.fatimacomets.org. Find a link on the right-hand side on the homepage.


Parents can now sign up to be given access to the Parent Portal. Instructions for doing so have been placed on our web site: www.fatimacomets.org


Students are not allowed to stay after school without teacher supervision. Also, students should not arrive at school before 7:30am.


The Library will be open each morning at 7:30 and will stay open after school Mon through Thurs until 4:30.


Wed – Apr 6 – 7th to 8th Enroll forms DUE

Tues – Apr 12 – Mid-Quarter

Mon – Apr 11 – Board Meeting

Sun – May 8 – HS Graduation Ceremony

Mon – May 9 – HS/JH Awards Assembly

Thurs – MAY 12 – 8th Promotion Ceremony

Fri – May 13 – LAST DAY for 15-16 school year !!!


On Wednesday, March 30th, I met with all 7th grade students and discussed the course selection for 8th grade classes. Hopefully, students brought home their enrollment packet which includes several forms that you, parents, need to complete and return for them be enrolled into 8th grade.

All signed and completed forms (Enrollment form, Transition form and Health form) must be returned to me by Thursday, April 7th, in order for your student to receive a locker for the 2016-2017 school year. J


Eighth grade parents/grandparents mark your calendars for Thursday, May 12th for the 8th grade Promotion Ceremony. We will begin at 2:20 PM and end by 3:00.

All 8th grade students being promoted are expected to dress appropriately, nice slacks/skirts and a dress shirt. No Jeans or T shirts please! The ceremony is scheduled to take place in the HS Gym so parents are encouraged to park close to the gym entrance.

All Junior High Students will be ending their school day at that time, so you may sign them out and take them home with you.

Ms. Stumpe met with all 8th graders during their English Class to discuss expectation and give general information about promotion and an invitation will be sent home with all 8th grade students soon. Please do not hesitate to email Ms. Stumpe at or call (573) 455-2375 if you have concerns or questions.

Summer Sports Camp registration forms are available on Fatima’s athletic web page.

1)  The Vitae Assembly will be held Monday, April 4 at 2:30.

2)  The Eldon JH Relay meet is Friday, April 8. The meet starts at 2:30. If the meet is cancelled due to inclement weather, a text notification will be sent out. If you have not signed up to receive sports text messages, it isn’t too late. Go to www.fatimacomets.org T/Email Alerts to register. Please keep in mind if you select sports updates, you will not receive general notifications (school cancellations, etc.). If you select general notifications, you will not receive sports notifications.

3)  Fatima hosts the Conference Track Meet Tues, April 12. The meet starts at 1:30. This is a JH and HS meet with other schools in our Conference.

4)  Mid-Quarter for Q4 is Tuesday, April 12. Parents of students earning 69% or below in any class will receive a progress report from their teacher.

April 14 – 3:30 PM, School of the Osage JH Track Meet

April 21 – 3:30 PM, Linn JH Track Meet

April 24 – Spring Band/Choir Concert

April 25 – Russellville JH Track Meet


Wednesday, April 11 – Finals in hours 1,3,7 (regular class 5th and 6th hour)

Thursday, April 12 – Finals in hours 2,4,8 (regular class 5th and 6th hour)

Friday, April 13 – Finals in 5th and 6th hour. Fatima will dismiss at 11:22 for the summer.

Summer School registration forms are due by April 8. Summer school will meet every day June 1st through June 28th from 8:00 to 2:30.

The first day of school for the 2016/17 school year is Thursday, August 18. Open House will be Tuesday, August 16, 6:00-8:00 p.m.


Please see flier below concerning a Soccer Camp! Great opportunity to work with 5 English Coaches. For more information contact Kirby Keth or the Westphalia Knights of Columbus.

8th Computers (Mrs. Temmen)

Students have been learning about Internet Safety, Bullying, and Sexting. Ask your son or daughter what they have learned about these topics.

