Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG)
WENDWG/Letter 1 dated 10 December 2015
Letter from WENDWG Chair to WENDWG Members and Stakeholders
WENDWG-6 Meeting – Invitation & Logistics Information
Dear Colleagues,
1. Thanks to the kind invitation of the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, the sixth meeting of the Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG-6) will take place on 8 - 10 March 2016 (noon), at Scandic Stavanger City Hotel in Stavanger, Norway.
2. Venue and Accommodation, Regitration Form, Logistic Information. A meeting/hotel registration form for WENDWG-6 is given in Annex A. Attendees are invited to make their own hotel arrangements at their earliest convenience.
Should you have any queries regarding accommodation and travel arrangement, please contact Ms. Bente Skarstad who will assist you if needed. Her email is: , mob +47 91140062 and office phone: +47 51859766.
The Registration Form should be submitted no later than 1 February 2016.
3. Minutes of WENDWG-5. The minutes of the WENDWG-5 are available via the WENDWG page on the IHO website. Members are kindly invited to provide the Secretary () with their updates so the Action List from the WENDWG-5 meeting can be kept updated on the IHO website.
4. Draft Agenda for WENDWG-6. A preliminary draft agenda and time table for WENDWG-6 is provided in attachment as Annex B. In the different sections of this draft agenda, references are made to the work items of the WENDWG 2015-16 programme of work which is available on the main IHO WENDWG webpage. WENDWG Members and Stakeholders are invited to make their suggestions on the draft agenda, if any, by 15 Jan. 2016 to the WENDWG Secretary (). Please note that, as agreed last year (Action WENDWG5/22 refers), this sixth meeting will be opened to Stakeholders.
5. Submission deadlines for WENDWG-6 Documents. Documents intended for consideration at WENDWG-6 should be submitted to the Secretary () in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Submission of Reports and Proposals for consideration by WENDWG", as follows:
Proposals and reports requiring consideration and a decision by WENDWG / no later than 15 January 2016 (Seven weeks before commencement of the meeting)Subsequent comments and contributions (Such supplementary submissions should contain a maximum of 4 pages) / no later than 12 February 2016 (Three weeks before commencement of the meeting)
Information papers (documents received after 12 February 2016 will be treated as information documents only) / no later than 12 February 2016 (Three weeks before commencement of the meeting)
All the documents will be posted on the IHO website as soon as they are received.
6. Miscellaneous. The current WENDWG Membership List is available on the WENDWG page on the IHO website. Any changes should be communicated to the Secretary at: or at the earliest opportunity. Proposals for hosting subsequent WENDWG meetings to be held in 2017 (WENDWG-7) and 2018 (WENDWG-8) are welcome at any time and preferably not later than at WENDWG-6.
Yours sincerely,
Jamie McMichael-Phillips
A – Meeting/Hotel Registration Form
B – Preliminary Draft Agenda and Time Table
Annex A
WENDWG6 meeting 8-10 March 2016 in Stavanger, Norway
The venue for the meeting will be Scandic Stavanger City hotel close to the city center of Stavanger, see Scandic Stavanger City.
The booking of room on e-mail to or phone +47 23155000. Please refer to the reservation code: BKAR080316 (do not apply if you do your booking on Internet):
A negotiated price per night is NOK 1190,- breakfast included. This price is available for 07-11 March. A card number is needed for guaranteeing the booking. Payment is done on arrival.
There are several other hotels within walking distance of the venue, but it is not likely to obtain a better price without reducing the standard significantly.
The distance to Stavanger airport Sola is approximately 16km. A shuttle bus depart every 20 minutes and the cost is NOK 110. The last stop for the bus is less than 200m from the Scandic Stavanger City hotel. A taxi from the airport charge you approximately NOK 500. All taxies accept cards.
Point of contact
Ms. Bente Skarstad will assist you if needed. Her email is , mob +47 91140062 and office phone:
+47 51859766. If Bente is not available please try Mr. Noralf Slotsvik, , mob +47 41665504 or office +47 51858813.
Registration Form
Please fill in the registration form below.
Any visa requirement to be checked well in advance. Please inform Bente Skarstad if any Invitation Letter is required. The link below list the nationalities that do not need a visa for entering into Norway No visa requirements
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG)
WENDWG-6 Meeting, Stavanger, Norway, 08-10 March 2016
Registration Form
Please complete this registration form and e-mail it to , copy to: or ), by 01 February 2016.
Rank or TitleSurname or Family Name
First Name
Name of Accompanying Person(s)
Representing (Nation, RHC, other)
Arrival / date
Flight number
Departure / date
Accommodation (Hotel Name)
More information can be obtained from:
Ms. Bente Skarstad, Norwegian Hydrographic Service
Phone: +47 51859766
Annex B
Monday7 March / Arrival of delegations and transfer to the hotels
08h30 / Registration
09h00 / 1. Opening and Administrative Arrangements
Docs: WENDWG6-01A List of Documents (IHB)
WENDWG6-01B List of Participants (IHB)
WENDWG6-01C WENDWG Membership (IHB)
WENDWG6-01D Terms of Reference for WENDWG (IHB)
Chair opens the meeting and host delivers the welcoming address and logistics information. Participants are invited to introduce themselves. Secretary presents the administrative documents.
09h15 / 2. Approval of Agenda
Doc: WENDWG6-02A Agenda and Timetable (IHB)
Participants are invited to comment on the agenda and timetable including proposing any revisions as appropriate. Agenda is adopted.
