Model Learning Agreement

The agreement is between: The Communication Workers Union (specify location/area/branch) And Royal Mail UK/BT/Other (delete as necessary)

The agreement covers all members of the CWU in (specify Branch/workplace).


·  To provide access to lifelong learning

·  To build a learning partnership in the workplace

·  To establish a learning centre within the workplace

·  To build upon the Governments current learning initiatives

·  To work with organisations such as the TUC Learning Services to ensure the learning partnership is a success

The employer will undertake to ensure that this agreement will not be used as an alternative to collective bargaining with the CWU and agrees to maintain and use existing negotiating procedures and arrangements other that those specified in this agreement. All parties agree that any and all grievances arising from any educational or learning initiative shall be subject to the existing grievance procedures.

The CWU & Royal Mail/BT/other (delete as necessary) are committed to working together to promote and support lifelong learning, and to ensure equality of access to learning opportunities. The continual changing nature of work means we need to update existing skills and learn new skills on an ongoing basis.

Royal Mai/BT/other recognise and support the new and developing role of Trade Union Learning Representatives in the policy, planning, implementation and continuous improvement to develop training and learning for all employees. ULR’s will be responsible for undertaking a training needs analysis of union members in the workplace. Royal Mail/B.T./other (delete as necessary) and the CWU agree that any learning needs analysis is undertaken with the full co-operation of both sides, and that any such analysis will be solely for learning and educational purposes. The analysis will not be used in relation to other issues such as pay, performance appraisal, redundancy, disciplinary procedures etc

The CWU will be responsible for appointing and training Union Learning Representatives. Paid time off, details to be agreed locally, will be granted to ULR’s to enable them to carry out their role and function. Paid time off will be granted to ULR’s for training, conferences, seminars, etc. Initial training will take place as soon as practical following appointment but will be within six months of appointment.

ULR’s will be afforded suitable facilities, e.g. office, filling cabinets, stationery, telephone and access to electronic equipment including e-mail, notice boards etc. Resources will be available to ULR’s for them to offer support, advice and guidance to members and to work with the business to introduce a learning culture into the workplace. All parties will encourage members to participate in lifelong learning opportunities.

Employees will also be entitled to time off to consult with their ULR. An element of the time will be paid, details to be agreed locally. A procedure will be agreed locally to resolve any disputes that may arise around the application of the ACAS code.

All parties to this agreement agree to the establishment of a joint union/employer Lifelong Learning Committee, which will be responsible for introducing, implementing and monitoring learning initiatives. The main responsibilities of this Committee will include:

·  Identifying the learning needs of both the employees and the employer.

·  Prioritising the learning needs identified.

·  Producing a Learning Plan (LP) that sets goals and targets for the provision of workplace learning, which will include the establishment of a Learning Centre.

·  The LLC will also be the Steering Group for the Learning Centre.

·  Ensuring that the LP is effectively implemented, so that goals and targets for learning provision are met.

·  Establishing agreed standards for the learning provided, and monitoring the available provision of

·  learning opportunities.

All parties agree that any learning needs analysis is undertaken with the full co-operation of all partners, and that any such analysis will be solely for learning and educational purposes. The analysis will not be used in relation to other issues such as pay, performance appraisal, redundancy, disciplinary, procedures etc. All parties agree to commit to regularly updating the learning needs analysis of participants in any learning programme.

The LLC will be comprised of equal numbers of Employer and Union representatives and the employer will place at least one senior member of its management team on the joint LLC, so that the committee is then able to take effective decisions. All parties agree to ensure that all sectors of the workplace are represented equally on the joint LLC, and that members of the LLC are provided with all relevant information concerning the learning provision and their duties/responsibilities as members of the committee.

All parties will have the responsibility of disseminating all information on matters relating to learning in the workplace and will ensure that all employees and managers are made aware of the

learning opportunities available and the work of the LLC. The LLC will meet once a month (or as agreed by a meeting) to carry out the tasks as identified by this learning agreement. A Chairperson and Secretary will be appointed at the first meeting of the joint LLC, and once a year thereafter, to facilitate the future meetings of the committee.

Equal opportunities, Equal access. All parties recognise the importance of equal opportunities and equal access to enhance skill levels in order to meet both the business objectives of the employer as well as the individual learning and development needs of the employees. All parties will ensure that training and development will be provided to all employees.

The LLC will:

·  Make every effort to ensure that when any learning takes place the specific needs of specific individual employees are taken into account.

·  Ensure that Workplace Union Learning Reps are given the opportunity to take suitable training enabling them to offer support, advice and guidance to their members and work with employer to

·  introduce a learning culture into the workplace

·  Assist the individual employees/learning reps to make informed choices in regards to learning programmes giving those concerned the ability to secure the maximum benefits possible from the opportunities available.

Although participation by employees will be on a voluntary basis, the CWU agrees to actively encourage their members to fully participate in all learning initiatives and opportunities.