Trustee Application Form

Student Volunteering Cardiff (SVC)

5-7 Museum Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BD

TELEPHONE: 029 216 76780


Data Protection

The information provided on this application form will remain private and confidential and will be used for the purpose of recruitment / selection, for subsequent administration if the application is successful and for statistical purposes with regards to Equal Opportunities monitoring. SVC will retain any unsuccessful applications on file for twelve months, should you wish to have feedback. Successful applications will be retained on the trustee’s file.

Completing your Application

Use BLACK ink, ballpoint pen, or typescript and do not leave any section blank.

CVs must not be substituted for any part of the application form and may only be submitted as supplementary information.

On completion of your application, please return this form to the SVC Office or electronically to marked PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.

Position Applied for: (please state the position(s) you would like to be considered for, maximum of two)

Where did you learn of this position? (If social media or website, please state which one)

Personal Details

Title: / First Name(s): / Surname:
Address: / Contact Telephone Numbers:

Evening/Night time:



Status for next academic year 2017-2018:

(SVC is a student-led charity so certain positions are reserved specifically for students. Please check the role description for the position(s) you are interested in, before applying)


Undergraduate Student

☐1st Year

☐ 2nd Year

☐ 3rd Year

☐ 4th Year

☐ Placement Year


Postgraduate Student

☐ Taught

☐ Research


Community Member



☐ Other

(Please state)


I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all particulars I have given are complete and true. I understand that any false declaration or misleading statement or any significant omission may disqualify me from the position and render me liable to dismissal.

I understand that any offer is subject to satisfactory references, a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure by the Disclosure and Barring Service. By signing this document, I give you consent to contact my referees.

I am aware this role is voluntary and an unpaid position on the board of trustees for SVC for the term of April 2017 until April 2018.

I understand that upon accepting a position, I must complete a term of one year and reapply onto the board if I wish to retain my position.

Name (Print) ______

Signed: ______Date: ______



Office use only

All positions are subject to the receipt of satisfactory references. Please provide the details of two appropriate referees to whom confidential enquires may be made.

If you are not in employment, please provide contact details of two personal referees who have given their permission to be approached for a reference. These must be people who know you well but are NOT relatives or friends.

Name (Ref 1)

/ /

Name (Ref 2)



/ /



How they know you:

/ /

How they know you:



/ /



/ /



Telephone No:

/ /

Telephone No:

Approach for Reference:


At any time ☐

Only after appointment ☐


Approach for Reference:


At any time ☐

Only after appointment ☐

Please note if you are currently an SVC volunteer/lead volunteer then we should already have references for you, and you do no need to resupply this information.


Office use only:

Anonymized Number:



Training / Courses

Please list any list any training courses attended, including professional courses and education. (E.g. 1st Aid Training, Manual Handling etc)



Name of Organisation / Training Provider / College etc


Course Title and Duration


Outcome / Result

(Pass/Fail, Grade etc)

Most Recent Employer/Voluntary Experience

Name & address of present / last employer


Job title


Responsibilities / Duties

Start Date:


End Date:


This position was

Full Time ¨ Part Time ¨ Voluntary ¨

Previous Employment/Voluntary Experience

Please start with your most recent job and work backwards, accounting for any gaps. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Name & address of previous employer(s)


Job title

Description of duties and responsibilities


From – To



Reason for leaving



Office use only

Q1. Please read thoroughly the Role Description and Person Specification provided with this form.

Describe your skills, experience and qualifications, providing examples where appropriate as evidence of your ability to meet the requirements of the role(s) you are applying for. Ensure you refer to the position(s) you have applied for to allow the shortlisting panel to judge how well you would perform in this role.

[Please use the space provided to give a detailed answer. Answers should be no longer than 500 words.]

Questions Continued

Q2. Please read thoroughly the Role Description and Person Specification provided with this form.

Tell us why you want to be a Trustee for SVC? Tell us what essential qualities you think are needed in the role.

[Please use the space provided to give a detailed answer. Answers should be no longer than 500 words.]

Questions Continued

Q3. Please read thoroughly the Role Description and Person Specification provided with this form.

