DISCLAIMER and WARRANTY Form for High Power Laser Diodes

In order to purchase a laser diode with an output power of greater than 5 mW, or any assembly containing such a diode from Samuel M. Goldwasser (the “Seller”), you (the “Undersigned”) MUST complete this form and return it by U.S. Mail or as a scanned GIF or JPG image via

email prior to receiving the item(s). A snail mail address will be provided via email if required.



The Undersigned acknowledges that they are aware that a high power laser diode is capable of damage to flesh, vision, and property from accidental or deliberate exposure to the laser beam or its reflections.

The Undersigned agrees that the Seller will not be held responsible, liable, or accountable for any direct or consequential injury or damage resulting from the use or misuse (deliberate or accidental) of the laser diode or complete assembly containing a laser diode purchased from the Seller.

Further, the Undersigned agrees that the laser diode or complete assembly is provided for experimental and/or prototyping purposes only and is not to be installed in any product for resale without prior approval of the Seller.


The laser diode or laser diode assembly will be fully tested by the Seller at up to the rated power of the laser diode, or up to 1 watt of output power (whichever is lower), with data provided on output power versus current. Due to the extreme sensitivity of laser diodes to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD), over-current, and other causes, the laser diode is sold as-is.

The warranty on laser diodes is only for misrepresentation of functional specifications as listed on “Sam’s Classified Page” at or provided via email correspondence. If the Seller agrees that a fundamental error has been made in the specifications, a refund of the purchase price (including all shipping charges) will be issued if the item is returned within 15 days, and found to be undamaged. Examples of fundamental errors in specifications include but may not be limited to: (1) the wavelength differs significantly from that listed (e.g., 830 nm instead of 808 nm), (2) the laser diode is multi-spatial mode instead of single-spatial mode, or (3) the pinout or polarity is incorrect. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis but the refund will be limited to the item price (excluding shipping or other charges) if the fundamental specifications are found not to be in error and there will also be a retesting charge of 15 percent or $5, whichever is higher, even if the seal on the inner packaging is unbroken.


Your full name

Your street (shipping) address

Your valid email address


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