Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday,

17th April 2013

At Foulden Village Hall.

Present: Gregory Lauder-Frost (Chairman), Julia Trotter (Treasurer), (both Mordington), John Williams, (Vice Chairman) John Anderson, (both Foulden) Francis Donoghue, Howard Doherty, Jeff Armstrong, (all Lamberton) Anne Nixon (Hon. Secretary) :

1.Open Forum: Nothing for discussion.

2Apologies: Douglas Jeffrey (Mordington). Alison Hibbert, Paul Tricket, (both Foulden) Linda Sneddon (Webmaster), Michael Cook, Jim Fullarton, Joan Campbell (all SBC Cllr’s).

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on 6th March, 2013 were accepted by council and duly signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising: Planning – The following planning decisions were made:

(d) 12/01384 – Two Turbines Foulden Hill. The community council had opposed this on 21 Nov 2012 and the application has now been withdrawn. New application imminent.

(e) 12/01492 – Pigeon Loft for 1000 pigeons at Lamberton Shiels – Refused by SBC Planning Officer. Appeal expected. John Williams and Howard Doherty to monitor things here.

(h) Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance on Single & Small Groups of Turbines in Berwickshire – John Williams has a copy of the document and will liase with Howard Doherty regarding this matter. It is also on the SBC website.

5 Traffic Regulation Orders- The SBC advised on 27th March that they had amended the Speed Limit at Foulden Newton in the built-up area.

6 Roads & Footpaths: Nothing to report regarding footpaths. It was reported that there are holes in the road near the bridge at Foulden Bastle.

7 FMLCC. Website- In the absence of the Webmaster there was nothing to report.

8. Community Council Boundaries – Howard Doherty had previously reported to council that part of Lamberton, which includes No. 24, is not included within the Foulden, Mordington & Lamberton boundaries and council had agreed that they would recommend a boundary adjustment. Howard had contacted the SBC and he has been advised that it will be considered later in the year by the SBC.

9. Funding Request for Lamberton Graveyard; The Chairman read out a letter which had been received from Lamberton Hall Committee requesting help in funding the restoration work of the boundary walls etc., at the Lamberton churchyard. Julia Trotter said she thought that FMLCC should contribute and it was agreed to pay £290 for the cost of a new gate. A cheque is to be given to Lamberton Hall Committee.

10. Berwickshire Community Council Forum –Nothing to report.

11. A. O. C. B. – Jeff Armstrong advised the council that due to other commitments he would like to retire from the community council at the AGM. The Chairman, on behalf of the councillors, said he would be very sorry to lose him. Lamberton residents are to be asked if anyone would be interested in filling the vacancy. It was also pointed out there is also a vacancy in Foulden in order to bring the FMLCC up to full capacity.

Foulden Church: possible threat of closure – As this is the only parish church left within the FMLCC boundaries (Mordington Church being taken down c1989 and Lamberton a ruin) and its religious and historic value (dates from at least the 1200s) to the area, it was agreed to monitor any future developments and oppose closure. John Williams & John Anderson are to inspect split branches of a Chestnut tree overhanging the A6105 at the Sawmill access road at Foulden, and if necessary contact Darren Silcock at SBC.

Proposed Horburn Windfarm at Ayton: bungling at SBC meant that the developer has not applied directly to the Scottish Government for consent. We have a CDRom of the complete application submitted last October. The Chairman reported that there was continuing concern in East Berwickshire about wind turbine applications. Berwickshire Civic Society advised that an application for a 42 metre wind turbine on land SE of Swinton Quarter farmhouse was refused on 6th February.

Alison Hibbert is to be contacted regarding the emergencies map of Foulden, which she had offered to deal with.

A letter had been received from Robert MacLachlan enquiring as to the council’s position on wind turbines. The Chairman would contact him.

Items of Information Received – The Chairman read out a letter which has been received from Rt. Hon. Michael Moore M.P. regarding a meeting on an oil co-operative in the Borders to help people get a better deal on their LPG, which is being held in Galashiels on the 26th April.

The Police Scotland Scottish Borders Local Policing Plan 2013-2014 and the East Berwickshire Multi Member Ward Plan 2013 have been received.

South of Scotland Alliance forward to the council a newsletter on their activities regarding the South of Scotland Next generation broadband project Jan – Mar 2013.

The SBC have agreed a process which allows residents to submit petitions on issues. This was approved on 30th August last. Info on their website. The council has received an updated copy of SBC Policy D4 on Renewable Energy Developments.

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 3rd June, 2013 at 7.00 p.m. at Foulden Village Hall followed by the A.G.M. at 7.30 p.m. No speaker has yet been found.