Innisfail Minor Hockey Association
Directors Meeting August 24, 2011
Present: Pat Adams Lesley Whalen Brad Thompson Graham Watt
Rick Beaulieu Jason Ray Amanda Wood Tammy McCubbing
Stephen Bates Mark Dowler John Elliott Tim Pols
Shawn Russell Tracey Walker (Executive Director)
Absent: Elwin Wiens Steve Reierson
1. Call to order at 7:40 pm.
2. Additions and approval of agenda
6F South Central Pee Wee
7D Eagles Golf Tournament
Brad T moved to accept the agenda with the additions as noted. Mark D Seconded. Carried
3. Reading and option of minutes – May 17, 2011.
a. Rick B moved to accept the minutes. Bates seconded. Carried
4. Delegation – Rob Reeves
- Shawn Russell addressed this agenda item with discussion of incident. Tim Pols addressed same incident. Mark Dowler read letter addressing disciplinary decision and Reeves’ letter of appeal. Mark moves that the disciplinary decision be upheld. Seconded – John Elliott. Carried. Shawn Russell abstained from voting.
5. Old Business
- Golf Tournament – Mark Dowler reported it was a great success.
- Rebels - September 9th Rebels vs. Calgary – Tickets are now for sale. Denham will do a shootout. Coop will also do a shoot out. IMHA to sell 50/50 tickets. Brad T to find goal judges and time keepers.
- Hockey Alberta AGM – Tracey reported Respect in Sports– on line will be mandatory for 2012. Hockey Alberta reviewing coaching clinics.
6. New Business
- Evaluation Schedule – John E reported the schedule may change. Waiting for ice schedules from South Central. Dressing room supervision required. Bantams Skate 7 – 8pm on September 8th. Midgets skate 8:15 – 9:15pm on September 8th. Hockey Alberta paid to come in and run a hitting clinic for all graduating Atom players. Parent Information for Evaluation – discussion. John E moves that player movement be open until November 15th. Seconded – Mark D. Discussion. Defeated.
- Coach Selection – John reported the following AA Coach selection:
Atom: Scott Wright
Pee Wee: Landon Russell
Bantam: Cory Tibble
Midget: Steve Reierson
- Equipment – Rick ordered 6 new sets of Jerseys. Pucks, Bags, Boards & 1st Aid Kits were purchased.
- Registration Update – Tracey W reported preliminary numbers. Registration night September 6 and 7. Shawn R moved that when we get to 34 skaters registered in Midget no more registrations will be accepted and any inquiring skater after that go on a waiting list. Seconded – Tammy M. Tabled. John E makes a motion that we extend our import policy from last year. Seconded – Lesley W, carried. Opposed – Brad T. Shawn R moved that when we get to 34 skaters registered in Midget no more registrations will be accepted and any inquiring skater after that go on a waiting list. Seconded – Tammy M, carried.
- Eaglet / Dynamite Director Position – Vacancy will be posted on the website.
- South Central Pee Wee – Tracey W reported that Pee Wee would be accepted into South Central League. Discussion. Jason R makes a motion that the Pee Wee AA team moves to the South Central League. Seconded – Tammy M, carried. Opposed – Graham W.
7. Correspondence
- South Central Hockey League – Pre season meeting set for September 20 in Strathmore.
- Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League – Pee Wee – poor weather cancellation discussion. Brad T to follow up with Greg for clarification.
- Town of Innisfail Community Awards – Nominations for Athlete of Year. Nomination for Team of the Year. Nomination for Coach of the Year. Please give information to Tracey.
d. Eagles Golf Tournament – Brad T move that IMHA send a team of 4 to golf on Sept. 15, seconded – Lesley W, carried
8. Directors Reports
9. Next Meeting – September 8, 2011.
10. Adjournment – Brad T moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 pm.
11. Minutes submitted by Amanda Wood.