Welcome, Happy Campers! My name is Casandra Conner, and I will be your child’s 3rd Grade teacher for the 2017-2018 school year! I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana, and I currently live in Madisonville, Louisiana.

I graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. I am so happy to be a part of the turtle family, and I am confident you will be too.

When I am not teaching, I love to spend time with my family. I have a 9 year old son who is in 4th grade here at Lancaster.Our two favorite things to do are reading and traveling. I hope to instill my love for reading into my students this year.

I’d like to share some information with you about our classroom community:

  • Bell Schedule: The school time for the 2017-2018 school year is 8:05-3:11.
  • Daily Binder: Your child will use his/her Daily Binder as a means for daily home-school communication. This binder will hold information about weekly news, homework, positive discipline, and any other information you and your child will need during the year. Please encourage your child to place their assignments/papers in the appropriate place. Also encourage them to keep these organized and to be responsible for what is inside.
  • Weekly Assessments: Your child will receive graded weekly assessments on Wednesday. Please review, sign, and return these papers by Friday so I can put them into your child’s portfolio. Attached you will find the St. Tammany Parish Grading Policy.
  • Homework: Homework is given as a way to reinforce the skills and concepts taught during the school day. Information about homework for the week will be included in the weekly class newsletter.
  • Positive Discipline Plan: I am passionate about maintaining a positive learning environment in my classroom. You will find information about our classroom discipline plan attached.
  • Volunteers: Volunteers are welcome in our classroom! We would love your help during field trips and class parties. We will also have various projects that you may be able to help us complete during the year. There are also many jobs throughout the school for which volunteers are needed. Our wonderful PTA is always looking for help for many fun activities and projects throughout the school year. Our teacher workroom is a great place to start! Look out for volunteer opportunities in our weekly newsletter.
  • Supply Fee: Supply fee money will be used to purchase materials that enhance learning and help promote student engagement.
  • Snacks: Students will be allowed to enjoy healthy snacks while working in our classroom. Healthy foods help our brains function well and keep us alert and ready to learn. Try to avoid snacks that are too sticky and greasy so they will not get all over students’ work. Students may have waterbottles as long as they do not become a distraction or are repeatedly spilled.
  • Things to Know: It is our responsibility to ensure that each child makes academic progress during this year that will prepare them for future learning. I will depend on you to assist in these efforts by providing the following:

Assisting your child with daily homework/studying

Ensuring your child has necessary materials

Encouraging your child to do their best every day!

Maintaining ongoing communication with me regarding all aspects of your child’s education, especially when there are factors that may interfere with their progress.

  • Methods of Communication:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school at 985-792-0156. Please leave a message and a phone number. I will return your call as soon as possible.

Email me at . Email is the quickest and easiest way for me to get back with you.

 Send a note inside your child’s binder. Place it in the important papers section in the front of the binder so it does not get mixed in with work.

I am looking forward to an exciting school year here at Lancaster Elementary!

Casandra Conner

St. Tammany Parish Grading Policy

2nd and 3rd Grade

This page outlines a few key notes in St. Tammany Parish’s Grading Policy for Grades 2-3.

  • A grade of A, B, C, D or F shall be assigned in math, reading, language, and spelling for each of the four quarter grading periods for all students. In third grade A, B, C, D and F shall be assigned in science and social studies for all four grading periods. Only letter grades shall be recorded in the grade book.

A - (93-100%) - Excellent. The student has consistently demonstrated excellent performance.

B - (85-92%) - High Quality Work. The student’s performance is in upper range of the satisfactory category.

C - (75-84%) - Satisfactory. The student is performing in a satisfactory manner for grade level.

D - (67-74%) - Needs Improvement. The student’s performance is below satisfactory standards. Parent(s) and teacher(s) need to have a conference.

F - (66% and below) - Unsatisfactory Work. The student is not progressing according to standards.

  • There shall be a minimum of nine grades for each second and third grade student during each quarter. Due to unusual circumstances, such as testing, some grading periods may be shortened. In this case, the number of assessments shall be a minimum of the number of weeks during that grading period.
  • A variety of assessments shall be included, i.e. portfolios, journals, written tests, projects, checklists, writing samples, observations and anecdotal records. Test items shall reflect the instructional objectives in the teacher’s lesson plans based on the content standards and benchmarks.
  • Student conduct shall not be considered when computing the quarter grade. Conduct and work habits shall be considered separately and denoted accordingly on the report card.
  • Teachers shall communicate, in writing, their grading practices to parents and students at the beginning of the school year and to new students when they enter class.
  • Activities, projects, presentations, reports, etc., will require that specific grading scales or rubrics be developed and communicated to students and parents. Each teacher is responsible for any other markings such as behavior, work habits and attendance in class.

Positive Discipline Plan

Behavior Expectations:

  1. Be Courteous - wait to speak when called on
  2. Be Respectful - do not disrupt the learning environment
  3. Be Cooperative- complete work and follow directions. Keep binder organized
  4. Be Prepared - have all work and materials every day
  5. Be Kind - treat classmates and adults with respect

Behavioral Procedures:

  • Our class will use a clip chart system as a way to help students be aware of their choices each day. Students will start each day in the middle of the chart on “Ready to Learn.” Students can move their clip up the chart when they make good choices and down the chart according to the procedures listed below. Students can move up or down from any point on the chart.
  • Negative behavior choices will be communicated daily on a behavior log found in a page protector in your child’s binder. Please initial this form each day. Students may receive a mark if they moved down on the clip chart or if they were spoken to by another teacher. Any teacher can mark in the log.

Classroom Rewards:

  1. Move Clip Up the Chart!
  2. Verbal Praise
  3. Positive Notes/Calls home
  4. Special Privileges
  5. Turtle Tokens
  6. Class Compliment reward when class earns multiple compliments from others.

Classroom Consequences:

  1. Verbal or Visual Warning- Be careful
  • More than one warning may be issued
  1. Think About It - Uh-oh!
  • after continued warnings
  • clip moved down on chart (Yellow)
  • marked in binder
  • student conference
  1. Teacher Choice- Continued poor choices
  • Clip moved down on chart (Orange)
  • marked in binder
  • Stop & Think behavior reflection
  • possible recess loss
  • student conference
  1. Parent Contact/Detention - Didn’t make good choices
  • Clip moved down on chart (Red)
  • marked in binder
  • school behavior form
  • recess/privilege loss
  • student conference & parent contact
  1. Face to Face
  • for frequently occurring or concerning behaviors
  • with Administration and/or Parent

***For severe behavior immediate parent/principal contact***