Unit 3

Superheroes, Villains, Sidekicks, and the Brain

The members of the Justice League have summoned you to the Hall of Justice for a very important 2-part mission. They have been working together for years and decided that they are in need of some new members. Wonder Woman thinks the Green Lantern is arrogant, and only remotely cares for the company of Hawk Girl. The Justice League wants you to scour the planets and find new Superheroes and Sidekicks. They also are very tired of fighting the same bad guys. Who wants to battle Penguin again? Not Batman, for sure. The second part of your mission is to discover brand new villains.

In groups of no smaller than three and no bigger than four, you are to complete the following mission:

Find (create) a superhero, sidekick, or villain for the following 17 areas of the human brain. What would that character have as their special power or special weakness if that part of the brain was “super”? By the end of the unit, you should have 17 separate characters.

1. Medulla / 5. Hypothalamus / 9. Temporal Lobe / 13. Primary Somatosensory Cortex / 17. Wernicke’s Area
2. Pons / 6. Hippocampus / 10. Parietal Lobe / 14. Left Hemisphere
3. Cerebellum / 7. Amygdala / 11. Frontal Lobe / 15. Right Hemisphere
4. Thalamus / 8. Occipital Lobe / 12. Primary Motor Cortex / 16. Broca’s Area

You will need the following:

Diagram(s) labeling the location of each of the 17 areas

17 Character Descriptions that include all of the following (I have provided a sample on the back of this sheet):

ð  A name for the character that references the brain area

ð  Visual(s)

ð  A description of the character’s super powers and/or weaknesses

ð  The area of the brain used for that character and what it actually controls in the brain

Superheroes, Villains, Sidekicks, and the Brain

Score Sheet

1.  Diagram(s) labeling the location of each of the 17 areas ______/10

2.  Name for the character that references the brain area ______/10

3.  Visual(s) for each character ______/20

4.  A description of the character’s super powers ______/30

and/or weaknesses

5.  The area of the brain used for that character and ______/30

what it actually controls in the brain

Total Score: ______/100

Group Members:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

Adapted by Rebecca Rodriguez