SCHOOL YEAR 2013 TO 2014




Dear Orchestra Students and Parents,

Welcome! Instrumental music is an exciting activity in which the students’ opportunity for participation increases as each year passes. String students learn to express themselves in a unique manner different from many other subjects and activities. One of the most important concepts learned is how to grow as an individual, achieve as a group and work for common goals.

We live in an area where music is given a prominent place alongside other academic areas of study. In a time when arts programs around the country are forced to close, the programs of SpringGroveAreaSchool District continue to create excellent and successful programs. As a curricular course in the State of Pennsylvania, Orchestra is an elective class with defined objectives for the individual student. As a group organization, the Orchestra enhances the aesthetic quality of life and promotes school spirit and pride. As part of the overall String Program, the Spring Grove Orchestra is a part of a 10 year journey culminating at high school graduation.

The importance of music here is no accident. It is the most widely used of all the arts. Most everyone enjoys music through some outlet, whether it is through television, radio, movies, internet, or concerts. Central to the appreciation and understanding of music is performance. There is a great pride in making music with a group of friends and working toward a common goal. String students are always in the public eye. Therefore, responsibility and discipline are stressed so that students are always in the excellent representatives of themselves, their school and their community.

Most importantly – ORCHESTRA IS FUN! Many students will make lifetime friends and memories through their association wit the school Orchestra program. This handbook is designed to assist you as a parent in understanding the many dimensions of the String program at the Intermediate/Middle levels. Please read through the handbook and help you child understand its contents. We strongly recommend that you store this handbook in a safe place where you can easily access it throughout the year. I am always happy to answer any questions you may have, but my priority is devoting the maximum amount of time and energy towards meeting the daily needs of the students.



In partnership with families and communities, it is the mission of the SpringGroveAreaSchool “District Music Department to cultivate artistic citizenship through performance, understanding, and appreciation for a lifelong participation in music.


* Music is a vital part of the human condition, and is indispensable to the well-rounded education ofall children.

* Music is a source of opportunities: it opens new possibilities; it supports imagination,appreciation, and understanding; it adds a new dimension to life.

* The ability to create, perform, and respond to music expressively and intellectually has a

significant humanizing influence.

* Participation in music helps the development of constructive life-skills such as self-discipline, cooperation,communication, adaptation, and more.

* The skills, knowledge, and habits developed through the study of music enrich students’ lives and reach their fullpotential.

* Through these experiences, students build positive personal relationships with others, professionalism, and workethnic, communication skills, teamwork, and collaboration, and critical thinking and problem solving skillsthat prepare them to live and work in a culturally diverse society.


The information contained in this handbook in intended to be accurate at the time written, and is subject to change. Please contact the director if you need clarification of any of the material presented in this document.


The Spring Grove String/Orchestra Program has a reputation of high standard of excellence in musical performance. This level of success requires a great deal of collaborative effort among teachers, administrators, parents, and students. By enrolling in the Spring Grove SGI / MS String/Orchestra Program, you are making a commitment to the Orchestra as an organization and, more importantly, to yourself and the other students in the Orchestra. This commitment includes accepting responsibility for the following:

  1. Actively participating as a member of the Orchestra for the full school year.
  2. Do your best to grow musically as an individual by practicing on a regular basis
  3. Maintain a positive attitude and support the goals of the Orchestra.
  4. Work positively with all Orchestra members and director to achieve Orchestra group goals.


Most students who have previously participated in the School String Program may be admitted to the Intermediate/ Middle School Orchestra. When the Orchestra Director feels a student is not ready musically or socially to join the Orchestra class, the student will participate in the string lesson portion of the program until the Orchestra Director has seen proof that the student is ready to participate in the orchestra class. New students will be admitted to the group when the Orchestra Director considers them technically and socially ready.


  1. Establish each student’s understanding of basic fundamentals and techniques of string playing.
  2. Foster each student’s ability to read musical notation.
  3. Encourage self-discipline through individual practice and correction of mistakes.
  4. Build each student’s self-esteem through participation in successful musical performances.


