Getting to know Google My Maps

1.  Map Panel- Displays the title, description, layers, and items of the currently open map.

  1. Map Actions- Add a layer, preview the finished map, and share with others. Your map can be shared at any time to anyone on the Internet, to only people with the link, or to specific people you invite. Other map users can be given the ability to edit, or just to view.

3.  Menu- Includes new, copy, open, delete, embed, export, and print functions. Maps are saved automatically as changes are made.

  1. Items- Markers, shapes, and lines that are added to a map will be listed below each layer title.
  2. Individual Styles- Maps can have multiple layers of data formatted with consistent color schemes, icons, and labels. Location data from spreadsheets can also be imported into layers.

6.  Layer Menu- Rename and delete a layer

7.  Base Map- Select the desired version of your base map.

  1. Map Tools- Includes undo, redo, select, marker, line/shape, directions, and ruler.
  2. Search Box - Search for places, businesses, intersections, addresses and more on Google Maps.
  3. Zoom- Use these buttons or a scrolling mouse wheel to zoom in or out of the map.

Creating a Custom Map

1.  Navigate to

2.  Sign in to your Google account.

3.  Click the Create a new map button.

4.  Click on “Untitled map” in the upper left to add a Title and Description for your map.

5.  Click the Save button.

Editing a Saved Map

1.  Navigate to

2.  Sign in to your Google account.

3.  Filter maps by those you own, don’t own, shared, and have viewed recently.

4.  Click on the map you want to edit.

Adding Markers

1.  Use the search bar to find a location.

2.  Method 1: Click on a suggested marker on the map and choose Add to Map.

3.  Method 2:

a.  Find your desired location on the map.

b.  Click on the Add Marker icon.

c.  Your cursor will turn into a plus sign. Click your mouse button on the map to place your marker.

d.  Add a Title and Description in the info window and click Save.

Editing Markers

1.  Click on any of the layer items in the map panel to open the info box.

2.  Click the paint bucket icon to change the icon shape and color.

3.  Add an optional web image or video to your marker by clicking on the camera icon.

4.  Click on the pencil to edit the title or description. Add a link to a website by simply typing the URL into the description box.

5.  To move a marker, drag it to its new location.

6.  To delete a marker, click on the trash can.

Adding and Editing Lines or Shapes

1.  Click the Draw a line icon.

2.  Your cursor will turn into a plus sign. Click once on the map to start the line or shape.

3.  Click at each point of your line or shape.

4.  To pan the map, move your cursor to the edge of the map.

5.  To finish drawing your line, double click on the last point. To finish drawing your shape, click on the starting point to complete it.

6.  Add a Title and Description in the info window and click Save.

7.  To move a line, click once on the line and then drag the points.

8.  To delete a point from your line, right-click on the point and choose Delete point.

9.  To add a point to your line, click on one of the semi-transparent points on the line.

10.  You can change the line and shape appearance by clicking the paint bucket icon next to the saved item in your map panel.

Sharing Maps

1.  Click the Share icon in the map panel.

2.  Click Change... and choose a visibility option for link sharing:

a.  On- Public on Web: anyone with Internet access can find, no sign in required

b.  On- Anyone with the Link: anyone who has the link can access, no sign in required- use this option to share a map with students

c.  Off- Specific People: only people explicitly granted permission can access

3.  If you are turning the link sharing on, then you will have the option to change the Access level between View and Edit.

4.  Click Save.

5.  If you chose “Anyone with the Link” then copy the URL and share it with people.

6.  If you chose “Specific People” then type the email addresses of the people you want to share with in the text box below "Invite people."

7.  Choose the access level from the drop-down menu next to each collaborator: "Can view," or "Can edit."

8.  Click Ok / Done.