Modbury Parish Council Meeting
Monday 14th July2014 at 7.15 PM
Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Field
Mr Watts (Chairman). Mesdames Flood, Freeman, Shepley and Ward Messrs Cole, Lawrence, Preston, Rickman, Rosevear and West, Cllrs Holway and Hosking
Mr Pratt
Open Forum
10 people attended
Palm Cross Green
Q1 Is the Parish Council planning a referendum on the future of Palm Cross Green?
Q2Will the council make it clear to Bloor that free parking is important?
Q3Will the council consider retaining the right to vehicular access to the Green in case the parish wishes to change its use in the future?
MPC agree that the Green belongs to the Parish Council and regret that the consultation of 11th / 12th July 2014regarding the use of the land might have been perceived to be driven by Bloor. Legal advice will be sought to ensure the council reach the legal requirements necessary for consultation with the community. It was requested that responses to the above questions be noted in the minutes. (See minute 14.80.)
It was noted that the Green is a sensitive area as it is a crucial link between ModburyTown and the development. It was also noted that throughout the consultations that took place with the previous developers there had been some dissent regarding the inclusion of the Green in the proposals.
The value of freedom of access to open space was acknowledged by all.
Modbury Messenger
Comment was made regarding the proposal from Mr Hammerstein for a new community information process combining the Modbury Messenger and The Magnet to create Modbury.Today incorporating a monthly printed newsletter and a fully inclusive town website:
- Excellent idea to have a fully inclusive and integrated website for the town but the town already has an excellent newsletter that is secular, politically neutral and multi-cultural
- Modbury Messenger is currently just about breaking even
- Copy v. advertising in the Messenger allocates more space to content than the proposed newsletter
- The proposal anticipates a large revenue from advertising – is this achievable?
- The projected deficit in the first year is possibly underestimated and who would be liable if there is a debt
MPC thanked both Mr Hammerstein and Mrs McClary for all the work they had both put into their proposals.
Our Plan
MPC was questioned regarding the response document to SHDC consultation that only Modbury Society had had the opportunity to feed into.
It was acknowledged that MPC had misunderstood what SHDC had been asking for in the first stage of their consultation and that procedures had not been handled correctly. The document will be posted on the website and the parish notice boards. The clerk will contact SHDC to request that the response is withdrawn and will personally contact the resident making the request regarding the outcomes of this request.
General comment from a resident
That the community only seemed to take action when the issues touched the quick and affected them personally.
The Open Forum closed at 8PM following the Chairs decision to extend the period and the meeting commenced.
Devon Councillor’s Report (Councilor Hosking)
- All DCC residential homes will be closed to save £10M. Everyone currently in a home will be rehoused in the private sector.
- Important to feed all complaints about highways onto online portal to increase likelihood of the repair being included on the programme of works. There is extra funding for potholes and a growth fund for transport infrastructure in Devon
- Free chapter 8 funding is available
- With regards to Palm Cross Green. Highways would not support a link road unless it was 2 way and this would involve the acquisition of further land by the developers. Highways does recommend a pavement from the carpark to the proposed new vehicular access
- Re-painting of worn road markings in Modbury are included in the programme of works
- The raised kerbs giving access to public transport won’t be painted
- TRO – Following objections to some of the proposals during the consultation there are amendments in response to the majority opinion. The next HATOC meeting is 28th November when the final proposals will be considered.
In response to questions from MPC:
- Agreed the issue of Green Lane adjacent to the new development needed to be sorted out
- Noted the suggestion for DCC to consider pinch points along Barracks Road as a solution to traffic calming
- Noted that MPC is disappointed in the lack of engagement from Highways with regards to the development and confirmed that he is pursuing this at principal officer level
Councillor Hosking left the meeting
District Councillors’ Reports (Clls Ward and Holway)
- Drew attention to the availability of TAP funds and the closing date of 31st December 2014
- Cllr Holway has participated in a meeting with Bloor
- Cllr Holway confirmed that there is no support for a link road from DCC Highways and Environmental Health
In response to a question regarding the “Call for Land Report”
Confirmation that the report has been delayed but is due to be published this month. Reminder that it is not proposed that development will take place on all sites.
Councillor Holway left the meeting.
Police Report
No report this month
Declarations of interest
14.79Mr Rickman RA1 (Min 14.80), Mrs Ward RA1 (Min 14.80), Mr West RA1 (Min 14.80) an Planning (Min 14.83 - application 3)
Messrs Rickman and West and Mrs Ward left the room.
Development Site RA1 – Palm Cross Green
14.80Acceptance that the wording on the agenda had been misleading and clarification that it had meant a decision on the action to be taken regarding the proposal for use of ParishCouncilLand.