Lessons are held once a cycle on a rotating basis. Although students usually miss another class for these lessons, the rotating schedule assures that the same class is not missed every cycle. Lessons will be held in the string lesson room assigned by the Orchestra Director. The lesson / Orchestra schedule will be explained and handed out to the student (for home), posted several places around the school, on the Orchestra web site, and given to the academic teacher. The student will check the string lesson schedule and report first to the academic teacher whose class they will be leaving. The student is responsible for making up any work missed. A student will be excused from a lesson ONLY IF THE CLASSROOM TEACHER GIVES MRS. GROSS A NOTE OR HAS DISCUSSED THE SITUATIONS WITH MRS. GROSS. When possible, arrangements will be made to have the lesson at another time. In lessons, student preparedness, and behavior is important because of the limited time. The Orchestra Director has the right to send a student back to class or to the office if the student is misbehaving, disrupts class, or is not prepared for the lesson. Lessons may be canceled/rescheduled due to assemblies, use of the classroom for other activities, snow delays, …..


The SGI Orchestra has class twice a cycle for 30 minutes. MS Orchestra has class twice a cycle for 32 minutes. This class is not only a rehearsal where we prepare for tours, assemblies, and concerts; learn the importance of teamwork; works on skills…. it is also a CLASS that the student earns a grade. The director has the right to send a disruptive student back to the academic class or to the office so that the other members have a safe and effective learning environment.


When a student forgets their instrument, they should report to the lesson or Orchestra class as usual. The Orchestra Director puts an “I” (No Instrument) in the grade book (which will result in a 0 for that class) , gives the student information for the next time, and may send the student back to their academic classroom depending on lesson content or student behavior. When a student chooses not to attend ( is not absent from school) and the Orchestra Director received no warning from the academic teacher, the Orchestra Director puts a “NS” ( No Show) in the grade book ( which will result in a 0 for that class) Please note , I am usually informed when students are sick/absent from school. When a student is absent from school and missed a lesson/sectional/orchestra class, they lose no points.


Orchestra & ensemble music are provided for the students and must be returned to the Orchestra Director when stated. Folders are also provided for the students. If Concert Folios are used, the student must return it with the music when stated. Each student is responsible for their equipment (which is: instrument, bow, rosin, slip stops for cellos and basses and lesson books). Any school materials lost or damaged that the student is using will be paid for by that student. For example: Lost music cost $3.00 each to replace.


The Orchestra Director asks that you do not attempt to repair anything on the string instrument yourself. The Orchestra Director can repair broken strings, set up bridges (not broken), set up sound posts, tighten chin rests, and tighten pegs. Strings may be bought at Menchey Music Store and Mrs. Gross can put the string on the instrument at the next lesson/ Orchestra Class. Any other major repairs will need to go back to the music company where you rent/lease or bought the instrument to get it repaired. Students who use school owned instruments(cellos and basses) are responsible for that instrument as if it were their own. Any major problems with a school owned instrument will be taken care of by the school district unless the instrument was broken recklessly. If your school owned instrument is sent away to be repaired, you will need to bring your instrument from home until your school owned instrument returns from the repair shop. Any extra accessories like shoulder rests, rock stops, rosin, new lesson books etc. can be bought at Menchey Music Store. Mrs. Gross will size the student on a regular basis to make sure they have the proper size. When the student needs the next size instrument, a note will be sent home with the correct size of instrument. Please take this note to the music store to confirm the size the student needs.


Cello and bass players will receive a school owned instrument for use in the school only. (if cello players choose to bring in their instruments from home, that is between the student and the parent/guardian) These school instruments do not go home.




Students participating in String lessons and Orchestra class will receive a grade each lesson and Orchestra class based on individual progress made during the pervious week. The cumulative grade will be on their report card each marking period. These are the procedures which will be followed to ensure fairness and quality in the SGI / MS Orchestra and it’s performing groups:

Grades are based on a point system. Each string lesson and Orchestra class, the student will be able to earn 5 points or a total of 15 points each cycle:

1 point = attending class / scheduled performances

1 point = having all materials needed (instrument, bow, music, books, pencil, rosin, & positive attitude

1 point = effort / progress

1 point = positive behavior

1 point = taking the instrument home to practice

Any student failing any academic classes, may not participate in Orchestra class until improvement is shown in the deficient academic area and is approved by their academic teacher and parents/guardians. Any string student who has repeated academic discipline issues maybe asked not to participate in Orchestra class until improvement in behavior is shown and is approved by the academic teacher, counselor, principal, and parent/guardian.


