Elements of Literature: Short Stories Unit Assessment


Read the short story “The Dinner Party” to answer the following questions.

1. Which statement is true of both the American and the hostess?

  1. Both were bored and uninterested in the conversation at the dinner table
  2. Both disagreed with the colonel’s arguments.
  3. Both felt the snake under the table.
  4. Both were quick on their feet.

2. Use textual evidence from the story to support your answer for #1.

3. Use textual evidence from the story to explain why the American didn’t warn the guests about the cobra.

4. Which is an example of indirect characterization?

A. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing—bait for a snake

B. “He sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is staring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly.”

C. “The American comes to with a start.”

D. “The country is India.”

5. “The American does not join in the argument but watches other guests. As he looks he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess.”

  1. This is an example of direct characterization- the American is argumentative.
  2. This is an example of indirect characterization-the American is observant.
  3. This is an example of direct characterization- the American is confrontational.
  4. This is an example of indirect characterization- the American is intelligent.

6. What is the author’s purpose for using the simile below?

The twenty people sit like stone images while he counts. He is saying, “two hundred and eighty.”

A. The author wanted to show the hostess that the people were bored.

B. The author wanted to show how still the people sat while he counted.

C. The author wanted to describe the setting of the story.

D. The author wanted to describe the tone of the story.

7. Which is a possible theme for the story?

A. Americans react the best in any situation.

B. Your gender has no impact on how courageous you are.

C.Men are typically right.

D. Cobras cause all the problems in literature.

8. What textual evidence from the story supports your answer to number 7?

Questions 9-13. Complete a plot diagram for The Dinner Party using the following events.

A. “I want to know just what control everyone at this table has.”

B. “An official and his wife are giving a dinner party.”

C. “ As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess.”

D. “…he sees the cobra emerge and make for the bowl of milk.”

E. “Screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda doors safely shut.”

Read the following passage. Use the passage to answer the following questions.

The last wisps of light dissolved. The campers huddled in their flimsy tent, inert and discouraged by the increasingly colder temperature. No one, it seems, had thought to check a weather forecast. Ted brooded silently, a blanket wrapped tightly around his body. Arturo sighed heavily and wracked his brain to think of a plan. James fussed at the others, who ignored him. Outside, the wind moved heavily through the pine trees. When James stuck an arm outside the tent, the air felt cold and moist.

14. Use context clues to choose the meaning of the word “inert”.

A. lacking the ability or strength to move

B. confident and assured

C. angry and argumentative

D. having hope

15. This passage contributes to a plot because it

A. is part of the exposition because it explains the setting

B. is part of the rising action because it reveals the conflict

C. is the climax of the story because the characters are described.

D. is the falling action of the story because it reveals how the conflict is resolved.

Read this passage from "The Amigo Brothers" by Piri Thomas. Then, answer the question(s).

While some youngsters were into street negatives, Antonio and Felix slept, ate, rapped, and dreamt positive. Between them they had a collection of Fight magazines second to none, plus a scrapbook filled with torn tickets to every boxing match they had ever attended, and some clippings of their own. If asked a question about any given fighter, they would immediately zip out from their memory banks: divisions, weights, records of fights, knock-outs, technical knock-outs, and draws or losses.

Each had fought many bouts representing their community and had won two gold-plated medals plus a silver and bronze medallion. The difference was in their style. Antonio's lean form and long reach made him the better boxer, while Felix's short and muscular frame made him the better slugger. Whenever they had met in the ring for sparring sessions, it had always been a tough battle.

Now, after a series of elimination bouts, they had been informed that they were to meet each other in the division finals that were scheduled for the seventh of August, two weeks away—the winner to represent the Boys Club in the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament.

The two boys continued to run together along the East River Drive. But even when joking with each other, they both sensed a wall rising between them.

16. Which statement about Antonio and Felix is most accurate?

  1. Antonio has a stronger sense of humor than Felix does.
  2. Felix is more aggressive than Antonio.
  3. Both boys are devoted to excelling at their sport.
  4. Both boys use boxing to overcome their shyness.

17. Which statement from the passage most clearly indicates developing conflict?

A. Between them they had a collection of Fight magazines second to none

B. Each had fought many bouts representing their community and had won two gold-plated medals

C. They had been informed that they were to meet each other in the division finals

D. They both sensed a wall rising between them.

18. How do the details in the third and fourth paragraphs develop the plot of the story?

A. They show that each boy is jealous of the awards that the other has received.

B. They reveal that the boys will have to train far away from each other.

C. They suggest the only one of the boys has the skill to become a professional boxer.

D. They introduce the division finals, which will set up a conflict between the boys.

19. Reread the first paragraph. Based on context clues, which choice is closest in meaning to clippings?

  1. drawings
  2. collections of magazines
  3. newspaper articles
  4. boxing matches

Read this passage from "My Head Is Full of Starshine" by Peg Kehret. Then, answer the question(s).

Pam is practical. Every night before she goes to sleep, Pam makes a list of what she needs to do the next day. She puts down items like return library books and hem dress for Margo's party on Saturday. When the list is made, she numbers the items in order of importance. If it's critical, it's Number One. Pam has never had to pay an overdue fine at the library and when Saturday arrives, her dress will not only be hemmed, it will be washed, ironed, and ready to wear.

I have a long history of library fines. Twenty cents here, fifty cents there. I'm always amazed to notice that a book is overdue. It just never seems like three weeks could go by so quickly. When Saturday comes, I'll be rummaging frantically through my closet, hoping to find something decent to wear to the party. But I wrote a birthday poem for Margo that I like a lot. It took me two days; I think Margo will like it, too.

My mother often wonders aloud why I can't be more like Pam. Just once, according to my mother, it would be nice to know more than twenty-four hours in advance that your child is performing in a school concert. I always forget to bring home the notices, or else I write something on the back and stick them in my desk. Either way, Mom doesn't get them in time to make plans.

20. Given the details in this passage, what would you most reasonably predict the narrator will do the next time she receives a notice to bring home?

A.The narrator will ask Pam to remind her to bring the notice home to her mother.

B.The narrator will forget to bring the notice home.

C. the narrator will write herself a not so she will remember to bring home the notice.

D.The narrator will throw the notice away.

21. Based on what you learn about the narrator from the passage, which pair of words best describes her character?

  1. creative, forgetful

B. disorganized, frustrated

C. musical, stubborn

D. talented, carefree

22. "Resolving conflicts" is a theme in many stories. Which of the following story summaries best reflects that theme?

  1. Members of a band finally agree on which song to release as their next single.
  2. A chicken and a goose work together to plan a party in the barnyard.
  3. A man and a woman meet on an airplane and quickly fall in love.
  4. Members of a baseball team elect the pitcher as their Most Valuable Player.

23. What is the point of view of the story?

  1. First person
  2. Second person
  3. Third person limited
  4. Third person omniscient

24. Choose the sentence that uses a personal pronoun correctly.

A. An adventurous man was him.

B. Her and my mom planned the surprise party.

C. To whom will you give the letter?

D. I will visit they in the hospital.

25. Which sentence contains a vague or ambiguous pronoun?

A. I asked my mom if I could go to my friends’ house to play.

B. Everyone completed their homework on time.

C. Susan was told to take her sister’s place in the competition.

D. The teacher told Lauren she needed to practice grammar.