NAME ______


  1. ______chamber that houses the developing fetus.
  2. ______usual site of fertilization.
  3. ______duct through which the ovum travels to reach the uterus.
  4. ______Primary female reproductive organ.


a. oogoniumb. priamary oocytec. secondary oocyte d. ovum

  1. ______forming part of the primary follicle in the ovary.
  2. ______in the uterine tube before fertilization.
  3. ______in the Graafian follicle of the ovary.
  4. ______in the uterine tube shortly after sperm penetration.


a. mitosisb. meiosisc. both mitosis and meiosis

  1. ______final product is two daughter cells, each with 46 chromosomes.
  2. ______final product is four daughter cells, each with 23 chromosomes.
  3. ______involves prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.
  4. ______Occurs only in gonads.
  5. ______daughter cells have the same number and types of chromosomes as the mother cell.
  6. ______daughter cells are different from the mother cell in their chromosomal makeup.
  7. ______provides cells for the reproduction of offspring.


a. amnionb. chorionic villic. endometriumd. fertilization

e. fetusf. placentag. umbilical cordh. zygote

  1. ______the fertilized egg.
  2. ______secretes estrogen and progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.
  3. ______helps form the placenta.
  4. ______fluid-filled sac, surrounding the developing embryo/fetus.
  5. ______attaches the embryo to the placenta.
  6. ______fingerlike projections of the blastocyst.
  7. ______The embryo after 8 weeks.
  8. ______the organ that delivers nutrients to and disposes of wastes for the fetus.


  1. Discharge of a secondary oocyte from the ovary about once each month is a process referred to as ______
  2. The inferior narrow portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina is the ______
  3. The clusters of milk-secreting cells of the mammary glands are referred to as ______
  4. The distal end of the penis is a slightly enlarged region called the ______
  5. Covering the slightly enlarged region of the penis is a loosely fitting skin called the ______
  6. The circular pigmented area surrounding each nipple of the mammary glands is the ______
  7. After a secondary oocyte leaves the ovary, it enters the open, funnel-shaped distal end of the uterine (fallopian) tube called the ______
  8. The portion of a sperm cell that contains the nucleus and acrosome is the ______
  9. Vasectomy refers to removal of a portion of the ______
  10. The mass of erectile tissue in the penis that contains the spongy urethra is the ______
  11. The superior dome-shaped portion of the uterus is called the ______
  12. The passageway for menstrual flow and inferior portion of the birth canal is the ______
  13. Two longitudinal folds of skin that extend inferiorly and posteriorly from the mons pubis are covered with pubic hair are the ______
  14. The ______is a small mass of erectile tissue at the anterior junction of the labia minora.
  15. The phase of the menstrual cycle between days 6 and 13 during which endometrial repair occurs is the ______phase.
  16. During menstruation, the stratum ______of the endometrium is sloughed off.
  17. The most immature spermatogenic cells are called ______
  18. The hypothalamic hormone that controls the uterine and ovarian cycles is ______
  19. High levels of estrogens exert a positive feedback on LH and GnRH that cause ______
  20. The result of meiosis in spermatogenesis is that each primary spermatocyte produces four ______
  21. The stage of spermatogenesis that results in maturation of spermatids into sperm cells is called ______
  22. The clear, glycoprotein layer between the oocyte and granulosa cells is called the ______
  23. ______refers to the functional changes that sperm cells undergo in the female reproductive tract that allow them to fertilize a secondary oocyte.
  24. At the end of the ______month of development, the testes descend into the scrotum.
  25. The average amount of semen per ejaculation is ______ml.
  26. The average range of number of sperm is ______/ml. When the count falls below ______/ml, the male is likely to be sterile.
  27. Most of the uterus consists of ______-metrium which is made of ______
  28. The average duration of the menstrual cycle is ______days. The menstrual phase usually lasts about ______days. Following the menstrual phase is the ______phase. Following ovulation is the ______phase.
  29. The trophoblast is composed of two layers known as the ______and ______
  30. Implantation is likely to occur about ______days after ovulation.
  31. Upon fertilization, the secondary oocyte completes meiosis _____, forming the fertilized ovum and releasing a ______body.