Dear Parents,

We would like to introduce ourselves. We are the room parents for ______.

______E-Mail ______or (____)______

______E-Mail ______or (____)______

We would like to determine your availability to help us with four class parties during the course of the school year. The four parties include a:

¨  Halloween party

¨  Winter party

¨  Valentine’s Day party

¨  Year End party

Complete the volunteer form below if you are interested in helping. Indicate whether you would be able to provide supplies and/or attend the party to help supervise the activities.

This year we are asking for a suggested donation of $7.00 $10 per child (a one-time donation for the year) to support the purchase of crafts and student trinkets for the class parties. We will keep a separate account and any leftover money will be added to the year-end teacher’s gift from the class. Your support of this endeavor would be greatly appreciated. Please send in cash or a personal check made payable to: (Name of room parent) by October 15th. Regardless of whether you contribute or not to this fund, your child will participate in all class party activities.

Your participation is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions please call us.

Please detach on the dotted line and return via backpack mail by: (INSERT DATE HERE)



Child’s Name ______
Parent’s Name ______
Home Phone (______)______Work Phone (______)______
E-mail address ______

1. I would be interested in providing supplies for the: (circle any /all parties that we can call you for)

1.  Halloween Party

2.  Winter Party

3.  Valentine’s Party

4.  Year End Party

2. I would be interested in helping to supervise the: (circle any /all parties that we can call you for)

1.  Halloween Party

2.  Winter Party

3.  Valentine’s Party

4.  Year End Party

3. I would be interested in taking pictures of the children/party for the School Yearbook: (circle any/all parties that we can call you for)

  1. Halloween Party
  2. Winter Party
  3. Valentine’s Party
  4. Year End Party

**Due to Life-Threatening Food Allergies, outside food is not permitted to be shared at any time**