Name Ms. Livingston, Ms. Faul, E3H

Letter of Recommendation Assignment

This creative piece should be from the perspective of someone in an evaluative position, such as a teacher, mentor, or guidance counselor, but it’s signed by you! It should highlight your contributions to your academics, your strengths as a student, challenges you have overcome, and a brief prediction about your future. Follow the format of a business letter. Submit to by May 3, 2017 at 11:59pm.

Scenario: You are teacher and a student (psst! It’s YOU!) has come to request a letter of recommendation for admission to attend the prestigious College of St. Livingston. This is a highly competitive school, and you know how badly this student wants to get in. You know you have to write a GREAT letter of reformation for them!

Role: Any teacher

Purpose: Recommend the student (YOU!) for admission to College of St. Livingston

Audience: Admissions board at College of St. Livingston

Tip: Self-promotion can be very awkward. Try to step back, look at yourself objectively, and come up with some words to describe yourself or times you felt successful in your classes. Imagine what your favorite teacher would say about you. Look at the list of asset terms and match those successful moments with the adjectives it describes.

Pre-writing graphic organizer:

Asset term / Example/Evidence

First Name Last Name

123 Anywhere Street

White Plains, NY 10506

April 10, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

Introduction: The first paragraph should state your purpose for writing this letter, and how long you have known the recommendee. You should introduce the recommendee and give a quick summary of who they are – think of three adjectives to describe them.

Paragraph 1: Expand on adjective #1 by giving an example or an anecdote of why they are that adjective.

Transition to Paragraph 2: Expand on adjective #2 by giving an example or an anecdote of why they are that adjective.

Transition to Paragraph 3: Expand on adjective #3 by giving an example or an anecdote of why they are that adjective.

Transition to closing: Summarize your main points, and restate your adjectives, and tell the addressee how they can contact you.


First Name Last Name

914-422-2196 fax

October 12, 2015

Dear Sir or Madam:

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Jalynn Boyd, who was a student in my Honors Junior English class last year. During out time together, Jalynn showed herself to be a dedicated, enthusiastic, and compassionate member of our class community, and I know she will be an excellent addition to her college campus.

Jalynn joined our class a little late in the semester due to scheduling issues, yet it was clear she was beloved by all the students from their previous classes together. Throughout the class, she was dedicated in making sure her work exceeded the standards. During their group projects on The Great Gatsby, she shined as she collaborated with her group and presented the materials. In class, she continued to show her dedication through her thorough collaborative work and Socratic seminars, where she shared ideas thoughtfully and considerately. She often led the group as they completed assignments. She has a knack for collaboration and was committed to making sure all voices in the group are heard.

Throughout the year, Jalynn grew tremendously as a writer. She demonstrated her knowledge in proper formatting and writing strategies. She worked enthusiastically on her research paper by thoughtfully conducted her research, consistently revised her work, and asked for help and editing when she needed it. Her in-class, timed writing improved as well, as she learned how to synthesize sources and analyze literature. I was so proud of her strides towards college-level writing. Jalynn is a hard worker who always looked for ways to improve her work. She always took opportunities to revise her writing based on the feedback I provided for her.

I also witnessed Jaylinn’s generosity and kindness of spirit. She was helpful to her classmates and made everyone feel comfortable. She invited students to be part of groups and helped create a warm classroom environment. She is the kind of student any college would be lucky to have on its campus, because of her enthusiasm, compassion for others, and dedication to her own betterment.

I wholeheartedly recommend Jalynn Boyd and know she will shine on the college campus that is lucky enough to secure her. Please feel free to contact me at regarding this letter.


Jessica Livingston