- Menus will be plan menus by the Food and Nutrition Services Manager with the input from staff and parents by using menu suggestion boxes.Menus willmeet 2/3 of the child’s daily recommended allowances.
- A set of menu cycles will be modified for birth to three year old children.
- The menus will meet or exceed the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and Licensing minimum requirements.
- The menus will include a good-to-excellent source of vitamin A three times a week and a good-to-excellent source of vitamin C daily.
- The menus will be distributed to the centers one-month prior to their opening in the fall.
- The menus will be posted in the kitchen, in each classroom and on the parent bulletin board.
- The menus will be dated weekly with month, days and year (e.g., August 10-14, 2008).
- Any menu changes must be noted on the posted menu in the kitchen, classroom, and on the parent bulletin board.
- A copy of menu cycle will be made available for parents in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
The list of food items needed for the program year (based on the menu cycle) is sent for bidevery three years in May. The Purchasing Department is responsible for the bid process. The Food and Nutrition Services Manager will determine the list of food items and chemicals needed. The list will be compiled in April of each bid year and submitted to the Purchasing Department. New contracts for vendors are effective for two years, and 1 year optional from August 1 to July 31 of the next program year.
1.Weekly Orders (Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
- The Cook at each site will compile the food orders for items needed based on the menus plus the inventory on hand.
- Food will be ordered weekly by the Cook I using an approved food order form from the vendor. The Cook I is responsible for submitting the food orders to the food vendor weekly by the required time. (See Procedure)
- The vendor and agency will agree upon delivery days each contractyear.
- The Cook I will maintain a copy of the food order to ensure food delivered is accurate.
- The Cook I will directly place milk orders with the milk delivery person ateach site. The delivery person will schedule delivery days with the Cook I at each site.
- Non-food supplies will be ordered on an as needed basisby the Cook. The order will be approved by the SiteManager of each site and e-mailed to the appropriate vendor. The vendor will inform the Food and Nutrition Services Manager of the budgeted amount and orders bye-mail on the 20th of each month. The Food and Nutrition Services Manager will place the dollar amount on the computerized estimate form for the month. The estimate will be forwarded to the Purchasing Department. USDA will pay 85% of this cost. (See Procedure). Any expenses charged to USDA will be allowable costs.
- Paper goods for the kitchen will be ordered by the cook and Site Manager. The Site Manager will approve all orders. The supplies will be ordered on an as-needed basis. Orders will be sent to vendor electronically.
Note:In the event of broken equipment or shortage of foodservice staff, a two-day supply of paper goods must be available at all times. This should include paper cups, paper plates, plastic forks, knives, spoons and napkins.
Receipts (Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
- Cook I, Cook Assistant, Site Manager or Nutrition Specialistis authorized to sign receipts from vendors.
- It is the primary responsibility of the Cook I to ensure that receipts are submitted to the Food and Nutrition Services Manager. The receipts will be reviewed the department manager for accuracy and cost. The Cook will submitmilk receipts and food vendor receiptson Friday of each week. When the month ends in the middle of the week, receipts are due on the first work day after the end of the month. Receipts must be sent via interoffice mail. The Food and Nutrition Services Manager will report indications of suspicious ordering or over ordering to the Site Manager.
Delivery of Foods (Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
- The staff (Cook 1, Assistant, Site Manager or Nutrition Specialist) person will be responsible for checking all deliveries and for the acceptance or rejection of food items. The Nutrition Specialist is responsible for providing proper training to all staff that will be responsible for checking food deliveries.
- The staff (Cook I, Assistants, Site Manager or Nutrition Specialist) must examine food when delivered to the center to ensure that the food is not spoiled, dirty, or infested with insects or rodents.
- The Staff (Cook I, Assistants, Site Manager or Nutrition Specialist) person will reject any food items showing signs of decay, damaged packaging, and foul smell, unlabeled items and frozen foods are frozen.
- Reject food items upon delivery by circling the name of the food item being rejected on the invoice and writing "returned" next to the food item. Dented cans must be reported to the vendor by the Nutrition Specialist.
- Any food item that needs to be returned after the delivery person has left must be called into the assigned Nutrition Specialist.
- The foods will be dated when received so that the oldest items are used firstin first out (FIFO).
- Food service personnel must sign all receipts at the time of delivery.
