August 16, 2010

Present: Marie McShane, Don Gray, John Stephenson, Jorn Budde, Sandy Hodges, Fielding Reiner, Jim Furber, Christie Schroeter, and David Greene.

Absent: None

Also present: Vicar Tommy Bye

1.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5 PM with a prayer and a devotional led by Father Bye.

2.  Minutes: The minutes of the July 26, 2010 meeting were approved with no corrections. Motion by Fielding, second by Jim, unanimous vote.

3.  Treasurer’s Report: The financial report was presented by Jorn Budde. Jorn reported that net income had increased by 162.88% or $32,550.67 as compared to January-July 2009. The report was accepted. On a separate item, it was agreed to replace Betsy Stephenson as Treasurer due to the time commitment she now has in caring for her ill brother. Jorn nominated Scott Dawson to serve as Treasurer and John Stephenson seconded that motion. Unanimous vote.

4.  Senior Warden’s Report: Sandy reported that the Parish Hall construction contract had been signed on Thursday, August 12 with Rob Haley, Jorn, Jim, Scott Dawson, herself, and Tommy present for the signing. The contract is between St. Luke’s and the builder. Sandy reported that all insurance coverage needed for the construction project had been put in force. She also reported that Thomas Sumners had agreed to serve as the new chairman on the Columbarium project and that bids were being requested for the masonry work. For additional information that Sandy presented please refer to the bottom of these minutes where text from her handout appears.

5.  Capital Campaign: Sandy asked for thoughts from the Bishop’s Committee to help plan the Capital Campaign’s approach. Tommy suggested that whatever approach we use should not be a pressured approach, that it should also not be a lackadaisical approach, and that it should generate interest. He added that it has been his experience that ordinary giving increases during capital campaigns but that there are exceptions to this. Tommy sees the greatest benefit of a capital campaign is the spiritual stimulation that it seems to give to a congregation. Sandy added that it is her hopes that our upcoming capital campaign be described as having an “energistic” approach.

6.  New Parish Hall: Sandy reported that the construction project began today with the breaking of ground for the new foundation. Framing is expected to begin within 30 days or so. It was suggested that we plan for a slab party to be held in late September to celebrate the project.

7.  Finance Committee Report: Jorn presented a preliminary budget for calendar year 2011. He asked that the appropriate persons review the budget to determine if the figures are realistic and might need adjustment. Sandy added that we should begin thinking of the areas where we want to donate our charitable funds in 2011.

8.  Vicar’s Report: Father Bye reminded us of our roles in serving as committee liaisons and that we are to report back to the Bishop’s Committee with news on each committee’s activities. This type of monthly reporting will help keep the Bishop’s Committee’s sights on our ministries. Tommy also reported that he had visited with Betsy Stephenson regarding her time constraints in serving as his Administrative Assistant due to her brother’s illness and her care for him. Tommy reported that Betsy is still serving as his Administrative Assistant but that she has taken a leave of absence without pay while on leave. He added that volunteers will endeavor to handle her duties while she is on leave.

9.  Miscellaneous: Marie suggested that we may need to hold Bishop’s Committee meetings more than once a month over the next few months as the Committee deals with topics such as the construction project and the capital campaign.

Senior Warden’s handout…

Senior Warden Remarks

August 16, 2010

1.  The contract for the building of the new parish hall was signed Friday, August 13. Present were Rob Haley Contractor, Jorn Budde, Jim Furber, Father Tommy Bye and myself. Also there was Scott Dawson. After meeting all requirements set forth by the diocesan planning committee and Tom Bagley, attorney for the diocese we were sent the contract for signature. The contract is between the contractor and St. Luke’s. At the meeting with the diocesan planning committee they set forth several requirements that needed to be addressed before we could proceed with building. Those requirements were:

a.  Acquire an energy audit from the PEC

b.  Have the foundation plans reviewed by an engineer and signed off on

c.  Have the roof/framing plans reviewed/signed off on by an engineer

d.  Create a payment policy/retain funds/release of lien procedure

e.  Obtain a performance bond/retainer

f.  Increase electrical service

g.  Work with the diocese to obtain contract

All requirements have been satisfied and addressed.

2.  Insurance to cover the construction liability has been purchased as well as liability insurance to cover the store for St. Luke’s and the Maples as additional insured for liability on their property. We also have $5,000 insured for contents. John Scheffler, insurance agent, said he thought that was the least that could be covered. The cost will be prorated.

3.  Those wanting to attend the Stewardship training have been signed up.

They are: Sandy Hodges, Monique/Lonnie Ragsdale, Father Bye, Liz Manning,

4.  Thomas Sumners is the new chairperson for the Columbarium. He has been in touch with Kirk Mason regarding requirements for building, etc. They have a design, site plan and are seeking bids from masonry workers. Once they have a completed plan it will be presented to the BC committee for approval.

5.  Communication: During the building process there will be numerous changes and stressful moments as in building project. I ask that all of you with responsibility please keep me informed of changes, needs, concerns not only of yourselves but others. All of us on the BC need to be informed of any issues so that we can address them with members of the congregation. Through all, we need to remain calm, steady and understanding of everyone’s role in this process. The way we react to issues will influence how others react as well. If you think or know something may not be right please ask or tell me or some other committee person involved so that we can correct issues before that go too far.