CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education (Early Years Educator) (VRQ) (601/4000/8)
Unit 1: Child development from conception to seven years
Hand in Tuesday 5th January 2015
Learning outcome 1
Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programs in the first year of life.
Create a manual for an expectant mother that describes:
· Development from conception to birth
· Routine screening programs in the first year of life
Assessment criteria
(D1) 1.1. Describe stages of development from conception to birth.
(C1) 1.2. Explain routine checks carried out during antenatal care, postnatal care and the first year of life.
(D2)1.3. Describe factors that may impact upon the development of the baby during:
· pre-conception
· each stage of pregnancy
· during first year of life.
Learners must know about:
· the growth and development stages of the baby from conception to birth.
· the different health screening checks that are undertaken at various stages during pregnancy as well as the routine checks involved in antenatal care
· factors may impact upon the development of the baby during:
- pre-conception
- each stage of pregnancy
· the impact of lifestyles to pre-conception health and well-being
· risk to the mother during pregnancy.
· health checks for the baby immediately after birth
· health care professionals involved and their role
· routine checks undertaken during antenatal care.
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education (Early Years Educator) (VRQ) (601/4000/8)
Unit 1: Child development from conception to seven years
Learning outcome 2
Understand stages and sequences of development from birth to seven years
Produce a written assignment which describes the stages and sequences of development from birth to seven years.
Assessment criteria
(D3) 2.1. Identify stages and sequences of development from birth to seven years in the following areas:
· cognition
· neurological and brain development
· speech, language and communication
· physical
· personal, social and emotional.
(D4) 2.2. Explain ‘holistic’ development.
Learners must know about:
· the normative patterns of development for children from birth to seven years
· the patterns of neurological and brain development in children
· the way children develop holistically and the interdependency of each area in relation to:
- speech, language and communication
- social and emotional development
- physical development
· the difference between sequence of development and rate of development.
(C3) 2.3. Explain factors which influence children’s development.
Learners must know about:
· how to use normative patterns of development
· centile charts and growth patterns
· biological and environmental (non-genetic) influences on child development (this will be refreshed in Unit 6: Understanding children’s additional needs).
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education (Early Years Educator) (VRQ) (601/4000/8)
Unit 1: Child development from conception to seven years
Learning outcome 3
Understand theory and educational frameworks which inform knowledge and understanding of early years practice
Produce an academic poster that shows an understanding of theory and educational frameworks which inform knowledge and understanding of early years practice.
Assessment criteria
(B1) 3.1. Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to:
· cognitive development
· speech, language and communication development
· physical development
· social and emotional development.
(B2) 3.2. Explain how theoretical perspectives relating to child development inform current frameworks.
Learners must know about:
· theories associated with child development
· how theoretical perspectives have contributed to current frameworks and so inform practice in early years settings.
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education (Early Years Educator) (VRQ) (601/4000/8)
Unit 1: Child development from conception to seven years
Plan 2 opportunities for children’s learning and development from birth to five years.
Learning outcome 4
Understand the role of the early year’s practitioner when promoting child development from birth to seven years.
Learning outcome 5
Understand how to plan opportunities for children’s learning and development from birth to five years.
Assessment criteria
(C2) 4.1. Discuss the role of the early years practitioner when promoting child development in relation to:
· cognitive development
· speech, language and communication development
· physical development
· social and emotional development.
(A1) 4.2. Evaluate the role of the early years practitioner in supporting children’s holistic development.
(A*) 4.3. Analyse how working in partnership:
· enhances children’s learning and development
· values parents/carers’ contributions.
(D5) 5.1. Plan opportunities for children from birth to five years in relation to:
· cognitive development
· speech, language and communication development
· physical development
· social and emotional development.
Learners must know about:
· the role of the early years practitioner in relation to meeting the individual stage of development for children
· providing stage appropriate opportunities that allow for holistic development to take place
· how to work in partnership with parents/carers in a way that values their significant contributions and encourages their interest.
Suggested dates
Outcome 1 / 17.11.15Outcome 2 / 1.12..15
Outcome 3 / 15.12.15
Outcome 4 / 5.1.16