POST COMP (General Education exam) Hold
GenEd Test Date Needed (POST COMP) is the hold you will see on Banner. To remove this hold you must click on the link provided (this will take you to the student success website) and select the “POST COMP (General Education exam)” test and then select a date and sign up. You must take this test.
So, what is the Gen Ed test? This test is like the SAT or ACT that you took to get into college. The results of this test are used to assess your knowledge of General Education content as you leave college. This is an important test in that a small portion of our funding is based on the outcomes of this test. So do your very best.
Once you have signed up and taken the POST COMP it will be reflected in the box at the bottom of your CAPP report. (see box below)
Major Field Test Hold
Major Field Test Date Needed is the hold you will see on Banner. To remove this hold you must click on the link provided and select from the drop down menu the only option for selecting a date which is a statement that you will go to Gooch Hall and sign up for the Praxis Exam. That is all you have to do. You do not have to go to Gooch Hall.
Your Major Field Test will be administered to Internship students ONLY. Internship students will receive directions about this HHP Exit Exam in the internship. There is also information about the HHP Major Field Test on the HHP website and on the advising site on Blackboard.
Verification of Test Completion
You can look on CAPP to verify completion of the test requirements. You can also check your catalog of record and the date you have submitted for graduation (year/semester; where 40 is the fall semester; 30 is summer and 20 is spring)