King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Academic Year 2011 – 2012 : Summer Session (112)

CHE 203


(Course Credit 3-0-3)

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Habib Al-Ali

Office: 16-218

Tel # 860-2599


TEXTBOOK: (1) Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd ed., by Richard M. Felder and Ronald W. Rosseau, J. Willey (2000). Chapters 7 - 9.

(2) Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 5/e, by

J.C. Smith and H.C. Van Ness, McGraw-Hill (1987). Chapters 3 &5.



Introducing students to thermodynamics. The first law is studied in details including combined mass and energy balances for reactive and non-reactive systems. The equation of state of real gases and liquids is studied. The second law and entropy are also covered.


The first and second laws of thermodynamics are studied in detail. Material covered includes concepts of energy, enthalpy, heat effects, conservation of energy, interaction between heat transfer, mechanical work and chemical energy liberation, equation of state, behavior of gases and liquids and standard heat of reaction, formation and combustion. Study of combined mass and energy balances.

Course Outline

From Textbook 1.

Energy and Energy Balances (Chapter 7).

First Law of Thermodynamics.

Kinetic and Potential Energy.

Energy Balances on Closed Systems.

Energy Balances on Open Systems.

Tables of Thermodynamic Data.

Energy Balance on a One-Component Process.

Joule’s Experiment.

Equilibrium and Reversible Process.

Balances on Non-Reactive Process (Chapter 8).

State Properties and Hypothetical Process Paths.

Heat Capacities of Gases, Liquids, Solids, Mixtures.

Energy Balance on Single-Phase Systems.

Phase Change Operations (Heat of Vaporization, Psychometric Charts).

Heat of Solution and Mixing.

Enthalpy-Concentration Diagrams.

Balances on Reactive Process (Chapter 9).

Heat of Reaction, Hess’s Law.

Heat of Formation, Heat of Combustion.

Combined Mass and Energy balances.

Adiabatic Flame Temperature.


From Textbook 2.

Volumetric Properties of Pure Fluids (Chapter 3).

Equation of State.

Summary of Application of Virial Equation, Cubic Equation, and General Correlation Ideal Gas Relationships (Constant V, P, T, Adiabatic, Polytropic) and Examples.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Chapter 5).

Statements of the Second Law.

The Heat Engine.

Thermodynamic Temperature Scales.

Carnot Cycle for an Ideal Gas and Examples.


Entropy Changes of an Ideal Gas and Examples.

Principle of the Increase of Entropy and Examples.


Quizzes 10%

First Major Exam (Thursday 1st of March) 30%

Second Major Exam(Thursday 12th of April) 30%

Final Exam 30%

. Note:

All examinations and quizzes are close-book and notes exams.

Class attendance is very important.

Students absent 6 times will receive a warning; 9 times a grade of DN.

Late attendance is not allowed at all.