Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation

Message from the Chair

25 August 2016

Photo: Stephen King and Bill Scott at the Albury Forum on 17 August 2016

I am very pleased to announce the release of the Review’s online survey for consumers and pharmacists.

This is a ‘smart’ online survey that targets both consumers and pharmacistsandis a key information-gathering tool to complement the questions raised in our Discussion Paper that was released in July 2016. The survey is being offered in addition to, or instead of, written responses to the Discussion Paper.

The survey will be open until 30September 2016.

In the last few weeks we have been consulting nationally with a range of stakeholders. We have visited over 30 pharmacies since the Discussion Paper was released and more than 600 people have attended the forums we’ve held to date. This online survey will give pharmacy owners, employee pharmacists and pharmacy workers a convenientway of participating in the Review.

However, our foremost consideration with this survey is to find out if we have a system that meets the needs of consumers. This survey aims to identify which services and programs consumers value from community pharmacy. It asks (for example) what are the things that they value about community pharmacy services? Are pharmacies accessible enough? What are the services they would like pharmacists to provide?

Consumers know that the role of pharmacies is evolving. Pharmacies are increasingly a central health care hub offering prescription services, personal care products and some clinical services. To capitalise on this we need to understand consumer attitudes to the evolving role of pharmacy – including the benefits and challenges.

The views of the public and the pharmacy profession will be invaluable in the Panel’s consideration ofthe role of community pharmacy and any new and innovative ideas on what community pharmacy could look like in the future.

We want you to have your say.

Further detail on the Panel’s consultation process is available on the Review’s webpage:

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