Parents should have all received an e-mail over the Easter break directing you to the activity plan for this term and requesting help from Parents for a number of sessions. If you haven’t already done so, please can you all have a look at this message and let me know as soon as possible if you are able to help. If we do not receive sufficient offers of help we will not be able to deliver the planned activities.

Thursday 12th May – Local Knowledge Treasure Hunt

Permission Slip Required – Please return next week

Next week we are planning a Local Walk leaving and returning to the Church Hall within the normal session times. For this, and future similar activities later this term, please find a Permission Slip attached. Please ensure you return this completed next week or it may not be possible to complete the activity.

Please also ensure that your Child attends Cubs each week wearing his/her full uniform, including their Necker. Please ensure they are wearing appropriate footwear such as trainers or shoes, to take part in the activities. Please also make sure they have a jacket or jumper appropriate for the outside weather conditions on the night. You will be notified if there are any special arrangements for the session.

Thursday 19th May – Summer Term Hike

Drop off 6.30pm Surprise View Car Park,(Opp.Royalty Inn) Otley Chevin. LS21 3DG

Pick Up 8.30pm Otley Library Car Park, Nelson St/Charles St, Otley. LS21 1EZ

Cost £2 for Pizza Supper.

Please bring a drinks bottle for bring the walk and for the supper. Come in Uniform wearing suitable footwear and clothing for the weather conditions. This is a joint activity with the Scout Section. Parents, with a Scout CRB, are welcome to join us.

Wednesday 22nd June – Twenty20 Cricket – Reply by 27th May

We are repeating last year’s very successful event. Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their Families are invited to join us for the Twenty20 Cricket at Headingley. Tickets are priced as follows:- Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Free, Child £1 and Adults £5. Please let Peter know how many tickets you would like in person or by e-mail . The match starts at 5.40pm and we will be meeting in the ground but if there are any Cubs who would like to attend without another family member please let us know. There will still be a meeting as normal on the Thursday. Payment will be required by the 16th June.

Future Dates

Church Parade – Sunday 3rd July 2011

Group Camp – Bradley Woods – 15th to 17th July 2011

Family Camp – Wike Campsite – August 2011


Akela’s contact details are:- Mark Playford

Telephone 07886103287


Cub Scout Behaviour Policy

So that everyone can enjoy his or her time in Scouting, our Group has a behaviour policy, which is used by all Sections at every meeting.

Each Section (Scouts, Cubs and Beavers) has a Code of Conduct or Ground Rules specific to that section and worded appropriately for the age group concerned. The Young People of each section have been involved in writing these. These are on display during all meetings in the Hall.

Good behaviour and a helpful attitude is recognised and rewarded through a scheme specific to each Section. The points gained in each term are then issued as a reward at the end of the term by the Section Leaders. Positive reward points may also count towards being able to attend future events such as trips and camps.

We operate a Yellow Card Scheme for individuals whose behaviour continues to fall below the required standard after they have already been spoken to about it. This includes disruptive behaviour and breaches of the Section’s Code of Conduct/Ground Rules. In the event of two yellow cards being issued within a single or two consecutive meeting the Young Person will be excluded from the next scheduled meeting. Parents will be notified, by letter, e-mail or text, in all instances where cards have been issued.

For Unacceptable Behaviour we will issue a Red Card, which would result in the Young Person being excluded from the meeting immediately, and their parents being contacted and asked to pick their child up. They would also be excluded from the following meeting. Examples of behaviour where a Red Card would be issued are: - swearing; bullying; aggressive or threatening behaviour towards another individual or wilful damage to property.

In the event of an individual receiving two Red Cards in a single term they will be excluded from the next trip or an event planned for that Section. In instances where more than two Red Cards are issued, and after consultation with Parents, the Young Persons behaviour may be referred to the Groups Executive Committee and District Scout Leaders and this may result in them being permanently excluded from the group.

All decisions will be taken by at least two adults and we ask for Parents support in dealing effectively with any situations that arise.

Permission Slip – Cub Scout Outdoor Activities

Name of Child ______

I hereby give permission, for the above named Cub Scout, to take part in outdoor activities undertaken by the Holy Name Cub Scout Pack. I understand that all activities will be undertaken within the scope and requirements of the Scout Association Policies and Procedures and the Group Scout Leader has been made aware of the activity details.

Unless I am notified otherwise I understand that participants should be dropped off and collected from the Holy Name Church Hall at the usual times. I will also be notified in advance if the Scout Association classifies the activity as an “adventurous” activity or if an activity is taking place at another venue.

I will ensure that my Child will wear suitable footwear and clothing, reflecting the weather conditions, for all planned events.

In the event of an emergency I can be contacted on the telephone number advised to the Scout Group and understand that the Leaders can be contacted during the event on the numbers supplied by them.

Signed (Parent/Guardian) ______

Date ______