Kilgarlin Center Meeting
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I. Update on Certificate of Advanced Study Required Hours
A. Ellen met with Dean Andrew Dillon and Assoc. Dean Mary Lynn Rice-Lively
B. A 15-hour minimum will be required for the certificate, although students can take more hours if they want
C. The Certificate of Advanced Study will replace the endorsement, which was 12 hours
D. Relation to conservator internship – can take 1,3, or 9 hours per semester for internship, depending on the number of hours accumulated pre-internship and individual financial aid requirements. Thus, a MSIS with a CAS in Conservation could culminate anywhere from approximately 60 to 70 hours.
E. The Certificate officially starts 9/1/05, but applies to all students now.
II. Summer Fieldwork
A. Due to the rising number of Kilgarlin Center students, summer fieldwork is harder to find
B. It will be up to the students to take the initiative to find work
a. Students will still receive course credit
b. An Independent Study can fulfill an elective
III. Funding Issues
A. Is becoming more difficult to find funding for student scholarships
B. Again, due to the rising number of Kilgarlin Center students, available money will not go as far
C. Faculty could possibly apply for research grants and request a student assistant (and therefore a student stipend) in the proposal. One such grant is awaiting consideration at the Federal level.
D. Ellen will look to other departments and learn how they receive funding for their students
IV. Conservator and PA Applications for Fall 2005
A. 16 conservator applications – can take 8
B. 9 PA applications – will probably need to limit acceptances
C. Phone interviews will be starting soon
V. Paul Banks Birthday Open House
A. Open House scheduled for Friday, April 15, 5-7 pm at the CDL
B. No speakers this year, but have two scheduled for next year – Jan Merrill-Oldham, Director of Harvard’s Weissman Preservation Center (Fall 2005) and Peggy Ellis, Director of Conservation for The Pierpont Morgan Library (April 2006)
VI. Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation (ANAGPIC) Conference in April
A. Two students from UT will attend – Maria Gonzalez and Holly Robertson. Holly will give a presentation about the Archives at Vilassar in Dalt, Spain, and I believe Maria will present a paper on the History of Conservation/Preservation Education
B. A Director’s Retreat will occur in Austin Fall 2006
VII. Museum Studies Initiative
A. Core curriculum has been presented to the Provost, et al
B. Approval received to send the entire museum studies proposal forward for further review
C. At this time, the museum studies curriculum is very broad and comprehensive
D. Fall 2006 – a four-course portfolio program should be ready to launch
E. Fall 2007 – a Master’s program will be added to accompany the portfolio program
VIII. IT and Lab Issues
A. IT – Erin Hammeke reported
a. Some problems with AFP, but seems to be working well with recent upgrades
B. Labs
a. Possibly another printer needed for downstairs – Shannon Phillips and Erin Hammeke to research and let Ann Seago know what they want
IX. Other
A. Friday, April 8 – Potluck at Dr. Gracy’s house!