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"Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him." The disciples on the road to Emmaus had already heard reports about Jesus' resurrection. It was at the forefront of their minds, but in spite of this, they did not recognize Jesus when he stood right before them.

Why not? Perhaps because they weren't looking for him. Maybe they didn't really believe that he was alive. Or it could be that his appearance was not the same as it had been before. Whatever the case, it's very interesting to learn that it was actually while celebrating the Eucharist that these men finally realized who was right there with them! "He was made known to them in the breaking of bread."

Living as we do some two thousand years later, it is easy to imagine that recognizing Jesus was a snap for those who walked the earth when he did. We can run the risk of feeling sorry for ourselves that we don't get to see Jesus in person they way they did. But look here! It was through the Eucharist that Christ was made known to them, and we too have that gift right in front of us. We celebrate every week the same "breaking of bread" at the altar during Mass. Jesus is present with us, body, blood, soul, and divinity, even if we don't recognize him! He is there, present in our midst.

If our eyes of faith are feeble, we can pray that the Lord will help us to know his presence in the Eucharist. Just as he came to comfort and accompany his first disciples, he wants to do the same for us through the Most Blessed Sacrament. We only need to be sure that we are always on the lookout to find him in our midst.

Sunday Collection

The Sunday collection for April 22/23, 2917 was $3,598.00.

Good Deeds

Religious Education at Divine Mercy Parish

In Love, I give my time:

MariaI helped my Mom in the kitchen.

ChristopherI helped my Mom when she was sick and I took care of her.

DannyI helped my Mom with dishes.

MelanieI helped my Mom by cleaning the house.

HeidyI helped my Mom and my Dad to wash the plates.


De la paz de Cristo dada el domingo pasada a sus discípulos pasamos hoy al camino de Emaús. Los discípulos iban tristes y platicando de lo sucedido. Su mismo dolor les hacía no ver claramente lo que realmente se les había enseñado en el pasado con respecto a las Escrituras. El extraño del camino les ofreció con su explicación el entendimiento para que al sentarse a la mesa y al partir el pan su perspectiva sobre quién era aquel extraño cambiara completamente. ¡Otro encuentro personal con el Resucitado! "¡Con razón nuestro corazón ardía, mientras nos hablaba por el camino y nos explicaba las Escrituras!" (Lc 24, 32).

Sí, de eso se trata la cincuentena pascual, de encuentros personales con Jesús resucitado. En las primeras tres semanas se nos relatan esas historias llenas de alegría. Seguido del 4º Domingo de Pascua donde escucharemos el relato del Buen Pastor. Las otras semanas incluido el Domingo de Pentecostés la liturgia nos lanza la invitación a responder y participar al llamado a la misión que Jesús resucitado nos ha encomendado. ¿Estamos listos para un encuentro personal con Cristo resucitado? Ojalá que respondamos como Pedro que animado por el Espíritu y sin miedo nos convoca a mantener la fe y la esperanza vivas en nosotros: "Gracias a él han creído en Dios que lo resucitó de entre los muertos y lo glorificó, precisamente con el fin de que pusieran su fe y su esperanza en Dios" (1 Pe 1, 21). ¿Qué es lo que me ayuda a mantener el ardor de la fe de la Pascua? ¿Dónde sirviendo a otros encuentro al Resucitado?

Readings for the Week of April 30, 2017

Sunday:Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35

Monday:Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30/Jn 6:22-29

Joseph the Worker: Gn 1:26--2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16/Mt 13:54-58

Tuesday:Acts 7:51--8:1a/Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab/Jn 6:30-35

Wednesday:1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a/Jn 14:6-14

Thursday:Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20/Jn 6:44-51

Friday:Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Jn 6:52-59

Saturday:Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-17/Jn 6:60-69

Next Sunday:Acts 2:14a, 36-41/Ps 23:1-6/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-10

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Message from Fr. Tom

Generations of Faith

Annual Catholic Appeal

I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify the differences in these campaigns and answer any questions you might have about these appeals.

Generations of Faith is a special campaign—one that seems to come along in our diocese every 20 years or so.

The aims of this campaign are three fold:

(1) help parishes in financial need

(2) aid to retired priests

(3) foster youth ministry in the diocese.

These are special needs that demanded attention and are being addressed in the ‘Generations’ campaign. The time frame for this campaign is five (5) years. And so, we can fulfill our pledges to this campaign over the next four years as this GOF campaign began officially in January of 2016.

The Annual Catholic Appeal is—as its title indicates—something that happens every year. This addresses the on-going needs of the diocese that require special support and funding every year; such as support for Catholic Charities, the Catholic Migration Office, Seminary Formation and our Catholic Schools and Academies.

As in past years, it is my hope that everyone in the parish will contribute something to these campaigns—even a small amount can go a long way if everyone in our parish decides to give something.

