Robert Vincent Crifasi – sui juris

All absolute Rights claimed Without Prejudice

Former SSAN (no longer active): 092402212 is void

address used “without prejudice to rights”

In care of – c/o: 42900 Nido Ct.

Fremont, Non-Domestic is in real California, uSA

No Zip Code used [DMM 122.32]

Date: Wednesday, July 20th, anno Domini 2005

NOTICE: This Instrument follows prior correspondence

Tracking No: 7.17.2005.RVC.1

Tracking No: 7.18.2005.RPLV.1

regarding the SSA/IRS IMF/BMF-MCC file #092402212(void).


Secretary of The Treasury of Puerto Rico

C/o: Donald L. Korb, IRS Chief Counsel

1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.,

Room 3026
Washington, D.C. 20224

USPS Certified Mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8812

SSA Private Writ of Replevin

Re: SSA Trust ID #: 092402212(void) + Medicare

Re: Due upon receipt: $133,792.00 + interest


C/o: Donald L. Korb, in “individual” capacity



I, Robert Vincent Crifasi, Me, Myself, the undersigned Signatory, (hereinafter “Affiant”) withstanding under the perfect law of Liberty, do solemnly verify, declare and state as follows:

1.  Affiant is competent to state to the matters set forth herein.

2.  Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts stated herein.

3.  All the facts stated herein are true, correct, and complete, admissible as evidence, and if called upon as a witness, Affiant will testify to their veracity.

NOTICE of Tacit Procurement – SS Trust ID: 092402212(void)

Calendar Year / Property Base ($) /
1965 / 36
1966 / 346
1967 / 0
1968 / 3,795
1969 / 6,723
1970 / 5,133
1971 / 1,661
1972 / 3,375
1973 / 2,843
1974 / 1,606
1975 / 1,918
1976 / 993
1977 / 705
1978 / 2,652
1979 / 6,817
1980 / 10,092
1981 / 5,401
1982 / 22,784
1983 / 23,093
1984 / 28,624
1985 / 35,992
1986 / 38,324
1987 / 40,234
1988 / 41,227
1989 / 44,600
1990 / 43,641
1992 / 49,441
1993 / 0
1994 / 0
1995 / 0
1996 / 49,892
1997 / 55,784
1998 / 57,919
1999 / 30,093
2000 / 59,203
2001 / 50,654
2002 / 84,115
2003 / 83,117


Estimated Payments: Years in Christ, 1965 - 2003

Estimated Total paid: $133,792.00



Upon receipt: $133,792.00 + interest

Sum Certain

USD One Hundred thirty three Thousand, seven Hundred ninety two & zero cents + applicable interest.

NOTICE: The foregoing sum certain itemized in this instant replevin action & presentment, is not in toto. Discovery of the actual damages is ongoing, however: The “just compensation” specified on the face of this Draft is Due upon receipt. This document is a living Instrument; the “terms” used herein are subject to modification upon discovery.

NOTICE: The Respondent’s silence and/or lack of immediate action to release my property, respond, and/or rebut this presentment via counter-Affidavit is Respondent’s “Acceptance by Silence” of the whole Truth deposed in this Instrument containing the title: “Private Writ of Replevin: Re: SSA TRUST ID 092402212(void) + Medicare” dated July 20th, anno Domini 2005, and that FAULT exists, [at UCC 1-201(16)], creating fraud through material misrepresentation that vitiates all forms, contracts, testimony, agreements, etc. expressed or implied, from the beginning, [estoppel at UCC 1-103]. A frivolous response is no response.

NOTICE: An extension of time cannot be granted due to the condition of verifiable DEFAULT that exists regarding the SSA/IRS IMF/BMF-MCC electronic and material file # 092402212 (SSAN/TIN/EIN/ITIN is void).


Respectfully: Please execute the foregoing Writ of Replevin, at once.

HEREIN, I respectfully demand: Respondents comply with this constructive notice and presentment, and Respondents take corrective actions to simply extinguish the material gross faults and clerical gross faults found living in SSA/IRS IMF/BMF-MCC #092402212(void), and curtail any and all "information collection actions" that are currently in process relative to Me.

Respondent’s failure to take meaningful action will prove bad faith, that is, a willful intent on Respondent’s part to violate the law.

Respondents are in receipt of my constructive notice and demands under law.

Respondents now undeniably have full personal “individual” knowledge of my lawful standing.

Respectfully, Mr. Korb, I expect to receive your immediate written response to formally resolve and administratively terminate this case, and permanently close the SSA/IRS file for lack of agency jurisdiction, rather than res judicata for Respondent’s seemingly rampant violations at law.

Conduct yourselves accordingly.


Further, Affiant saith not














I, Robert Vincent Crifasi, Secured Party, hereby verify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the united States of America and of California, and “without United States” (exclusive federal jurisdiction), that the foregoing statement of facts and laws is true and correct, according to the best of my current information, knowledge and belief, so help me LORD, Christ Jesus. The Bill of Rights, the Constitutions, Laws and Treaties of the united States of America are all the supreme Law of the Land.


Sealed, under Authority and by Direct Act of My own hand. Done at Fremont, in the California republic “without the United States” [28 USC 1746(1)], on the twentieth (20th) day of July in the Year of our LORD, Christ Jesus, two Thousand five (anno Domini 2005), and in the two Hundred twenty-ninth (229th) year in the independence of America.

All My absolute Rights and Liberty Be claimed and reserved under Our LORD Most High.

Under Protest

Private Seal


Bona fide Holder in Due Course to My Birthright & Property

Notice: This Instrument is not complete without the enclosed ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Power of Attorney.

Copies to:

IRS District Director, c/o Technical Support Mgr., Compliance Group, Fresno, CA 93888

USPS Certified Mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8836

Kathy A. Buller, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General C/O: 6401 Security Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21235-000

USPS Certified Mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8850

Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21235-0001

USPS Certified Mail: 7005 0390 0001 2147 8843







This Presentment and all attached documents are made part of the Public Record, and will be used in administrative and judicial proceedings at law or equity, regarding Me, One living, breathing, redeemed Son of Our Almighty Creator and Great Spirit which created Thee, and Who, by enacted federal law and the Legislative intent of the 16th Amendment, is a “nontaxpayer” as he is neither the subject nor the object of federal revenue laws.

ALL of these documents must be RECORDED and maintained in Claimant’s Administrative File and/or Individual Master File (IMF).

Tracking No: 7.20.2005.SSA/RPLV.1 Page 1 of 5