09h20 / 3. Matters arising from Minutes of WENDWG5 Meeting
Docs: WENDWG6-03A Minutes of WENDWG5 (IHB)
WENDWG6-03B Status of Actions List from WENDWG5 (IHB)
Pending Actions from previous meeting are reviewed or agreed to be reported under the relevant agenda items as appropriate. Quick review of the completed Actions.
09h30 / 4. Review of progress made on the work items of the WENDWG 2015-16 Programme of Work
4.1 Overlapping issues
Docs: WENDWG6-04.1A1 Report on a pilot project using OEM tools (SG)
WENDWG6-04.1A2 Report on scenarios and test cases on ECDIS (IC-ENC)
WENDWG6-04.1B1 Proposal to amend the Guidelines for the implementation of the WEND Principles for Assessing and Eliminating the Risk of Overlapping ENC Cells (Chair, RHCs Representatives)
WENDWG6-04.1B2 Report on the development of the policy on overlapping data and production responsibilities (IC ENC, PRIMAR)
In relation to Actions WENDWG5/04, WENDWG5/06 and WENDWG5/09, WENDWG to consider the reports and depending on the recommendations, to prepare a proposal as appropriate for amending the Guidelines, for submission to IRCC-8 (drafting group in the afternoon?). For IHB, new Ed. of S-11 Part A, including ENCs scheming, to be reported (if available). IHB to remind the availability of the RENC Coverage and Overlap Checker on-line tool).
10h30 / Coffee Break
11h00 / 4.2 RENC Harmonization and Distribution
Docs: WENDWG6-04.2C2 Report on Harmonization Issues (IC-ENC, PRIMAR)
WENDWG6-04.2D1 Joint RENC Document on the benefits of joining a RENC or distributing ENCs through a RENC (IC-ENC, PRIMAR)
WENDWG6-04.2D3 Status report on the ENC Producers who distribute their ENCs through a RENC (RENCs, IHB)
In relation to Actions WENDWG5/03, WENDWG5/05, and WENDWG5/17, WENDWG to consider the reports and depending on the recommendations, WENDWG to take any actions as appropriate.
12h30 / Group Photo followed by Lunch at (Room)…
13h30 / 4.3 ENC Coverage
Docs: WENDWG6-04.3F1 Report on global ENC coverage (UK, RHCs Representatives)
WENDWG6-04.3F2 Report on risk assessment methodologies and existing gaps (RHCs Representatives)
WENDWG6-04.3F3 List of Ports and Moorings Database (UK, RHCs Representatives)
In relation to Actions WENDWG5/13, WENDWG5/14, and WENDWG5/16, WENDWG to consider the reports and depending on the recommendations, WENDWG to take any actions as appropriate.
15h00 / Coffee break
15h30 / 4.4 IHO Performance Indicators, IHO ENC Catalogue
Docs: WENDWG6-04.4F4 Report on Performance Indicators (IHB)
WENDWG6-04.4H1 Progress report on the development of the IHO ENC Catalogue (IHB)
In relation to Actions WENDWG5/18, WENDWG5/19, and WENDWG5/21, WENDWG to consider the reports and depending on recommendations, WENDWG to take any actions as appropriate. IHB will report on the plans made by IRCC/HSSC for the preparation of the next IHC/Assembly for the revision of the Strategic Plan and the 3-year Programme of Work
17h00 / End of day one (drafting group if appropriate).
09h00 / 4.5 The Full Implementation of the WEND Principles
Docs: WENDWG6-04.5J1…J4 Report of the Correspondence Group on the work items relating to the full implementation of the WEND Principles (assessment, proposals for corrective actions, recommendations on long term consequences if no action identified) (FR)
In relation to Actions WENDWG5/10&11, WENDWG to consider the report and depending on recommendations, WENDWG to take any actions as appropriate.
10h30 / Coffee break
11h00 / 4.6 Admiralty Information Overlays
Doc: WENDWG6-04.6K1 Status Report on AIO (UK)
WENDWG6-04.6K2 Status Report on AIO following NCWG-1 and HSSC-7 (IHB)
In relation to Actions WENDWG5/01&02, WENDWG to consider these reports and consider the principles to prepare a final report for IRCC-8.
12h30 / Lunch
13h30 / 5. Stakeholders’ Session
5.1 ….
15h00 / Coffee break
15h30 / 6. Review of Information Papers
Doc: WENDWG6-06A ….
Working Group to consider any information papers and agree action as appropriate.
16h00 / 7. Drafting Session
Drafting groups to continue their work. One drafting group to prepare the final WENDWG report to IRCC-8 including recommendations on AIO.
17h30 / End of day two
18h00 / Social event (tbc)
08h30 / Report(s) of drafting groups
WENDWG will consider reports of drafting groups and any proposals and agree action as appropriate
9h30 / 8. Review and update of the WENDWG Programme of Work
Doc: WENDWG6-08A WENDWG Programme of Work (Chair/Sec)
Chair will present the way forward and proposals to update the WENDWG programme of work for 2016-17 to be approved at IRCC-8.
10h00 / 9. Review of the WENDWG6 Action List
Doc: WENDWG6-09A WENDWG6 Action List (Chair/Sec)
Chair Working Group will review the draft WENDWG6 Action List.
10h30 / 10. Any other business
Participants will review additional subjects if any.
11h00 / 11. Next meeting dates and venue
Working Group agrees on the next meeting dates and venue.
11h30 / End of the meeting
12h00 / Lunch (optional)
The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, TAUNTON, Somerset, TA1 2DN Telephone +44 (0)1823 337900 FAX +44 (0)1823 284077