Look at all the work that has been done in our three parish churches in the last year. Do your best to participate. If you cannot participate, then please pray for the success of these campaigns.

Thank you in advance for your response and please know that I hold you in my prayers every day. Fr. Tom

To Parishioners

The presence of children is a gift from God to the church. They are a reminder that our Parish is growing. Please welcome our children and give a smile of encouragement to their parents. Let them know that they should always feel at home in God’s House.


Join us on Sat., May 6, 2017

For A Procession In Honor of Mary.

The procession will start at 9:30 a.m. and continue on to each of our parish Churches. The procession will be led by the children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion the following Saturday.

At St. Francis the children will make first confession. The procession will end at St. Nicholas.At 12 noon in the Vetro Center we will have pizza/lunch.

Practice for First Holy Communion will take place at 1:00 pm in St. Nicholas Church.

The Rosary Society of DMP Presents

Spaghetti Dinner & Penny Social

Saturday, May 13, 2017

St. Cecilia’s Auditorium

Time: 6:00pm, Ticket: $20.00 per person. Dinner, 50/50, Prizes, Raffles. Tickets are available from members of the Rosary Society or the Parish Office.

A Diocesan Pilgrimage to

Fatima and Lourdes


The 100th Anniversary of the

Fatima Apparitions

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio / Spiritual Director

August 30—September 8, 2017

For a Brochure call the Catholic Tour at

1-855-564-1008 or jimadair@the catholictour.com

Memorial GiftsAt Divine Mercy Parish

Bread & WineSanctuary Lamp

Tabernacle CandlesAltar Candles

Blessed Mother CandlesSt. Joseph Candles

Memorial Gifts are a wonderful way to honor and remember your loved ones. Please come to the Rectory (or call) for information on available dates.

Also available are Tree of Life Leaves and Blessed Mother Yearly Candles (this candle is lit for a year).

All memorials can be In Honor Of or Remembrance Of a family member or friend.

3rdsunday of easter




For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome…” (Matt.25:35-36)

Thank you to the wonderful parishioners who generously continue to support our parish ministry. Your acts of unselfish generosity affects people in more ways than you know. We are a blessed parish, rich in diversity. We pray that God gives us the grace and courage to continue to grow together in faith and service.

Merciful Father, grant that as we make this journey of life, we will lean heavily upon your promises and reach out not only in charity but also in justice to those who are poor and weak. Please give us the strength to live out the commandment Your Son gave to us, that we should love one another as He loves us. Amen.

Specific item needed this week: Coffee, Tea

Food Pantry Coordinator and Volunteers

St. Francis of Paola Church

Memorial Gifts – April 30,2017


Maria Lahara by Nancy & Al Lalli


Graham Family by Teresa Kukura

Graham Family by Teresa Kukura

Pray For the Sick

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill

Frank Cremato, Nicolet Latore, Maddox Moises, Louis Clappi, Patricia Clarke, Sister Helen Schmidt, I.N.J., Ben Brancato, Marion & Florence De Gruccio, Wanda Zadwarny, Carmella Caiafa, Luann Rizzo, Margaret Cosentino, Rosa Ramos, Maureen Conlon, Patrick Del Vicario, Ralph Varano, Ed Scala, Al Pettenato, Jim McGurran, Danny Boyle, Dora Logosso, John Purcelli, Nancy Gonzales, Vincent Gonzales, Rae Pacifico, Bill Kluisza, Mary Marsden

Pray for the Recently Deceased

Louis Anolfo, Fred Schwally, Raul Carreiras, Gennaro De Marco, Loretta Marano, Anastasio Vavdadelis

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. Francis of Paola Church

Saturday, April 29, 2017

5:00pmJoseph & Amelia Piecora by Children

Sunday, April 30, 2017

8:00amFor the People of Divine Mercy Parish

11:30amLuigi Sepe by Marie Sepe


7:45amJohn & Carmela San Pietro

by Scotti Family

Tuesday,May 2,2017

7:45amSaverio De Stefano by Wife & Children

Wednesday,May 3,2017

7:45amGiovanni Donza

by wife Giovanna & Children

Thursday,May 4,2017

7:45amRobert N. Kaye by Carlotta Giglio

Friday,May 5, 2017

7:45amDonald Bedford by Carlotta Giglio

Saturday, May 6, 2017

7:45amNunzio, Ralph Cassetta

by Margaret & Felicia Pizzulli

5:00pmEveone Reinhardt by Virginia Mannetta

Sunday, May 7, 2017

8:00amFrances & Louis Porcelli

by Fran & Joe Piecora & Family

11:30amS. Nicola by Mary Martino

St. Theresa Guild

The next meeting of the St. Teresa Guild will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 7:30pm in the St. Francis of Paola rectory basement. Please bring flowers or a plant for our May crowning which will then be raffled at the end of the evening. Also, please remember to bring your rosary beads to this meeting. New members are always welcome