- Deliveries must be made to the center before or by 4:00 p.m. on approved delivery days by the vendor. Orders received after 4:30 are not to be accepted and the late delivery must be reported the Food and Nutrition Services Managerimmediately. NOTE:If orders arerejected, the vendor does not have to guarantee the order for next day delivery. You should consider your food on hand before rejecting the order. It could take as long as 3 days.
- There should and must be a Cook I and Cook Assistant on duty until 4:00p.m. each day. If the food service personnel have left for the day, the Site Manager is responsible for making arrangements to accept the food order.
Storage of Food and Non-Food Supplies
Storage of food and non-food supplies will meet or exceed Head Start, CACFP and Health Department guidelines. Listed below is a condensed list of those guidelines:
Refrigerator and Freezer Storage (Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
- A thermometer will be located in the refrigerator and freezers near the door.
- Refrigerator temperature will be 40 degrees F or below; freezer temperature must be zero degrees F or below. Refrigerator and freezer temperatures must be recorded 2 xs per day on the Storage Temperature Log.
- The Nutrition Specialist will review the log each week to ensure that the refrigerator and or freezer are working properly and the procedure is being followed. When the temperature is above the standard 40 degrees for refrigerator or 0 degrees for the freezer, the Nutrition Specialist must document the observations to the Site Manager.The Site Manager must complete a purchase order and submit the POto the purchasing department for repair.
- Prepared foods needing refrigeration will remain in the refrigerator until time of service.
- Don’t overcrowd the refrigerator and/or freezer; air should be able to circulate around walls and individual food items. All food items must be removed from their original containers before being placed in the refrigerator or freezer.
- Defrost foods in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, not at room temperature.
- Personal food items will not be kept in the refrigerator or freezer.
- Leftover food in the refrigerator or freezer will be completely covered and dated with month, day and year.
- Leftovers in the refrigerator will not be kept for more than two days. For example: leftovers refrigerated on Monday need to be thrown out Wednesday.
- Medication requiring refrigeration will be placed in a covered and labeled container and separated from food.
- Clean refrigerators and freezers by specifications (See Procedures).
Storeroom Storage Procedures(Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
- All foods will be stored six inches above the floor.
- All foods in the storeroom will be dated with date of purchase (month and year only).
- Food will be used on a first-in/first-out basis (FIFO).
- Bulk foods (such as sugar and flour) not stored in their original packages will be stored in covered containers identifying the food by its common name.
- Opened boxes of crackers and cookies will be stored in plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.
- All cleaning supplies will be stored in a locked compartment or well above the reach of children.
- All cleaning supplies will be kept separate from food, dishes and utensils.
- All cleaning supplies and poisonous materials will be clearly labeled by their common name.
- Storeroom floors and shelves must cleaned by specifications. (See Procedures)
Meal Preparation (Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
Cooks are responsible for the preparation of all meals at the center. Meal preparation practices will meet or exceed the Head Start, CACFP and Health Department guidelines.
- The Nutrition Specialist is responsible for assisting the Cook in maintaining the standards regarding food preparation.
- All meals will be prepared and served by the time designated in current CACFP contract. The meal service schedule will be posted in the kitchen and classroom. The classroom room schedule and CACFP meal service schedule must be adhered to at all times. Meals should be prepared so the final product is ready just prior to meal service.
- Food thermometers must be available at all sites to ensure the proper internal cooking and holding temperatures of all foods. The temperature of all hot and cold menu items at breakfast, lunch and snack must be recorded daily on the Daily Temperature Form. The temperatures will be recorded 2x prior to serving the meal.
- A dated sample of each item on the lunch menu will be saved each day; in case of a food-borne illness outbreak.
Standardized Recipes
The Nutrition content area will provide standardized recipes to each center each year. Recipes should be closely adhered, but each Cook may add flavored to meet the ethnicity of the center.
Substitutions made by the Cook must be of similar nutritive value. The Site Manager must be informed of any substitutions. Get prior approval from the Nutrition Specialist if you are unsure that the menu meets the Child and Adult Care Food guidelines. Substitutions made without meeting the guidelines must have disallowances of meals. Any substitutions made without a manager’s signature will be considered as non-compliant. The Site Manager must approve substitutions by signing substitution form. (See Procedure)
There are no substitutions for milk. It is the sole responsibility of the Site Manager to decide how milkwill be purchased to meet the Child and Adult Care Food Guidelines.
Milk must be part of the meal to be creditable and reimbursable unless otherwise indicated by doctor.