Feedback on the consultation event – 200 people came through the door and 75 commented on the proposal for MPC land.
Summary of responses to the MPC consultation.
See appendix 2
- That the Clerk seek advice on the legal requirements for consultation
- That MPC seek clarification from Bloor on issues raised in the Open Forum in order to give qualified answers at future meetings
- That MPC adds a Palm Cross Green page to the website to facilitate sharing of information
- That MPC use the notice board alongside the new website page
- That these actions commence as a matter of urgency.
Minutes of Meeting of 9th June2014were circulated.
Proposed by Mrs Flood, seconded by Mrs Shepley and agreed unanimously that these were a true record.
14.81Accounts for the period since the last meeting (listed in appendix 1) werepresented.
Proposed by Mr Lawrence, seconded by Mr Preston and all in favour that these accounts be paid.
Maintenance Committee
14.82Proposed by Mrs Ward, seconded by Mr Lawrence and all in favour that MPC creates a fully constitutedMaintenance Committeewith responsibility for monitoring grass-cutting,the play area, TAP funded lengthman’s works and any other maintenance tasks as delegated by full council.
Committee to comprise Messrs Cole, Lawrence and Rosvear.
Mrs Ward will support the committee as and when needed.
MPC thanks the Millenium Committee for their work to clear MPC land at Tucker’s Brook.
14.83 The following applications were considered and recommendations made:
35/1444/14/ADCO-OPAdvertisement consent
Proposed by Mr Lawrence, seconded by Mrs Shepley and all in favour of supporting the application
35/1441/14/FMr B Lee14 Silverwell ParkSingle story side extension
Proposed by Mr Rickman, seconded by Mrs Shepley and all in favour of supporting the application
35/1547/14/FMr R West24 Brownston Street
35/1548/14/LBReplacement rear garden room extension
Messrs West and Watts declared an interest and did not participate in the vote
Proposed by Mr Lawrence, seconded by Mr Preston and all in favour of supporting the application
35/1637/14/FMr P Slade15 Benedict WayApplication for first floor side extension
Proposed by Mr West, seconded by Mr Rosevear and all in favour of supporting the application
35/1577/14/F CO-OPReplacement of existing refrigeration and installation of 2 no. AC condensers to rear of store. Redecoration of front and side doors and windows.
Proposed by Mr Rosevear, seconded by Mrs Flood and all in favour that, subject to recommendations from Environmental Health no objection to the replacement of the refrigeration units. But objection to the grey paint proposed for the redecoration.
Neighbourhood Plan
14.84 Agreed that this would be reviewed on completion of the Palm Cross Green development.
Matters Arising
- Our Plan – e-newsletter. (9th June, Matters Arising1.) - noted
- Opportunity for Chapter 8 training–Mr Cole to attend and clerk to advertise opportunity on notice board
- CAB – update regarding the request for use of office for pilot outreach work project (Min 14.76 item 7.)
Resolved that the clerk will continue to discuss options regarding use of the parish office for pilot outreach work and make a final decision
- Update re SWW consultation with the community (Presentation at the council meeting on the 14th April 2014)
The community drop-in events have been delayed pending the procurement process to extend the contract.
- Proposed allotment site – Galpin Street. (District Councillor’s report 9th June) Proposal for MPC to carry out a consultation with the community and research planning and other consents required.
The allotment association have formally requested that this option be put on hold pending the preferred provision of plots on the Palm Cross Green site.
- Town and Parish Voice: Our Plan – further workshops / community re-investments projects fund / TAP funds - noted
- Proposal from Mr Hammerstein for a new community information process combining the Modbury Messenger and The Magnet to create Modbury.Today incorporating a monthly printed newsletter and a fully inclusive town website
Full discussion regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the current newsletter and proposed website and newsletter.
Proposed by Mrs Flood, seconded by Mrs Shepley and all in favour that the website committee continue to work on a new website and MPC continue with the Modbury Messenger.
Proposed by Mrs Flood, seconded by Mrs Shepley and all in favour that the Modbury Messenger remains independent from the Magnet publication.
- Letter concerning the increasing problem of cattle on Modbury footpaths
Clerk to forward on Health and Safety Executive information sheet to complainant “Cattle and public access in England and Wales: advice for farmers, landowners and other livestock keepers.” and advise discussion with farmer if there are areas where improvements can be made.
- Footway improvement work – request from SW Highways for suitable dates for a public meeting
Clerk to offer information re suitable venues and leave date setting to them
- South Devon Coastal Local Action Group – notes from meeting attended by Ms Mitchell and Mr Watts and discussion re proposals for grants for Modbury
Resolution to end meeting in accordance with standing orders and carry this item forward to next meeting.
Meeting closed at 10.05PM
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