Knights of Columbus Pope John Paul II Assembly 2937 Meeting Minutes for July 24, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Faithful Navigator Dave Stauber

Opening prayer – David Barnett

Roll Call of Officers:

F Friar (Fr Frank Quezada) – excused F Purser (Bernie Kuta) – present

F Navigator (Dave Stauber) - present F Inner Sentinel (Terry Sandrock) – present

F Admiral (David Barnett) – present F Outer Sentinel (Kurt Bradley) – excused

F Captain (Rich Starr) – present F Trustee 1 Year (David Caton) - excused

F Pilot (John Wheeler) – present F Trustee 2 Year (Chet Elder) – excused

F Comptroller (Bruce Allen) – present F Trustee 3 Year (Ed Belen) – absent

F Scribe (Kurt Haneke) – present

Minutes of the previous meeting were: read by Terry Sandrock & approved as read.

The following Bills & Communications were read: No bills;

Collected 6-7 dues; Al Getz transferred to Assembly 50

F Comptroller reported: No report

F Purser reported: The General Fund checking balance is $2401.69; chalice savings account $2753.03

The following committees reported:

Admission: Deacon Ed DeMattee has asked to join the Assembly; he needs to fill out Form 4; motion was made to accept Deacon Ed by Bernie Kuta; seconded by Bruce Allen; discussion as to accept & whether dues are charged the Deaconate; motion passed to accept Deacon Ed; dues waived by F Navigator Dave Stauber

Color Corps Commander: John Wheeler - no report

Membership: Received email request from Rich Bowers for Joseph Burr as a transfer member; Joseph Burr will need to complete a Form 4; Discussion Re: Robert Postolski – needs to attend a 4th degree exemplification;

Next scheduled exemplifications – Sunday, Sept. 18th in Denver Council Hall #539 with mass following at Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception;

Saturday, Oct. 22nd at Our Lady of Loretto in Foxfield

Unfinished Business: Town Center Flag Project tabled

Trustees reported as follows: The Trustees & Faithful Navigator will perform an audit

New Business:

* Bernie Kuta showed an article in Today’s Catholic newspaper of Council members in San Luis doing work there. Keith Lowry and John Wheeler will try to get this into the Columbia magazine.

* John Wheeler suggested gathering to lead the rosary with the parish regularly.

* David Caton suggested having a conversation with Deacon Ed about working with veterans.

* Bernie said that Father Frank would like us to be more spiritual, intentional, and visible.

* Bernie completed a Form 990 showing our charitable accomplishments for the Assembly.

* Dave Stauber showed a brochure for recruitment to the 4th Degree & spoke of creating the following committees for the Assembly; Admissions Committee: tied in with recruitment; interview; reach out to current Council membership to grow the Assembly. Bernie Kuta and Dave Barnett volunteered to take this on. Membership Committee: retention; Social Committee: discussion of how we can be more involved as an Assembly; Robert Seydel suggested something like Cuisine for the Spirit or meeting at a restaurant to have discussions; could be tied in to a corporate mass; grow the sense of community; target 2nd and 3rd degree members. Dave Stauber suggested something special outside of church grounds; 73 members would receive an invitation; Robert Seydel suggested sending an email to all members inviting them to a function.

Welfare Committee; discussion to reach out to family members of those that have passed on; have a mass in their honor; talk to their wives, children, etc.; a rosary for military active duty & sending an email to their parents stating that we are praying for them; Are pictures of those in the military at the church being prayed for? Rich Starr volunteered to take on & coordinate with the church, the photo display case for military service members.

For the good of the order: Chet Elder, Brian Butler, Ali Stapleton, Jim Holton, Teagan Brooks, Father Larry Solan, David Ulmer, Fr John Auer, Roman Turchiano, JoAnn Kline, Kolleen, Nancy Peterson, Chet Elder’s niece, John Wheeler, Bev Sandrock, Terry Stoltz, Myron Nelson, Toom & Brianne Houdt, Andrew Stauber, Patty Allen, Richard Seydel

Closing prayers recited by Dave Stauber