Accelerated Chemistry

Virtual Titration Directions

1.  Open the following link:

2.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and type your name in the “Your Name” box.

3.  Change the settings for the acid solution. Click “Next” when finished.

Acid Solutions: Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

Concentration of the solution: 0.50 M

Concentration: Exact

Volume of the solution: 20 mL

4.  Change the settings for the base solution. Click “Next” when finished.

Base Solution: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Concentration of the solution: 1.0 M

Volume of the solution: 50.0 mL

5.  Change the indicator: Phenolphthalein. Click “Next.”

6.  You are now ready to titrate. The next few steps need to be done carefully, so stop talking to your neighbor and pay attention!!

7.  Move the drop speed half way between slow and fast – this will start the titrating immediately. Watch the “Amount of solution in the buret” box change as the base (in the buret) is added to the beaker (acid).

8.  When the solution turns color, click “Stop” as soon as possible.

9.  Write the “Solution used” on your data table (1st try).

10.  Click on “Titrate Again.” This time, start titrating fast but SLOW DOWN the drips when you get to within 2 mL of the amount you used above in step 10.

11.  Click “stop” as soon as the flask turns color. Hopefully, you were more careful this time and got a more exact “Solution used” amount. If you were not careful, titrate again and be careful! Record your best “Solution used” on your data table (2nd try).

12.  Click “Next” and observe the graph of your titration. Click “Next.”

13.  Enter your “Solution used” amount from step 12 into the box. Click “Calculate.” Record the error percentages that were calculated into the data table.

Click on “Previous” until you get back to the beginning. Enter the following data and complete another titration

Step 1: Base solutions: Potassium Hydroxide

Concentration of the solution: 0.25 M

Concentration: Exact

Volume of the solution: 10.0 mL

Step 2: Acid solutions: Nitric Acid

Concentration of the solution: 0.5 M

Volume of the solution: 50.0 mL

Step 3: Indicator: Phenolphthalein

14.  Complete one more titration but choose your own conditions! Use only strong acids and bases. You may change the indicator.

15.  When you are finished, put your name on the data table and hand it in tomorrow.

Virtual Titration Data Table Names:

Trial 1

(Unknown Acid) / Trial 2
(Unknown Base) / Trial 3 (Yours)
Acid Solution / HCl / HNO3
Concn. of Acid solution / 0.50 M / 0.50 M
Volume of Acid solution / 20 mL / 50 mL
Base Solution / NaOH / KOH
Concn. of Base solution / 1.0 M / 0.25 M
Volume of Base solution / 50 mL / 10 mL
Indicator / Phenolpht. / Phenolpht.
Solution used, 1st try
Solution used, 2nd try
Volume % error
Concentration % error