November 10, 2014

AFD Fire Station 20

7520 Corona NE

Albuquerque, NM 87122


Jim Allday Matthew King Kerry McKinstry

Drew Harrell Doug Dixon Zach Lardy

Kyle Henson Adam Plate Hans Hurt

Anthony Martinez Chelsea White Aaron Farney

*Michael Chavez Jay Sims Kevin O’Brien

*(Christopher Petroff- Replacement) John P. Martinez Scott Wilson

Frank Soto, Jr. Ricardo L. Paz Kelly Gabriel

David Chapek Phillip Kern

Gabe De Baltz Lisa Rae Scott



Meeting called to order by Kyle Henson. Members present were: Jim Allday, Drew Harrell, Anthony Martinez, Michael Chavez (Replacement sense Christopher Petroff’s Resignation), Scott Wilson and Frank Soto Jr.

II.  APPROVAL OF November 10, 2014 AGENDA

Motion By: Kyle Henson. Second By: Dr. Harrell. All Approved

III.  APPROVAL OF September 8, 2014 MINUTES

Motion By: Kyle Henson. Second By: Dr. Harrell. All Approved


No meeting for the month of October. (Nothing to report)

V.  PROTOCOLS-Anthony Martinez

§  M-1 Anaphylaxis/Angioedema/Urticaria- Review for ParallelWord Structure- Hypotropine

§  M-2 Reactive Airway Disease-Review for Parallel Word Structure-Hypotropine

§  TT-9 Transport Drugs-Suggestion/Discussion of Removal of Protocol due to the redundancy to the States Scope of Practice. Decision to mirror the States Scope of Practice and update as needed.

§  Discussion from Anthony Martinez on his successor: someone to manage the physical documents of the Protocols, since Anthony will no longer have the opportunity with his focus being on the hiring of 100 people (1/3 of Albuquerque Ambulance work force/retention of staff). Due to the high turnover rate. Anthony would mentor who ever volunteers for this task. Keeping the integrity of the documents already established (formatting and standardization). Have a discussion on who would assume this responsibility on a later date.

o  Commander Soto reiterated the inadequate staffing within the Albuquerque Ambulance Organization.

Kelly Gabriele (Albuquerque Ambulance)-distributed handouts on TT-16 (Interagency Response and Cancellation Guidelines) & TT-17 (Interagency Guideline). Discussion on that the 2 are similar and TT-16 should be done away with since it is redundant to TT-17. The increase in response time was mentioned due to the increase of volume. Cancellation of multiple agency (county and city) responding to the same scene so redundancy will be limited. TT-16 is established and TT-17 is new. Time reduction is to improve the system to get off the scene quicker. There are not enough units on the scene to reduce the time. Smooth the on scene interaction between the agencies. Communication between agencies needs to be improved so things are stream lined to cut down on redundancy in hope of decreasing on the time spent on scene. Which will hopefully increase the availability of units? Not all agencies have the same equipment to communicate effectively.

This is a training issue that needs to be addressed by all



(Applications are in process.) Adding 3 Official Members:

  1. Zach Lardy-should be complete (City Legal background check should be done). Lt. Henson will verify the completion of the application.
  2. Anthony Martinez-City Legal is conducting the back ground investigation.
  3. John P. Martinez-added as a voting member
  4. Commander Soto-(1990’s-Joint Powers Agreement-(this does not exist), (EMSA=5 city members and 2 county members). No JPA in place since the EMSA has changed to the PAC that is made up of City members which allows 2 members from the County.

Motion By: Kyle Henson. Seconded By: Dr. Harrell. All Approved

VI.  NEW BUSINESS- Dr. Drew Harrell

T3- Spinal Remobilization Algorithms -Screening Positive that are not receiving the appropriate level of care and treatment. C- Collar needs to be put on as a precaution. Without the spinal protection device put into place this could be costly when appropriate

Level of care is not administered. Protecting the patient with or without screening positive on the evaluation. 65 and above always get a collar with or without a positive screen.



Motion to Adjourn Meeting By: Dr. Harrell. Seconded By: Lt. Kyle Henson. All Approved.

***NEXT MEETING: December 8, 2014 @ 9:30am***