Meal Service (Refer to Annual CACFP Training)
A cart is set up for each classroom with all necessary items for meal service. Meals are served "family style" in each classroom (See Procedures). Each table must have its own serving bowls, serving spoons and pitchers. Food will be covered or completely wrapped during transportation to classrooms. Meals will not be served on or in paper plates, cups,forks and spoons unless ½ of the foodservice personnel is absent andan automatic dish machine is not available or working. A napkin may be used at snack when graham crackers, saltine crackers, wheat crackers, cookies, sandwiches, chicken nuggets, pizzaand fresh fruits are served; howevercanned fruit, milk, juice cannot be served in paper cups and plates.
Meal Service Times (Refer to Annual CACFP Training)
The Nutrition Specialist must ensure that the following meal service times are being followed by using the following guidelines:
- Three hours will elapse between the beginning of one meal and the beginning of another meal (breakfast and lunch). Breakfast and lunch schedules will vary from center to center.
- Two hours will elapse between a meal and a snack. (Lunch and snack).Snack times will vary between centers. Snack times will vary from center to center.
NOTE: In the event of a field trip, meals and or snacks may be claimed up to 2 hours. For example: Lunch begins at 12:00 p.m. Two classrooms are on a field trip and will return at 1:30 p.m. The returning children meals may be claimed because they ate within the 2 hour timeframe. NOTE: Lunch must be reserved forchildren and staff who attended the field trip. The agency must make every effort to ensure that the meals are served at the center. (See Procedure)
Seconds (Refer to Annual CACFP Training)
Appetites vary among children and in the same child from day-to-day. Approximately three to five servings per classroom must be prepared to have enough food available for seconds. All foods prepared must be sent to the classrooms and not maintained in the kitchen.
Classroom Meal Service Guidelines ( Refer to Annual CACFP Training)
Providing for the developmental and socialization needs of children during mealtime is the responsibility of the Teacher. However, the Nutrition Specialist is responsible for ensuring the nutrition program guidelines are being adhered. Listed below are specifications for providing a physical, socialand emotional environment during mealtime:
- Hand washing will precede each meal, including Teachers.
- Children are requiredto eat in small groups of five to seven, including adults.
- Each classroom will have a bucket with soapy water and a towel or sponge for cleaning up spills.
- Spills are cleaned up immediately by the child with assistance from the Teacher, if needed.
- Do not use food as reward or punishment. Encourage but do not force children to taste, eat or accept new food.
- Do not force or require children to "clean their plates."This includes stickers, hand clapping, hugs or any acknowledgement of eating all their food or any type of food from their plate.
- Children will participate in pre-meal activities such as cleaning and setting the table.
- Meal service begins as soon as children are seated.
- Children will begin to eat as soon as all foods are served to them.
- The Teacher allows the children to serve themselves.
- The Teacher should eat the same food as the children to demonstrate enjoyment and an accepting attitude, unless medical reasons warrant a different menu. If the Teacher is on a special diet, this will be explained to the children.
- Pleasant table conversation (not limited to food and nutrition) will be encouraged. However, discussing children's dislikes of foods will be discouraged.
- Teachers are not allowed to discuss their personal attitude toward the meals or snack in the presence of the children.
- Teachers are only required to eat lunch with children.
- The schedule will allow children sufficient time to eat (approximately 30 minutes). More time will be allowed if necessary.
- Children will help clean up after meals.
- Children are closely watched by the Teacher to instruct and remind them with respect to how to pass food and serve themselves.
- Children cover their mouths and/or noses when coughing or sneezing.
- The Cook should be informed of foods not well received by the children.
- Children are brushing their teeth after breakfast and lunch. Brush after snack when sweets are served to children ( i.e. birthday cakes)
The Nutrition Specialist will inform the Site Manager of areas of noncompliance in the CACFP and Head Start Performance Standard area.
The Site Manager must address areas of noncompliance with the Nutrition Specialist and Cook. A corrective action plan must be submitted to the Nutrition Resource Associate by the Site Manager. The corrective action will be written on the bottom of the monthly evaluation form.
If the problem persists, the noncompliance issues will be submitted to the Associate Head Start Director for immediate remediation.
Dish-Washing (Refer to CACFP Accountability Schedule)
Mechanical and hand dishwashing procedures will meet local health standards.
Chlorine strips will be available at each center to test sanitizing solution. The chlorinestrip must indicate that the sanitizing solution is 50 ppm for manual dish-washing.Chemical Test Strips is used to test the chemicals solution in automatic dishwashing. The sanitizing solution should not exceed 100.