Paperwork Procedures

Re- Evaluation/3 Year Re-Evaluation

The intent of WebKIDSS is to have all special education paperwork housed electronically and an accurate database of all Tri-County students.

Re-Evaluation and Annual IEP must occur simultaneously. All assumed providers should be communicating about student needs and progress. Communication is key so that parents and providers do not have to meet more than is necessary. Ease of option for an Amendment is a thing of the past. If a new service is being added, this may require a New Annual IEP meeting.

1.  Evaluation Team lead (usually School Psychologist, but may be a related service provider if it is an OT, PT and/or SL only referral) will complete the Prior Written Notice for Re-Evaluation and Request for Consent (form in WebKIDSSs) and send to legal education decision maker with Parental Rights. If “No additional information is needed” then that box needs to be checked. Each option requires a Team Evaluation Report be completed and signed by entire IEP team prior to or on the Three-year anniversary date.

Re-Evaluation Not Needed Agreement Form does not require parental consent in advance of Re-evaluation anniversary date. The date of the parental signature will become the new re-evaluation procedural date and a Team Evaluation Report is not needed.

These forms are located in the forms section of WebKIDSS.

2.  Once consent is received, the Evaluation Team Leader date stamps the date the consent was received and shares that consent was received to all team members that need to evaluate through email.

3.  If it is anticipated that an IEP will be created due to anticipated eligibility, a new IEP document must be created by Jennifer Palmer.

4.  Log in to WebKIDSS,

Choose the Group: Add Students (MIS, Rtrn, New)

Under Business Options select: Enter Data into Forms

Choose Form: Entering/Returning 13-14

Complete ALL fields. The “Additional Information” is important. This form is used for other purposes. Please specify in this area “Re-Evaluation and IEP”. IEP date is required to create student, so have an estimated date to provide on this form. (If this changes, just send Jennifer Palmer a regular email stating IEP date change.) If there is an unknown field, then enter “n/a”. Then select the “Email Document” button at top of page. This will automatically email to Jennifer Palmer.

Once a new IEP record has been created by Jennifer, the person making the request has access to a new IEP record. Previous IEP will be archived. The school Psychologist or Related Service Provider is responsible for updating the date of “Re-Evaluation Consent Received date” and the “Re-Evaluation date” on Dates page.

5.  Prior to 10 days before the anticipated evaluation team meeting, the Evaluation Team Leader notifies parent and other required Evaluation Team participants (1. Parents 2. Local Education Authority (principal, designee, etc.) 3. General Education Teacher 4. Special Education Teacher/Service Provider (s). 5. Person who can explain the evaluation results) by sending Notice of Meeting with Parent Concerns (form in WebKIDSS) at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting date. The parent can choose to waive the 10 days, but then this box must be marked:

/ I consent to waive my right to a 10-day prior written notice of the meeting to develop, review or revise the IEP for my child.

The purpose(s) of the meeting must be identified. If a draft IEP is to be presented, then this box must be marked:

/ If it is determined that your child is eligible, or continues to be eligible for special education and related services, the IEP team will develop an individualized education program (IEP) for your child and determine the appropriate placement.
The team will make its decisions based upon the results of the evaluation procedures which we previously told you we would administer in the Notice of Proposed Evaluation and Request for Consent, which you signed. The team will also consider the strengths of your child and any recommendations you have for enhancing the education of your child.

6.  During the Evaluation Team meeting, a determination of eligibility occurs by reviewing the Team Evaluation Report. (includes report, eligibility and agree/disagree)

_  Must include all test information and scores

_  Team Evaluation Report must be used and address all eligibility issues. An individual report is optional.

7.  a. Student Qualifies for services: An IEP draft is prepared to present at the Evaluation Meeting. The IEP is prepared by the teachers and related service providers and the information is shared with the team and parents. The services must be implemented no later than 10 days after the IEP and consent are signed, but cannot exceed the total 60 day timeline. Prior Written Notice for Identification and Placement must be signed before any services can occur (this is documentation of parent consent of identification, services, and educational placement). Parental Rights are offered and available annually – Tri-County Interlocal requires Parental Rights be offered at each Evaluation and each Annual IEP.

·  If a release of information is needed for Doctors, Mental Health, outside family & agencies, parent must sign Authorization of Disclosure form

·  The School Psychologist or Related Service Provider must be contacted to make available a Prior Written Notice for Identification, Initial Services, Placement, Change in Services, Change of Placement, and Request for Consent. This is required and requires parent consent.

b. Student DOES NOT Qualify for services: If the student is determined “Not eligible for special education and related services”, parents are provided with the form Prior Written Notice for Identification and Placement (parent signature/consent is required).

·  Complete Exit paperwork

·  If parent refuses to sign student out of services, then services continue until administrative involvement occurs. (If team suspects parental disagreement before meeting, prior consultation with administration is advised.)

8.  Any changes made to the paper copy of the IEP must be updated within the WebKIDSS. System. Make sure all paperwork is copied and given to parent, a copy is left for teacher file, and all originals are sent to the main office to the MIS clerk within 10 days. IEP will be locked by main office.

9.  Required Paperwork to turn in to main office/MIS:

Student Qualifies for Service:

_  Teacher Information Page

_  Medicaid Authorization Form signed by parent/guardian

_  Spectra Form

_  General Education Intervention and/or Screening

_  Prior Written Notice for Initial Evaluation and Request for Consent

_  Team Evaluation Report (includes Team Eval Report, Eligibility, Agree/Disagree)

_  Prior Written Notice for Identification and Placement

_  Authorization of Disclosure (if any non-school members will be contacted or included in meeting)

_  Notice of Meeting

_  Parent Concerns

_  IEP

_  Excusal From Meeting Form (when required team member is absent form meeting)

_  Student Information Form (make copy for Building Secretary)

_  Tri-County Paperwork Checklist (Required – New)

_  Other:

Student Does Not Qualify for Services:

_  General Education Intervention and/or Screening

_  Prior Written Notice for Initial Evaluation and Request for Consent

_  Team Evaluation Report (includes Team Eval Report, Eligibility, Agree/Disagree)

_  Prior Written Notice for Identification No Services

_  Notice of Meeting

_  Tri-County Paperwork Checklist (Required – New)

Updated 6/2/15