Flexi-time policy and procedure for admin staff
The policy paper aims at clarifying the way in which flexi-time will operate in the School, taking into account clause 18.0(g) of the UNSW (General Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2006 and reflecting a mature workplace based on trust and reciprocity.
It is important to understand that flex-time is NOT an entitlement and must fit in with the operational needs of School. Accrued flex-time will not be paid out to any staff member under any circumstances.
Overtime is separate and distinct from this flex-time policy and must be approved by the staff‘s nominated supervisor or Head of School. Staff should not work outside their span of hours (including weekends) without prior approval.
Guidelines for the accrual and taking of flex-time:
· Staff will work within the normal span of hours of 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday. Working outside of these hours is subject to supervisor’s approval and/or School operating needs.
· Staff should normally have a regular start and finish time arrangement with their supervisor and work a minimum of 35 hours per week. They should liaise with their nominated supervisor regarding their normal start and finish times.
· Start time should usually be before 9.30am and finish times generally after 4.00pm and a minimum of ½ hour meal break must be taken each day.
· Staff must sign on using their electronic time recording sheet when they commence work in the morning and sign off when they leave in the evening. This is necessary for occupational health and safety and audit reasons. The time recording sheets will be checked regularly by the School Manager and can be accessed by HOS or his/her delegated supervisor/s at any time.
· A maximum of 21 hours flex time may be accrued
· Flex days will generally be taken either as single days or partial days. Staff wishing to access a flex day must arrange to do so with their nominated supervisor/manager by requesting a flex day with one weeks notice. Flex may be used in conjunction with recreation leave, but this must be discussed with the staff’s supervisor before submitting a leave request on my.UNSW.
· At the end of each year (ie. 31 December), School’s administrative staff will have their notional flex-time balance reduced to zero.
· Any flex day and/or other type of leave should be recorded in the electronic time recording sheet
Any queries regarding the School’s flexi-time policy should be discussed with staff’s supervisor or the School Manager.
Approving Authority: Head of School
Last Amended: 24 March 2009