The Weekly Flaming Chalice
Unitarian Universalist Community Church
Worship Service
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Sunday, August 31st Events at UUCC
Worship ~ 10:00 AM ~ David Rand, Worship Leader. “Magical Places: Where Would You Like To Travel?”
Monday: Office closed – holiday
SGM (T.Cairn) ~ 6:00 PM ~ (Drew)
SGM Ellis McKeen (D. Maddi) ~ 6:00 PM ~ (CR)
Sangha ~ 6:30 PM ~ (S)
Tuesday: Open Alanon Meeting ~ 12:00 PM ~ (FH)
SGM (D. Sorensen) ~ 1:30 – 3:30 ~ (Off)
Wednesday: Alexander Night ~ 6:00 – 7:30 ~ (DH)
SGM (P.Lamb) ~ 6:30 – 8:30 – (DH Downstairs)
Just Guys ~ 6:30 PM ~ (FH)
Thursday: Choir Practice – 6:00 PM ~ (Sanctuary)
Saturday: Leadership Retreat ~ 9:00 – 3:00 PM ~ (Off)
Rental Event ~ 1:00 – 500 PM ~ (Fellowship Hall
NEXT SUNDAY: September 1, 2014, AT UUCC:
IN-GATHERING Worship ~ 9:15 AM & 11:00 AM ~
UUCC has a long- standing tradition in which members and friends return from their summer sojourns with a vessel of water from their travels. The water communion ritual is a annual event in which our individual water is collected in one large vessel to symbolize our unity amid our diversity.
This year we are asking members and friends of the congregation to bring in water from local sources. Waters gathered while partaking in the age old ritual of community building with nature, friends, family, committees, small groups. In addition to bringing the water,
We are also asking members and friends to bring in a photo from one summer adventure.
An Evening of Alexander Technique.
with Ruth Lund, LMT and Rev. Carie Johnsen
Wednesday, September 3rd 6:00 - 7:30
Wednesday, September 10th 6:00 - 7:00
Come to this class and learn more about free and efficient movement. Alexander's technique of observation help us to decrease the tension and stress of everyday activities and improve overall coordination and body use. This two session introduction to the Alexander Technique will begin with a light dinner on the first evening. This evening was offered as an action item with a value of $40. We have seats open for the September event. If you would like to attend, please contact Rev. Carie at . A goodwill donation in any amount is welcome but not expected.
First Annual Belfast Peace Festival
Together with several other churches in Belfast, the UUCB is hosting the 1st Annual Belfast Peace Festival with music, a peace walk and sign workshop, other workshops and children's programming, a street dance and many other festivities all free of charge beginning Friday Sept 5 from 6-9pm and on Saturday, Sept 6 from 8am-9pm. Food will be available for purchase. Questions?? Contact Susan Coe at or 207.691.5153.
Winthrop's renowned "Pondtown Poets" will perform on Sunday, September 14th at 3:00 p.m., at the Augusta Unitarian Community Church. Poet members Judy Feinstein of Hallowell, Alice Gifford, Sally Joy and Susan Parks of Augusta, and Sarah Miller of W. Gardiner will offer poetry readings of their and other poets' poems. Refreshments will be served.
Nonviolent Communication – (Change of date).
The first meeting of the NVC Practice Group will be Friday, September 19 (change from Sept. 5), 10:15-12:15, in the Robbins room. Contact: Helen Wing
Seasoned Souls
On September 10th, Seasoned Souls, a group for people 65 and older, will begin meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 10:30 AM to noon. We are still working from Aging as a Spiritual Practice and will soon begin to research which book we shall read next. Seasoned Souls is a group of older church members who began gathering as an Adult Education class to study a particular book on aging. They enjoyed being together so much they decided to name the group and continued meeting as a study/support group. Seasoned Souls is open to any church member who has a Medicare card and wishes to talk openly about topics related to the aging process.
Kennebec Valley Organization (KVO) Candidates Night
Thursday, September 18, 2014 6:30 - 8:30 pm Le Club Calumet 334 West River Road Augusta, Maine
Join us in this event to learn where candidates for State Legislature stand on these critical social and economic issues: Elder Transportation - Improvements in transportation to medical appointments for the growing number of Valley elders; Head Start - Increased funding for Head Start to allow more children to benefit from early education and free more parents to participate in the workforce, and
Pocketbook Issues - Other issues that can help Valley residents on the margin live healthy, productive lives.
For more information, please contact: Helen Hanson, KVO President, or Charlie Conley, KVO Secretary at (207) 873-5533.
NYC People’s Climate Rally in NYC
I just wanted to let you all know thatthere are still seats available for the Climate Rally in NYC September 21st. The bus leaves from the parking lot on Marginal Way (near highway & bus company) at 3:30 a.m. September 21. Arrive NYC around 11:30 a.m. Leave NYC around 8 p.m. Arrive Portland 2:30 a.m. September 22.Full price seats will cost $40 and student/reduced seats will cost $30. Seats can be reserved two ways, either by going to and paying with a credit card, or by sending a check made out to MUUSAN to: Trudy Ferland, 279 Somerset Ave., Pittsfield, ME 04967. More details about the march can be seen on the People’s Climate March website: Because we’ll be leaving so early on the 21st, we are looking into places to stay the night before. First Parish Church in Portland has generously offered floor space for us to crash on when we get back on the 22nd; if interested, contact . – Melanie Lanctot
Treasurer’s Notes
Thank you for your monetary support of our church! So that we can apply your contribution correctly, please be sure to indicate on your check that it is for your 2014-15 pledge; or for a special offering. If you are not a pledging member, we will consider your gift a donation.
Deposit of 8/25/14 breakdown:
Pledge payments $325.00
Collection/Offering 31.73
Rentals 120.00
Fundraising 70.00
Total income 546.73
Summary of the August 4, 2014 UUCC Board of Directors’ meeting
This is the first of an on-going monthly summary of action taken or discussed by the board.
Board Meetings: In an effort to enhance transparency of the work done by the board, it was decided to publish a summary of the Board Agenda, Minutes and Treasurer’s report short form each month in the Flaming Chalice and in one weekly newsletter.
Budget: There was concern expressed that the numbers in the revenue line of the Budget Report were not as robust as expected. It was worrisome that the pledge campaign predictions have not been this far off in the past. The Finance Committee will be asked to attend a Board meeting to discuss this. Also for the spring budget process it was thought it might be beneficial to hold a separate meeting for the budget work as opposed to folding it into the regular monthly meeting.
SGM: Beth Nasberg has agreed to chair the Small Group Ministry Committee.
Leadership: The Leadership Retreat in September will include chairs of all the committees and boards. The theme will be ‘What Now’; deciding next steps in year 2 of Leap of Faith. A regional trainer from UUA will facilitate
Orientation: A 2-hour board orientation/training will be held in August for new members of the board.
Minister’s Contract: The annual contract for the minister was approved. It’s essentially the same as the original except for compensation. The new salary is consistent with UUA standards (revised).
Financial Trustee: Dissatisfaction has been expressed regarding the current trustee of the Ballard Trust and it was questioned if the money should be transferred to a different trustee. There are many different options. They each will need to be researched with regard to advantages and consequences.
Natural Gas: The natural gas pipelines to the church will be installed by the end of August. Long before the cold weather sets in, all will be up and operational.
Immigrant Harvest Workers: The local immigrant harvesters requested and were granted permission to use UUCC’s kitchen to prepare their meals.
Director of Family Ministry. The Hiring Committee did not receive any applications they felt were viable. They will advertise the position again.