All string class members are expected to be contributing members of the group. Contributing members always:

* Report to lessons / class on time and are prepared with all items needed.

* Bring their instrument to school on the day lessons/ Orchestra are held, and take the instrument home at the end of the day to practice.

* Practice their instrument at home on a regular basis.

* Participate in all performances ( unless prior permission to be excused is received from the director.)

* Are respectful to fellow music members.

Loss of recess time for retraining and/or notification to home will result for students who do not come to lessons; are frequently not prepared, or have behavior issues


Students should play at home as much as possible. Practice is sometimes a struggle for some, especially those with very busy home schedules. Everybody’s home schedule is quite different. My goal is to have the student learn how to practice with quality in place of quantity. Just like an athlete uses repetitions in their workouts, the student would practice a song correctly several times in a row. In their lesson books, for example, I may ask the student to practice a song 3 times correctly in a row in place of asking them to practice the song for 5 min. Usually teachers will ask the student to practice a certain number of minutes. In each case thestudents should use a “Practice Log” to keep track practice times or repetitions. As the parent, I feel you and your student should choose what will work for you and your schedule. FYI: Necessary amounts of practice varies from student to student. Students who find the string curriculum to be difficult or too easy may want to consider private lessons. If you are interested in this, please contact Mrs.Gross at school. ( 225-4731 or )


Students are required to participate in all scheduled Orchestra activities unless noted otherwise. Absences are only excused in accordance with established district criteria. For example, if your child stays at home ill during the day, they will be unable to perform in any evening events. This would be an excused absence. Other examples of excused absences could be religious observations and extenuating circumstances. Conflicts with non-school activities are not excusable reasons for missing a scheduled school performance. Parents are encouraged to plan ahead to resolve any conflicts with scheduledschool activities. Unexcused absences from a required activity can result in a lowering of the student’s grade. We want your child to be involved in as many activities as they wish, and we are able to resolve most conflicts easily with adequate communication.Curricular performances will be graded as a major test grade. If the student is on time, dressed appropriately, has all materials, and demonstrates proper performance etiquette, a grade of 100% will be awarded. The concert dates are :





We may be asked to perform at other activities which are optional for the student to participate in. Close to the concert date, the parent/guardian will receive a paper with a return slip at the bottom so I know who is participating in the activity. If there is an emergency that the student is unable to participate in an activity, please notify the director as soon as you can. (225-4731 or )


String students should always look nice when representing themselves and their school.

Mrs. Gross will send home information about what to wear depending on the activity.


Concerts are the culmination of much student’s effort and are necessary to meet national, state, and school district standards for Orchestra. More importantly, concerts are an opportunity for students to demonstrate their talent s for an appreciative audience. For this reason, it is very important that both students and listeners observe appropriate concert etiquette during any musical performance. Please review the following guidelines prior to our first concert.

  1. Place electronic devices in the silent position during the performance.
  2. Refrain from talking while the director is on stage
  3. Only enter or leave the seating area during applause.
  4. Do not take flash photographs while the group is playing ( before and/or after is fine)
  5. Do not post other children on any social media without the permission of their parents/guardians
  6. Attend the ENTIRE concert.

Students and directors have worked very hard for each performance and gratefully value your approval as demonstrated by your applause. The following are some guidelines to consider in recognizing a quality performance:

  1. It is appropriate and polite to applaud as the conductor approaches the podium.
  2. Do not applaud for soloists during a full band, orchestra, or choral concert performance, however, it I appropriate to applaud for soloists during a marching band or jazz band performance.
  3. For exceptional performance, it is always appreciated when the audience stands in applause following the final selection. This is known as a standing ovation.


The impression that the Orchestra makes has a great deal to do with the spirit, pride, and future reputation we will create for our school and for our Orchestra. You must make an effort to learn and improve daily in school and in Orchestra. Be a hard worker in everything you do, as that will benefit you in all that you do for the rest of your life. Regular practice on your instrument is your responsibility in order for the Orchestra improve and be successful. The Orchestra will only be the best if the members are dedication to being the very best musicians they can be. REMEMBER, YOU ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE ORCHESTRA!