Molloy Student Government
October 28, 2014
1. Call to Order at 3:34pm
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Flag Football: Steve from business. 2 hours Sunday nights from 930 to 1130 to stay active. Basketball in the spring. The gym has lights, which is perfect for nighttime playing. They can rotate sports. Clarify that it is much more than flag football even though basketball intermural get funding from the school. They will have volunteer refs. 40 ppl at the last meeting
Motion to approve the flag football club constitution by Jess B.
Second: David S.
Discussion: $150 given if approved
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in Favor
Motion Passes
b. Career in Sports Marketing: Josh is working with Dr. Sand to create a new class. Wants to bring in professionals from the sports field and have them guest speak. Tony Richardson on Nov. 11 from 330-530 guest speaker and a flag football charity game to raised money for books for under privileged kids. Is there a concern for competition with other business clubs. Yes but no because the sport element is new. Leave a legacy so the club can go on. 18 signs ups at the interest meeting.
Motion to approve the Career in Sports Marketing Constitution by Will T.
Second: Justin B.
Discussion: given $150 dollars if approved. The other business clubs are investment, consulting, accounting, and entrepreneurship.
Abstaining: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
4. Committees
Uapp: met and there was a proposal for a minor in social entrepanuership
5. Legislature Officer Reports
a. Residence Hall
- No Report
b. Public Relations
- Stall Talk: it’s the end of the month. All things for stall talk need to be in by 7pm they are being printed tomorrow morning. There are a lot of events next month but none have been emailed in. Point opportunity for stall talk.
c. Community Service
i. Thank you!: for the tables and donations and walks this month.
Motion to amend the motion to gave all the money to making strides by Tyler W.
Second: Jess B.
Discussion: previously half the money went back to MSG. Instead he wants to give it all to making strides
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
Bose sound doc is missing from maroon madness. Please let us know if you find it
- Academic Board
- Thank you!: for the table day and help in the events. Over 150 comments about academic concerns
- Majors minors fair was good. A lot pf ppl showed interest in minors
- Academic Forum
- Thursday October 30 at 3:30 pm in Hays
List of topics: final exam dates, uping technology, expanding course availability, ASL as a second language, textbook requirements. If there are any concerns email Sarah L. or Saniya K. This event is mandatory. This is not student related but academic related.
e. Class Officers
i. Seniors
1. Pumpkin Patch: thanks for the help. 90 pumpkins for the kids to paint.
2. Zombie Fest: not a great turnout but they are going ot try a Christmas themed event next
Motion for $20 for supplies for zombie fest by Jess B.
Second: Joe P.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
3. Mr. Molloy
a. November 20th, 8 pm, Madison Theatre: Applications are in the office, hand them out. Due no 13th. Max is 10 ppl so it’s not too long or short. We would like an MSG representative. Participants will represent their club. Not club incentive.
4. Rally Towel: ordered two weeks ago. A white towel/bandana with a lion’s logo. Should come next week
Motion for $600 for the rally towels by Justin B.
Second: Robby T.
Discussion: out of their budget. 300 towels. Going to sport games to sell them. It will be a point opportunity. Put it in a cup ad put a pen to sell it for more money.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
5. Chump Change: raising money for senior gala. The person with the most money raised has to do the top challenge. The table day today was good, they got some money. Each class president of fundraising can help the seniors out. There has been buckets empty and money taken. Please be respectful.
ii. Juniors
- Sweatshirt Sale: graphite grey with the hockey strings. An initial order of 10 to wear for advertising. Table day on Wednesday 12-330. 35 dollars
- Hockey Tournament: co sponsored with the math club. A scholarship fund for a student that passed away from lupus. Its Nov 22nd from 12-5
- “Making Someone’s Day” T-shirt project : pairing up with sticky quote to hand a t-shirt with a quote and educate them in msg. 100 shirts. Tell the person to put it on social media
- Tuesday night games are 17 dollars for nose bleed seats. Nov 22nd is a good game but will be more expensive. Sat game is at 7. The tournament will end by 5. They are at a group rate so they are cheaper than usual. Nosebleeds seat are the best option.
iii. Sophomores
- No Change
iv. Freshmen
- Movie Night
- Tonight, 7 pm MPR- Halloween Town and Halloween Town 2 : point opportunity at 6.
Motion for $48.32 for candy by Ryan G.
Second: Justin B.
Discussion: chocolate, lollipops, popcorn, cotton candy. Clean up at 930. 2 movies. Free event
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
- Karaoke: Nov 6th starts around 7 in Hayes. Free event. Needs to increase PR for the event
f. H.O.P.E.
- Upcoming Events: Nov 8th-9th if retreat. Sponsor a family start Nov 10th. Sign up in campus ministries with sister Diane. Sponsor a family is for families that can afford to celebrate Christmas and buy them a present.
g. S.A.A.C.
- Maroon Madness Recap: thanks for showing up and bringing energy. Email feedback for maroon madness to Janine.
6. Executive Board Reports
a. President
- Office: clean up after yourselves. Food attracts other things. Office lockout will occur if it is not clean.
b. Vice President
- No Change
c. Treasurer
- No Report
d. Student Activities Coordinator
- No Change
e. Programming Coordinator
- Halloween Party
- October 30, 9 pm to 1 am, Wilbur Arts : thanks for signing up. The finished document will be sent out tonight almost everyone signed up. Set up is at 630. Meet in the clubroom where the decorations are stored. $5 for non-Molloy. Up to two guests.
Motion for $2250 for the Halloween party by MaryKate M.
Second: Ryan G.
Food (wings), photo booth, decorations, etc.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
Try to sign up for the later times and clean up. Make changes by tonight. It is a mandatory event
f. Secretary
- No Report
7. Old/Unfinished Business:
Joe has numbers. If they are off they will be fixed for next week in the excel sheet. Hand in receipts so numbers are current. Some might still be in progress
Thanks for safe Halloween
Motion for $109.26 for the bag decorating contest by Gina C.
Second: Joe P.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
Take PR fliers for the Halloween party
Make sure clubs are having reps attend MSG meetings
Flash mob video! Please come out!
8. New Business:
This is a dry campus. Please be sober, especially on gov.
If you want big banners or slides sent it to Frankie in media after changing the format for PR
Announcements : Colloquium Nov 6th at madison theatre. One person from each sector must go to share with everyone else
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:29 by Nick D.
Second: Mike G.
Abstain: none
Oppose: none
All in favor
Motion approved