7th Grade English (Ms. Brunnert)

We have wrapped up our nonfiction unit with our research presentations. These presentations went well, and I was greatly impressed with my students’ work. On Friday we will start our final unit of the school year which will revolve around The Island of the Blue Dolphins novel. We will do most, if not all, of the reading in class – if we get behind or are unable to finish the assigned reading in class, it may be homework. Students will have questions to answer as we read, and there will be a final book test once we have finished the novel. Please be sure to remind your child that if he or she needs help or has questions, he or she is welcome to come see me.

8th Grade English (Ms. Brunnert)

We are wrapping up our nonfiction unit early next week and will be moving on to our final unit of the year. This unit will revolve around the reading of our novel The Cay. The reading of this novel will follow the same structure as The Outsiders. Students will be given a packet, containing vocabulary words and reading questions, which is to be completed and turned in on the day of that section’s quiz. Please be sure to remind your child that if he or she needs help or has questions, he or she is welcome to come see me.

7th and 8th Grade Reading (Ms. Brunnert)

We started our second novel in reading class, The City of Ember, earlier this week. As with our Westing Game novel, there is a reading/vocab packet for each section of the book, and each packet is due on the day of that section’s quiz. Please be sure to remind your child that if he or she needs help or has questions, he or she is welcome to come see me.

7th Grade Math (Mrs. K. Stegeman)

In 7th grade math we took a test last week on Rational numbers (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing fractions). Yesterday the students had time to make corrections to their test if needed.

Our next chapter is Ratio, Proportion, and Probability.

7th Math & Explore Math (Mrs. K. Stegeman)

During Explore Math I read the book, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” and last Thursday I treated the students with the movie. Please ask them about this! It was an excellent book and movie.

We will start preparing for the Math part of the MAP test on April 29th

7th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel)

We are quickly wrapping up our chapter on Linear Functions. Much of the work in this chapter was new territory for the students, but they’re handling it well. We should be ready for a test late next week or early the following week. The 7th Grade Math MAP test is scheduled for April 29, so we will spend the time between our next test and then covering a few new topics and reviewing a few old ones in preparation. My pencil supply has dwindled to nothing, so please make sure your student has their own supply! Thank you!

8th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel)

We finished up with Chapter 7 this week. Students took their vocabulary test on Wednesday. I’m excited to say that the grades on the vocab tests have steadily improved all year; students are adjusting to having “definitions in math…ugh!”. We are reviewing for the Chapter test, and will start the test today, finishing up on Friday. I would like to compliment this year’s 8th graders. They are the first 8th grade Pre-Al group to go through our more advanced course, and they have handled it very well! The material is more difficult in order to prepare them for the new MAP test, and I’m very proud of the work they’re doing. Keep it up! That MAP test is scheduled for April 25, so we will spend the next few weeks covering a few new topics and reviewing a few old ones in preparation

Dear Parents,

There are new immunization requirements for school year 2016-2017. All 8th graders are required to have one meningiococcal (MCV) shot as well as a Tdap shot when starting 8th grade. These shots may be given as early as age 11.

All 12th graders are required to have one meningiococcal (MCV) shot after age 16.

Although these rules are new for schools, the guideline has been recommended for several years and it is possible that your student is already immunized.

We, along with the county health department staff, are presently reviewing shot records. I plan to offer an immunization clinic on 4-14-16. With consent, your student may receive vaccinations at school on 4-14-16. Insurance cards will be needed and insurance will be billed when possible. If the student has Medicaid, no insurance or the insurance specifically denies coverage for any vaccine or for a particular vaccine, Vaccine for Children(VFC) will pay for the shot. If there is no insurance coverage, there is a $20 donation fee to defray the cost of supplies. However, no one will be turned away due to inability to pay.

The consents will be sent home as soon as they are available. Call 455-2375 x181 if you have any questions. If your students has received shots, be sure to send the dates to school so that the school record may be updated.

Wanda Rehagen RN

573-455-2375 x 181