Facilitation Checklist:
Before, During and After the Lesson LinkTM Cycle
Before the meeting begins:
Schedule date and location for goal-setting
Email a reminder of the meeting to the team
Bring the following Lesson Link materials:
- Copies of Goal-Setting Guide for each participant
- Lesson Link Quick Facts
- Calendars
- Sign-in sheets
During the meeting:
Set goals for meeting (e.g., today we are going to...)
Give an overview of Lesson Link
Discuss and establish norms for your work together
Take notes and follow the lesson planning protocol
Use the Goal-Setting Guide to choose a content focus area
Make a list of materials needed for the lesson and who is responsible for bringing each item
Monitor the time
Determine when your planning meeting will take place
After the meeting:
Make and distribute copies of the Goal-Setting Guide for ILT and your Lesson Link team
Confirm time and location of planning meeting with admin.
Arrange substitutes, if necessary
Send email reminder to team regarding planning meeting
Before the meeting begins:
Schedule date and location for planning conference
Email a reminder of the meeting to the team
Gather instructional materials that may be required for planning (books, copies of old lesson plans, student worksheets, etc.)
Bring the following Lesson Link materials:
- Worksheet from team’s goal-setting conference
- Copies of lesson Planning Protocol
- Facilitation resources for yourself
- Sign-in sheets
- Laptop with protocols in Word
During the meeting:
Set goals for meeting (e.g., today we are going to...)
Take notes and follow the lesson planning protocol
Make a list of materials needed for the lesson and who is responsible for bringing each item
Monitor the time
Determine teaching schedule for the observation day
Determine location for debriefing after each lesson
Determine how student and teacher observation data will be collected
After the meeting:
Arrange for substitutes with your office manager
Confirm location with site administration of debriefing meetings (e.g., reserve a conference room)
Distribute the finalized lesson to the team
Distribute the teaching schedule to the team
Create and photocopy forms for data collection or gather blank paper for notetaking
Prepare any materials required for teaching the lesson
Before the observation/debrief begins:
Send a reminder email regarding time and place to meet on observation day
Bring instructional materials that may be required for teaching (books, copies of lesson plans, student worksheets, etc.)
Review Facilitator Moves
Meet with the team to review the lesson and make sure all materials are ready
Divide up data collection responsibilities
Remind observers that they are there to observe, not to interact with students (an extra pair of eyes, not an extra pair of hands)
Bring the following Lesson Link materials (copies for each team member)
- Lesson plan
- Data collection/note-taking sheets
- Debriefing protocols and Note-taking worksheets
- Final debriefing protocol and Note-taking worksheet
During the observation/debrief begins:
Follow protocols for observing and debriefing
Make sure that a recorder in the group is documenting the debriefing conversations (on the Note-taking worksheet)
At the final debrief, set or confirm the date for the next Lesson Link Cycle and planning meeting (optional)
After the observation/debrief begins (Post cycle follow-up):
Type up and e-mail to each group member the following documents:
- The finalized lesson, including any revisions made during the Lesson Link cycle
- Key learnings that the group will carry with them into future instruction
Send a hard copy of the lesson (and any student masters) to the principal for compilation
Consider sending a thank-you note/e-mail to the members of your team