COMP PROGRAMMING week 06 / 3“Bigger Engines”
We’ve got a couple Open workouts scheduled this week as well as a Hero. Be careful that you don’t completely destroy yourself on these so you can’t complete the rest of the stuff. We aren’t looking for absolute maxes on these workouts. PRs are good, but if you go to the ‘white-buffalo-in-the-sky’ to find out a true max (multiple times in a week), you will be feeling pretty banged up by the end of the week. Shoot for 90-95% effort on most of these. Enough so you know where you are at and you can plan in case they (or one very similar) shows up in the Open.
Saving Time.
If you are having trouble fitting all of the stuff in each day, keep in mind that you can ‘super set’ some of the movements to use your time more efficiently. A super set is when you go between two different movements during lifting or skill work. On Monday, super setting the kb squat snatch and the 3 position power clean can shave off some minutes. Some people may be able to super set the front squat and the push press (if you can use two barbells at once).
And You don’t have to do the whole thing set for set! You can get warmed up for front squats and do a few working sets. Toward the middle, start warming up your push presses. Start your first working push press set before the front squats are complete, then finish the push presses.
Another example is to combine the KB overhead carries on Tuesday with either the muscle ups or the rope pull ups. Or the rope pull ups and the OH walking lunges.
Another recommendation is to spread some of the stuff out over the rest days. Save a some skill work, efficiency, and monostructural work for either Thursday or Sunday. It may mean an extra trip to the gym, but it will shorten the sessions to help you spend less time at the gym each visit.
Keep up the strong work!
wk 06 / 3 / Monday, February 6, 2017Auxillary Warm Up: / Single arm db/kb squat snatch 5x3 (each arm)
Skilled Lift: / 3 position Power Clean 5x1 / 60%
Pull Strength: / 3" Deficit Deadlift 5x1 / 75%
Squat: / Front Squat 5x3 / 80% of FS
Overhead Strength: / Push Press 5x4 / 75%
Accessory: / Jones Squats 3x12 /
Superset with Kickstand Scapular Row Circles 3 sets per side /
Efficiency: / 30 chest to bar pull ups, rest 1 min, max reps in 1 minute, rest 1 min, max reps in 30s
Metcon: / Smooth Lightning
5 rounds for time
8 squat clean thruster (135/85)
1 20 ft handstand walk and then 3 shuttle runs each round
Scaling Guide: 6 - 10 min, about 1:30 per round.
Metcon Notes: / Scaled up Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
wk 06 / 3 / Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 4 sets of 50' db/kb overhead carry / Use increasing loads each round
Gymnastics Skill: / 5 sets of 3-5 kipping muscle ups / Using as much of a 'glide kip' style as possible (high feet and legs, with a high 'catch' at the top). 2-4 min rest between sets, superset with another movement if desired
Gymnastics Strength: / 3 sets of 5-7 rope pull ups / Alternate which hand is on top each round, use the fattest rope available
Loaded Carry: / OH barbell lunge 30' out and back, 4 sets / Same as last session
Accessory: / Weighed Pass Through 3x10 and 3x10 active stretch /
5x8 hip thrusts /
Efficiency: / Every other minute on the minute for 8 min perform 30s of toes to bar (even), and 40s of burpee box jumps
Metcon: / Open 11.1 / 14.1
AMRAP in 10 min
30 double unders
15 power snatches (75/55)
Metcon Notes: / Same as Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / 1 min max wall ball, 2 min row for cal (80%), 1 min rest, 5 rounds / Percents are 'effort', but you can use pace if you know it for those distances
Mental Game: /
wk 06 / 3 / Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Auxillary Warm Up: / Close grip overhead squat 5x5 / 55%-65%
Skilled Lift: / Hip Snatch 5x3 / 65%
Pull Strength: / 3" Deficit Deadlift 7x1 / 75%
Squat: / High Bar Back Box Squat 5x3 / 65% of BS
Overhead Strength: / None
Accessory: / 5x5 Nordic Hamstring curl or glute ham raises. /
Superset with 5x5 ring push up with reach: /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Donkeystrength
4 rounds for time
5 OHS (135/85)
10 Power clean and jerk
15 abmat sit up
15 lateral burpee over bar
1 min rest
Scaling Guide: 15 - 20 minutes, about 4:30 per round including the rest.
Metcon Notes: / Scaled Up Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
wk 06 / 3 / Friday, February 10, 2017
Auxillary Warm Up: / Press in Clean Sots Press (aka Front Rack Sots Press) 5x3
Skilled lift: / 3 position Power Clean 4x2 / 65%
Pull Strength: / 3" Deficit Deadlift 9x1 / 75%
Squat: / High Bar Back Box Squat 7x1 / 70% of BS
Overhead Strength: / Push Press 7x2 / 80%
Accessory: / Pick at least 3 wrist exercises from this video: /
X band walks 3x10steps each side /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Jack
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
10 Push Press, 115/85 lbs
10 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
10 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Scaling Guide: 10 - 16 rounds, about 1:30-2:00 per round
Metcon Notes: / Same as Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: /
wk 06 / 3 / Saturday, February 11, 2017
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 10 - 15 'skin the cat's' / Keep it strict, stay in the fully extended position for 2-3 sec
Gymnastics Skill: / 3 sets of 5-7 kipping muscle ups / Using as much of a 'glide kip' style as possible (high feet and legs, with a high 'catch' at the top). 2-4 min rest between sets, superset with another movement if desired
Gymnastics Strength: / 4 sets of 5-7 rope pull ups / Alternate which hand is on top each round, use the fattest rope available
Loaded Carry: / OH barbell lunge 40' out and back, 4 sets / Same as last session
Accessory: / Ido Portal Basic Shoulder ROM and stabilization Routine /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Open 14.4 - AMRAP in 14 min
Row, T2b, WB, P Clean, MU
60 cal row
50 t2b
40 wall ball (20/10, 14/9)
30 p.clean (135/95)
20 Muscle Ups
Metcon Notes: / Different than Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
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