May 6, 2010

Room 4104 KC,2207 FC, 200 NCC, and PV


Agenda Item / Goal / Topic,
Summary of Discussion / Decision,
Next Step(s) / Person Responsible, Due Date
Previous Meeting Minutes / Information
Vote / Attendance sheet circulated.
February 25, 2010meeting minutes reviewed and approved.
To be posted on the CCRI Web Site. / Attendees: Jeanne Mullaney, Peter Woodberry, Ruth Sullivan, Candace Grist, Dan Donovan, Bill LeBlanc,
Special guest: Cheri Markward / J. Mullaney
Committee Members
2.Presentation: Music or Jazz Studies / Information / Cheri Markward gave a presentation on Music and Jazz Studies program assessment for which she received level 1 distinction from Peggy Maki who noted that the Music program assessment is so effective because it connects findings to curriculum. Cheri discussed what prepared her to report on her department’s program assessment. First, she described a course that she had to teach that caused her to question how to teach and how to learn that topic. She learned much about teaching and learning and the goal-setting process form thinking about those questions. Second, she took a course in which her final project went awry and she had to decide whether to honestly describe the process or invent something other than what happened. Ultimately, she decided that honesty about failure was the best course of action. Third, the workshops Cheri attended with Peggy Maki gave her a framework to understand and assess what they do in the music department. Although she didn’t always enjoy the workshops, they prepared her for the work she is doing now.
Some of the changes her department has made include faculty advising. They have found that knowledge transfer from music history courses is not happening successfully and they are looking for ways to improve that transfer. In general, they are working on finding more effective methods to help students make connections and still remember theory in courses other than theory courses. They are also looking to get accredited and have improved their rubrics as part of that process. They find that the rubrics provide guidance for both full-time and adjunct faculty as well as students. / Information / Karen Allen/ Michael Kelly
Updates / Information / The NEEAN Summer Institutewill be held on June 10-11, 2010 at Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire.
A series of workshops on classroom assessment techniques were co-sponsored by Human Resources and Learning Evidence Team and held during March and April.
The Learning Evidence Team sponsored a panel discussion on capstone courses at Professional Development Day. Linda Corrente, Mike Kelly, Tony Rashid, and Joe Parys described the capstone courses in their departments.
Instead of the level 1, 2, or 3 distinction awarded by Peggy Maki in her evaluation of program assessment reports, we have moved to a system of seals of assessment achievement and assessment excellence.
Jeanne Mullaney and Naglaa Gaafar went to Wabash College for a retention workshop at which they analyzed data from the Wabash study, data from the Foundations of Excellence survey, and data from Institutional Research regarding the ability to benefit of CCRI students. They worked with Teagle scholars and used the data to determine the characteristics of students who do not remain at CCRI in order to consider appropriate interventions that will help boost retention rates and success for CCRI students.
With Yvonne Kadelski’s retirement, Jeanne Mullaney asked for volunteers to update the LET website. No one present has the expertise necessary. / Information / J. Mullaney
4. New Process for Evaluating Program Assessment Reports / Information/Discussion / Up to this point, Peggy Maki has evaluated our program assessment reports and determined the levels assigned to each report. As part of the new OHE policy on assessment, our institutions will assume this responsibility. Also, the new OHE policy on assessment would require the Vice President for Academic Affairs to report yearly at ASAC. In response, we need to form a committee responsible for reading the reports and deciding whether they demonstrate excellence or achievement in outcomes assessment. Sharon Perkins has already volunteered to serve on this committee. / Information / J. Mullaney and Committee Members
5.Law Enforcement / Legal Studies and Chemical Technology Report / Information / Program Assessment Reports for Law Enforcement / Legal Studies and Chemical Technology have recently come in and will be evaluated by the new committee once it is formed and a rubric has been created. / Information / J. Mullaney
6. Graduate Survey / Information / Bill LeBlanc spoke about the graduate survey of 14 questions to be completed online by students. It includes questions that ask students to rate their competence in various general education skills. The survey is similar to the one in 2007, but it doesn’t include any questions on services, only on general education skills. Graduates have been notified of the survey on the website for 2010 commencement, in a publication that goes to their homes, and also with an email blast. One of the committee members suggested a note on Facebook with a link to the survey as another means to contact students.
Bill also discussed the new Student Satisfaction Survey that is currently being piloted. / Information / B. LeBlanc
7. Assessment of General Education and Assessment of Teamwork / Discussion / Jeanne discussed a means of assessing writing that is used at Middlesex Community College. Committee members discussed the scale of such a project at our institution and also suggested that we might look at Accuplacer diagnostics for baseline data about our students when they begin their studies at CCRI. J eanne will follow up on this with Bob Cipolla. / Discussion / J. Mullaney
7. Wrap-up/
Adjournment / Closure / Meeting adjourned: 2:54 pm / J. Mullaney

Learning Evidence Team

02/25/2010 Meeting Outcomes

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