Syracuse Arts Academy
Disclosure Statement, 2015-2016
Teacher: Mrs. Kuni
THE “earth” WITHOUT “art” IS JUST “eh.”
Course Description: Painting includes wet media with processes such as transparent and opaque painting and focuses on the operations of color and the principles of design. This is a studio class with a strong emphasis on art production; students will refine techniques and processes in a variety of wet media. Students will analyze and discuss their own works as well as works done by contemporary and historical artists. This class uses the State core standards.
Supplies to bring:
Apron or Big button up shirt to protect clothes.
8.5 in. x 11 in or 9 in x 12 in. spiral bound sketchbook, 70 to 100 sheets, (Walmart has them around $5)
Always have a supply of #2 HB pencils (no mechanical pencils)
White, latex free, plastic eraser
1-roll of paper towels (the blue towels at Lowes, Home Depot, and maybe Walmart are the best)
1-Disposable palette paper pad. You can find these at Hobby Lobby or Michaels Crafts.
Fees: All fees are handled through the office.
· Understand the principles of art through production.
· Refine techniques and processes in a variety of wet media.
· Make work meaningful through mastery of concepts, creativity and craftsmanship.
· Learn about art history and influences from past societies as well as today.
· Learn to appropriately critique and evaluate their art and the art of others through art criticism.
· Gain a greater appreciation of art through studying aesthetics.
· Analyze the impact of art on themselves, various cultures and society through the study of visual culture.
Grade Breakdown: Grades will be updated online weekly, and will fall into the following categories:
· Art Production = 60%
Points will be earned based on mastery of objectives, creativity/originality, craftsmanship, effort, and timeliness.
Reworking an Assignment: The goal for this class is to increase student’s skills, and visual understanding. It can be to the student’s advantage to redo or adjust an assignment. Incomplete or late work will not be eligible for this option. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for this privilege, and a new due date will be determined. Due dates cannot extend beyond one week or the end of the semester.
· Sketchbook = 20%
You are responsible for bringing your sketchbook to class every class period.
At the beginning of each period, a brief bell ringer assignment will be given to help facilitate creative thinking and a quiet classroom for roll call and instruction. Bell work is done in the sketchbook, dated and available for check off every two weeks.
Sketchbook assignments dealing with concepts we are learning in class will be given as homework with each new unit. These should take at least a half hour but no more than an hour to complete. .
At the beginning of each unit, students will be expected to take notes in their sketchbooks on the information provided. These notes will be their study guide for unit quizzes.
· Tests = 10%
· Daily Preparedness and Participation = 10%
Art is a lab class; students must be present and actively engaged in art creation, discussion, and class critiques to be successful.
Infractions of the rules, not bringing your sketchbook and pencils to class every day “will” result in loss of daily preparedness points. If you ask to get them from your locker it will also be counted as a tardy for that day.
Excessive or loud talking during studio work time “will” result in a loss of daily participation points. You are here to work on your art while in class, NOT talk and chat with your neighbor.
Grading Scale:
100 % - 93 % = A / 82 % - 80 % = B- / 69 % - 67 % = D+92 % - 90 % = A- / 79 % - 77 % = C+ / 66 % - 63 % = D
89 % - 87 % = B+ / 76 % - 73 % = C / 62 % - 60 % = D-
86 % - 83 % = B / 72 % - 70 % = C- / Below 60% = F
Late Policy: Assignments need to be turned in on time so we can cover all projects in the semester. Late work turned in one day after the Due Date will be marked down one grade, so if the work was an A, it will receive a B grade. Additional points will be subtracted each day after, up to 5 calendar school days. Late work WILL NOT be accepted after those 5 days. (Excused absents will have 5 days from the day they return to class to make up work.)
Make-up work is for excused absences. Absent students are responsible for finding out what they missed. Check with teacher when you return to school. Students may get extra help after school. If a student is absent for several days and makes arrangements with me on an individual bases.
· Students are expected to follow all SAA rules. Please keep in mind the school’s tardy policy states that on your 3rd tardy, you will receive an N for Citizenship and on your 4th tardy you will receive a U for Citizenship.
· Students are expected to be prepared with pencils and sketchbooks, ready to participate. You are to be in your assigned seat starting bell work when the bell rings or you are tardy.
Your Sketchbook is an important part of this class and NEEDS to be brought to class every day. Homework assignments, Bell work, Notes, and Vocabulary will all be kept in the sketchbook.
· Be Respectful and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER touch another student’s work!
· Excessive and loud talking during project work time is NOT acceptable, it is disruptive to concentration and a productive learning environment.
· Students are expected to follow instructions and all safety rules, students will be working with tools such as; x-acto knifes, scissors, paints, etc… any mis-use will result in automatic failure on project with no make-up. Serious mis-use resulting in damage or possible harm to self or other students will be sent to office and may lose privilege to be in class.
Video Clips: During the term, students will view media clips from sites such as Youtube that directly relate to the concepts that are being taught. I will try to post these on the webpage as they come up so students can view at home as well.
PARENTS and STUDENTS must subscribe to the “Painting” class through the SAA website in order to receive updates on this class.
I am looking forward to sharing my passion for creating art with you this year.
Mrs. Kuni
Please sign and return the this page the following class period for full credit. Keep the above information for your records.
Syracuse Arts Academy
Disclosure Statement, 2015-2016
Teacher: Mrs. Kuni
Student’s name clearly printed
Student’s signature and date
Parent’s signature and date
Parent’s email address
Student’s artwork will periodically be displayed. Names should be written on the back of artwork, and should not be written on the front. This is so very good artwork could be used later in an AP art portfolio, and incase the student does not want to be identified. Names are often posted nest to student artwork for shows, unless otherwise stated.
ALSO: I give permission for my student or students work to be photographed and displayed on Mrs. Kuni’s webpage as necessary for class: (sign below if you agree to this)
Parent’s signature and date