Please join in prayer following the 11:30 am mass on Sunday, May 7, 2017, at St. Francis of Paola Church. We will assemble in the front left pews.


april 30, 2017

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. Nicholas Church

Sunday, April 30, 2017

10:30amOpen Intention

12:45pmDominick D’Alto

by Mr. & Mrs. D. Sciangula

Sunday, May 7, 2017

10:30amOpen Intention

12:45pmJuana & Rose Mary

by Paul & Dori Carreiras

Life Line Screening Community HealthCare

Will be at St. Cecilia Auditorium/Gymnasium

24 North Henry Street

Friday, May 5, 2017

5 Important Screenings: Carotid Artery (Plaque), Heart Rhythm (Atrial Fibrillation), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Peripheral Arterial Disease, and Osteoporosis Risk Assessment. Call 1-888-653-6450 to register for screening. For more information see flyer in back of Church.

Cub Scout Pack 469

StartingApril 21st, 2017, every Friday night Cub Scout Pack 469 will meet in St. Cecilia’s Auditorium. This Pack is for young boy’s age 5 thru 10 and will meet from6pm-7pm.

Every Friday night Boy Scout Troop, for boys ages 11 thru 17,will meet in St. Cecilia Auditorium, from6pm to 8pm.

Learn about Leadership Skills, Wilderness Survival, Serving your Community, Overnight Adventures and much much more. For more info .

May is the Month of the Living Rosary

On the Monday’s of May the Rosary Society of DMP invites all parishioners to pray the rosary in public outside our parish Church of St Cecilia at 7:00pm.

May1st, 8th,15th,22nd, 29th

Youth After School Program at DMP

The After School program meets in St. Francis Rectory Basement from 3:00-6:00pm. All young people in grades 4-12 (ages 10-18) are welcome to participate!

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. Cecilia Church

Sunday, April 30, 2017

9:30amNicholas La Veglia, George Foley,

Msgr. Patrick “Fursey” O’Toole

7:00pmJohn Walsh

Monday,May 1,2017

8:30amRobert & Stella La Rocca, 60 Years

Anniversary by Marie & Jerome

Tuesday,May 2,2017

8:30amMaria & Jose Gonzales

Wednesday,May 3, 2017

8:30amDeceased Relatives of the

Sisters of St. Joseph

Thursday, May 4, 2017

8:30amOpen Intention

Friday,May 5, 2017- First Friday

8:30amPurgatorial Society

Saturday,May 6, 2017

8:30amOpen Intention

Sunday, May 7, 2017

9:30amFor the People of Divine Mercy Parish

7:00pmOpen Intention


On May 7, the First Sunday of the month, the Rosary will be prayed 20 minutes before the 9:30 am Mass at our parish Church of St. Cecilia.

Plan on joining us.


Applications are now open for units available in the newest development in Bushwick, Brooklyn at St. Marks Apartments (616 Bushwick Avenue).

CUFFH is hosting free affordable housing information sessions where you can learn tips on how to correctly fill out and submit affordable housing lottery applications. These information session will be conducted in English and Spanish.

Information and application assistance will be available every Thursday at St. Martin de Tours RCC from 11 am to 5pm. No RSVP is needed, just walkin.

CUFFH @ St. Martin de Tours 1288 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N.Y. (L train to Halsey Street)




CHURCH NAME:Divine Mercy Parish





PHONE NUMBER:718-389-0010

FAX NUMBER:718-389-5090




Memorial GiftsAt Divine Mercy Parish

Bread & WineSanctuary LampTabernacle CandlesAltar Candles Blessed Mother CandlesSt. Joseph Candles Memorial Gifts are a wonderful way to honor and remember your loved ones. Please come to the Rectory (or call) for information on available dates. Also available are Tree of Life Leaves and Blessed Mother Yearly Candles (this candle is lit for a year). All memorials can be In Honor Of or Remembrance Of a family member or friend.

Registration for Camp Veritas

Camp Veritas Mount Saint Mary’s College

Newburg, New York, July 16 – 22, 2017

Camp Veritas Camp Lakota, Wurtsboro, New York

August 13 – 19, 2017

Camp Veritas is a one week sleep away pilgrimage experience for teens going into the 7th grade through 12th grade. The schedule is play-and-pray with a full immersion in the Catholic Faith through sacraments and activities. Come get to know other kids your age and experience a week of sports, activities, prayer, and fun! This week of faith and fun is probably the most beneficial gift you could give your teen. Register at CampVeritas.com via the “Camp-in-touch” portal before April 1, for the early bird rate. Any question contact Lauren at or the Rectory at


Note to Press: This document printed at: 4/26/17 1:15 PM