Portfolio ForProgression Across The Merit BarAnd Granting Multi-Annual Status To Entry-Level Academic Staff



Please complete all sections and those sub-sections of the portfolio that are applicable to you. Information and supporting evidence provided should only refer to the period since your last promotion or appointment in the University of Limerick, whichever is most recent. Additional information prior to this should be included in an attached CV.

Section 1: Personal Details – to be completed online via erecruitment

Section 2: Research and Scholarship

Section 3: Teaching & Learning

Section 4: Contribution to the University and the Wider Community

Portfolio For Progression Across The Merit Bar

& Granting Multi-Annual Status To Entry-Level Academic Staff Page 1 Document Number HRF011.4


Candidates will be assessed on the extent of national and international recognition as a researcher and scholar in their chosen field for this stage of career.

When considering publication performance, the applicant should differentiate between peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed articles,authored and edited books, and between those publications written as sole author, major author and co-author. For co-authored publications describe your contribution and estimate your percentage contribution to the article in one sentence.

Sub-sections listed are intended as a guide. Please complete all sub-sections applicable to you providing supporting evidence: Information and evidence provided should only be since your last promotion or appointment in the University of Limerick, whichever is most recent.

2.1 / Summary
List the number of publications for each relevant section, both numbersince appointment or promotion to current level, and career total.
Since appointment or promotion to current level / Career Total
Book Chapters
Edited Books
ISI Refereed Journal Papers
Non-ISI Refereed Journal Papers
Conference Publications
Number of Citations
List your citation source e.g. ISI web of knowledge, Google Scholar, Publish orPerish, etc.
Refereed Design, patent, creative work or major exhibition
Invention Disclosures
Patents/Patent Applications
Major Exhibition, Written or Recorded Work
Otherresearchoutputwhichhasbeendisseminatedinaformat/venue whichis recognisedwithinthedisciplineasappropriateforthepublicationofscholarly outputincluding, but not limited to, technicalreports,technical drawing, design or working model, trainingmanuals,computersoftware,instrumentation,measurement, psychometricorevaluation instruments,inventionordevelopmentofnewprocedures,processes andtechniques.
Number of Research Grants
Total Value of Research Grants
2.2 / Top Research Outputs (list a minimum of three research outputs)
Listwhatyouconsidertobeyourtopresearchoutputsanddescribeyourcontributionandimpact.Thesearenotrestrictedtotheperiodsinceyourlast promotionorappointment.Citationreferstoprovidingallrelevant publicationdetails suchas,titleof publication, authors, year,source,volumeandpagenumbers etc.
Contribution/Impact Factor:
Contribution/Impact Factor:
Contribution/Impact Factor:
Contribution/Impact Factor:
Contribution/Impact Factor:
Contribution/Impact Factor:
2.3 / List Awards for Research
Date / Prize / Awarded by
2.4 / Research Supervision
No. Supervised - Current Solo / No. Supervised - Current Joint / No. Supervised - Completed Solo / No. Supervised - Completed Joint
FYP Research Projects
Masters Theses
Research Masters Theses
PhD Theses
2.5 / Other“Research output"whichtakesintoaccountthepracticesofthedisciplineconcerned (e.g.Otherresearchoutput whichhasbeendisseminatedinaformat/venue whichis recognisedwithinthedisciplineasappropriateforthepublicationofscholarly outputincluding, but not limited to,technicalreports,trainingmanuals,computersoftware,instrumentation,measurement, psychometricorevaluation instruments,inventionordevelopmentofnewprocedures,processes andtechniques.)


Demonstration of excellence in contribution to teaching and learning of undergraduate and postgraduate students and/or of professional peers and practitioners nationally and internationally.

Sub-sections listed are intended as a guide. Please complete all sub-sections applicable to you providing supporting evidence:Information and evidence provided should only be since your last promotion or appointment in the University of Limerick, whichever is most recent.

3.1 / Summary.
Academic Year / Module Name / Lecture Hours / Tutorial/ Lab Contact Hours / Evaluated (Yes or No) / No. of Students
2012/2013 / ZZ9999 Principles of Human Behaviour / 18 / 9 X 2 hour labs + 9 X 2 hour tutorials / Yes / 125
3.2 / Statement of teaching philosophy
The teaching philosophy is a statement about how you view teaching and your personal orientation towards teaching and learning within your academic discipline. In effect, this is the part of your portfolio where you present your ideological stance on teaching.(Max 500 words)
What are my goals as a teacher?
What demonstrates my desire to grow as a teacher?
What are the opportunities and constraints under which I learn and others learn?
Has my approach to teaching changed?
What role do my students play in the classroom (listeners, participants etc.)?
What teaching practices do I use and prefer? Why?
3.3 / Teaching performance and effectiveness Highlight and discuss the key disciplines you teach and describe your delivery strategies, evaluation of the quality of teaching and how you would describe the teacher/class relationship.
(Max 500 words)
Teaching roles and responsibilities?
Range of delivery strategies and quality of delivery?
How do you deliver your modules? Why do you elect to use this strategy, and how does it impact on student learning?
How do you evaluate and reflect on whether these strategies have been successful?
What sort of classroom dynamic do you aim to develop? How and why do you do this, and what indications do you have that you have been successful?
Evidence of high quality teaching?
3.4 / Planning and preparation
Describe the teaching and learning methods you employ and the teaching materials you use (case studies, handouts, visual aids, labs, etc.):
(Max 500 words)
How do you develop and deliver an effective learning experience for your students?
What is the rationale behind the materials you use in class?
3.5 / Assessment and examination of student learning
Describe your approach to assessment and discuss any innovative assessment strategies or materials which you have developed:
(Max 500 words)
What range of specific assessment strategies do you use? How do these strategies complement the learning outcomes of your module or course? What impact does assessment have on your students? How do you provide feedback for your students?
Have you designed new and effective methods of assessment?
3.6 / Professional Development: Past, present and future
Discuss how your teaching has developed during the course of your career and your plans for future professional development.
(Max 500 words)
Include detail on activities that demonstrate your commitment to professional development, or that demonstrate the regard that your professional peers hold for you?.
Invitations to teach elsewhere (as guest lecturer);
Leadership in team teaching, contribution to the development of teaching within the University or elsewhere;
Professional service to other Universities (as external examiner, subject expert or adviser/consultant);
Teaching appointments such as visiting lectureship;
Participation in third level teaching and learning training or workshops.
3.7 / List Awards for Teaching
Date / Prize / Awarded by


Contribution to Department, Faculty, University, Profession and the Wider Community

Demonstration of substantial achievement in enhancing the University’s contribution to its communities.

Please complete the section providing details of your contribution/ impact. Information and evidence provided should only be since appointment or promotion to current level.

4.1 / Service Summary
Please outline details of your contribution e.g. administrative roles(course director, committee chair, etc.), committee membership, community engagement (participation in public affairs, contribution to the development of public policy, engagement with agencies etc.) and professional engagement (editorships, journal reviews, hosting conferences, programme chair/planner/reviewer, etc.).
Date / Organisation / Committee/
Department / Position/Role
4.2 / Service Contribution/Impact (300 Words)

Portfolio For Progression Across The Merit Bar

& Granting Multi-Annual Status To Entry-Level Academic Staff Page 1 Document Number HRF011.4