Please give an account of the range of activities you would expect to undertake as a Trustee.

[Please use the space provided to give a detailed answer. Answers should be no longer than 500 words].

Questions Continued

Q4. Please read thoroughly the Role Description and Person Specification provided with this form.

As a trustee you will be responsible for the running of the charity. What specific challenges and opportunities do you think SVC and the voluntary sector face and how would you approach these proactively as a trustee?

[Please use the space provided to give a detailed answer. Answers should be no longer than 500 words.]

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

It is not compulsory to complete this form and it will be separated from your application.

In order to ensure that SVC continues to monitor equal opportunities, we are gathering information which will be used for research purposes and to consider the diversity of the board. All information will be treated as confidential and will be separated from application forms on receipt. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the above, please speak to the SVC manager.

Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?
☐ Male
☐ Female
☐ In another way
☐ Prefer not to answer / ☐ 16-24
☐ 25-34
☐ 35-44
☐ 45-54
☐ 55-64
☐ 65+
☐ Prefer not to answer
☐ Gay woman / Lesbian
☐ Gay man
☐ Bisexual / ☐ Heterosexual
☐ Another
☐ Prefer not to answer
☐ UK/British, including English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, Cornish, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
☐ From within the European Union (and not UK / British) / ☐ From outside the European Union
☐ Prefer not to answer
ETHNICITY – With which ethnic group do you most identify?
Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British
☐ Indian
☐ Pakistani
☐ Bangladeshi
☐ Any other Asian background
Black, Black Welsh or Black British
☐ Caribbean
☐ African
☐ Any other Black background
Chinese or other ethnic group
☐ Chinese
☐ Any Other / Mixed
☐ White and Black Caribbean
☐ White and Black African
☐ White and Asian
☐ Any other mixed background
☐ Welsh
☐ English
☐ Scottish
☐ Northern Irish
☐ Irish
☐ Gypsy or traveller
☐ Any other White background
☐ Prefer not to answer
☐ Atheism
☐ Agnosticism
☐ Buddhism
☐ Christianity
☐ Hinduism / ☐ Islam
☐ Judaism
☐ Sikhism
☐ None
☐ Any other religion
Can you understand, speak, read or write Welsh? (Tick all that apply)
☐ Understand spoken Welsh
☐ Speak Welsh
☐ Read Welsh
☐ Write Welsh
☐ None of the above / Do you consider yourself to have a specific learning disability, other disability, impairment or long-term health condition?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Prefer not to answer
☐ Through a friend
☐ Your university
☐ Your Students’ Union
☐ SVC website
☐ Social media
☐ Marketing material / advert
☐ Jobcentre
☐ Partner organisation
☐ Volunteering Bureau
☐ Other (please specify) …………………………………………………
What is the name of your place of study? / What is the level of your course?
☐ Sixth form
☐ University undergraduate
☐ University postgraduate
What year are you in?
☐ 1st
☐ 2nd
☐ 3rd
☐ 4th / Are you in part-time employment?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Prefer not to answer
What is your current status?
☐ Employed (full-time or part-time)
☐ Self-employed
☐ Unemployed
☐ Retired / If in employment, what is your occupation?




Here is a copy of the person specification that the selection panel will use to score your application, so please ensure you have evidenced these criteria honestly in your answers to all of the questions.

1.  – No comments or evidence.
2.  – Some evidence meets criteria.
3.  – More than basic evidence and experience.
4.  – Evidence relevant and a wealth of experience.
Criteria / Shortlist Score
1 = Poor / 2 = Acceptable / 3 = Good / 4 = Excellent
Application / Discussion / Application / Discussion / Application / Discussion / Application / Discussion
1. The ability to communicate effectively with all of our stakeholders and beneficiaries both in writing and verbally
2. Understanding or an interest in the work of the voluntary sector and the challenges and opportunities charities face
3. Involvement in team working
4. An understanding of the needs of the people that SVC support
5. An understanding of the role
6. Time management skills and the ability to commit the time required to the role
7. The ability to be involved with and to take responsibility for decisions made on the board