(unofficial translation – to be used only as a guideline to the Italian version – Allegato 9)

Every scholarship recipient is covered with an accident and health insurance policy during the whole duration of the scholarship period.

He/She will get refund (according to the insurance agreement, between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the insurance company Assitalia, policy n. 100/00352716) for the following:

a)Urgent hospitalization due to accident, illness or maternity(followed or not by surgical intervention) in the structures of the “National Health Service - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale” or in other structures part of the medical insurance plan. For such expenditures there is no refund limit.Theexpenses,due to the possible transportation of the injured and his/her companionto healthcare centresare included as well.

b)Medical expenses related to diagnostic examinations made 60 days prior to hospitalizationand related to the same.

c)Expenses for medical examinations, medicines, physiotherapy, thermal treatments (hotel stay expenses excluded), made up to 90 days after surgery and related to the same. For expenses concerning points b) and c) the insurance company will refund up to €3000 per year.

d)Expenses made for the purchase of medicines (uponspecific medical prescriptions)up to€600 per year.

e)Expenses made for medical treatments, x-ray examinations, dental care (partial dentures excluded) up to €600 per year.

f)In case of decease of the scholarship recipient due to disease or accident, the insurance company will refund the expenses concerning the repatriation of the corpse, upon evidence of the original receipts, up to a maximum of€ 12000.

g)In case of decease of the scholarship recipient due to accident during the period of stay in Italy his/her family will get € 150000.

h)€200000 (or an amount proportional to the level of disability) in case of permanent disability as stated in the art. 10 of “Sezione I del Capitolato Speciale”.

Rules to follow in case of accident or illness

1)Refund applications are to be sent by post to the insurance company (Assitalia) through Broker Marsh S.p.A. within 30 days from the date of the “event”, enclosing the relative medical certifications, the bills and any other proof/document required by the insurance company.

2)The scholarship recipient must inform by post the insurance company Assitalia (through Broker Marsh S.p.A.) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ministero degli Affari Esteri about any illness or accident within 30 days, specifying place, date, hour and the causes that have determined it. The letter must contain the relative medical certificate.

3)In order to obtain refund for medical examinations, x-rays or dental care (partial denture excluded), the scholarship recipient must send the originals or fax the following documents:

-Copy of medical prescription and of anydoctor’s bills;

-Original receipts from the chemistry;

-Copy of the scholarship assignment letter;

Always clarify the proper name, surname, address and telephone number.

To: Marsh S.p.A., Piazza Marconi 25 00144 ROMA – Tel: 06/545161 Fax: 06/54516396

4)The insurance coverage starts with the scholarship commencement date i.e., from the moment of the arrival of the scholarship recipient in Italy and ends when he/she finishes his/her study period (inclusive of the return trip to country of origin trip).