This document provides advice on agreed good practice when a headteacher leaves her/his school and hands over leadership to a new headteacher. The document was initially developed by the headteachers of the Harrogate Rural Schools Cluster. We are grateful for their willingness to share and further develop the guidance.

The aim of the guidance is to ensure that a change of school leadership is as smooth as possible. For this to be truly effective there are shared professional responsibilities for the leaving headteacher, the incoming headteacher, and the staff and governors.

The vital ingredients in a successful handover are openness, good communication and sensitive support to both the leaving headteacher and new headteacher. It is essential that all members of the school community act with respect, integrity and professionalism throughout the transition.

The key responsibilities in establishing caring and constructive working relationships during the change- over are set out below:


The outgoing Headteacher should:

·  Share her/his plans confidentially with the Chair of Governors as soon as possible and discuss implications and timing.

·  Hand in her/his resignation in line with contractual expectations

·  If appropriate, negotiate with governors the allocation of a budget to support attendance at a suitable ‘preparation for retirement’ course.

·  Discuss planning with the school’s Education Development Adviser (EDA) and seek the support of the adviser in brokering a headteacher mentor to support the hand-over process.

·  Promote regularly to all school staff and governors the importance of embracing change when a new head teacher takes up post.

The mentor headteacher will provide professional support and guidance through the transition, including by supporting the outgoing Headteacher through the period of transition, raising awareness of the loss and grief the headteacher will feel during the build up to leaving after long service at a school, especially once the appointment process begins.

Governors will:

·  Work closely with the EDA to ensure that statutory expectations and local guidance are followed;

·  Appoint a panel to undertake the headteacher appointment process and ensure that governors and staff understand the delegated responsibilities of this panel;

·  Through a nominated governor, maintain regular and appropriate communication with outgoing Headteacher, staff, the full governing body and parents through the process of appointment;

The EDA will:

·  advise headteacher, staff and governors in planning for the process of appointment and induction;

·  provide an overview of the whole process and explain the involvement of key individuals and groups;

·  ensure that governors have access to North Yorkshire recruitment guidance and documentation.


·  The EDA will work with governors and newly appointed Headteacher to write an induction plan which clarifies the role of the LA and the responsibilities of governors, outgoing headteacher and newly appointed headteacher.

·  The mentor headteacher makes sure there is good communication between the outgoing head teacher and the new head teacher during the handover process.

·  The new head teacher is sensitive to the loss a leaving head will feel and does not become overly active in visiting the school.

·  The leaving headteacher and new headteacher copy key governors and staff into any e-mails to ensure there is openness about all aspects of communication.

·  The leaving head teacher does not overspend the budget or make radical changes to organisation without consulting with the new headteacher.

·  The leaving head teacher does not promote staff in the final year without discussion with the new head teacher.

·  If appointments have to be made before the change-over date the leaving headteacher invites the new headteacher to be part of the selection process.

·  The leaving head teacher makes sure that all staff appreciate that unwritten aspects of working practice will not necessarily apply when the new headteacher takes up post.

·  The leaving head teacher will regularly promote to all school staff and governors the importance of accepting change when a new headteacher takes up post.

·  The mentor headteacher will support both headteachers during the transition period.


·  The new head teacher ensures that all comments about the school are respectful of all stakeholders, past and present.

·  The new headteacher is sensitive about the head teacher who has left and does not engage in any inappropriate discussions about her/him.

·  The head teacher who has left only visits the school when invited by the new headteacher.

·  The headteacher who has left stands back from the school and makes it clear that s/he will not enter into any discussions about the school or the new head teacher.

The aim of these protocols is to establish a positive foundation for the school’s next phase of development and good working relationships during and after the change-over.

Handover Toolkit

There is a great deal of information to be shared with the new head teacher. The following ‘Getting Started’ list provides a starting point. However, it is essential to be honest and make it clear where there are gaps.

The toolkit is an example of best professional practice in ensuring a smooth handover from one head teacher to another.

Where there is a period of interim headship, it is suggested that where possible a managed handover is used. This should be repeated with updated information for the incoming substantive head teacher.

Head Teacher Transition - Key Information - Primary Schools

1.  Suggested documentation for handover to the incoming headteacher. Checklist - may not all be applicable or in place. It is important to be honest.

Documents/Information / Where to find, who to ask / done
DFE number
Unique Reference number
School’s mission statement
School prospectus
Emergency Planning information
School website information
Cluster Information including Extended Schools
1 to 1 tuition
Contacts for ESWO, Speech and Language, EDA, Consultant support, other agencies
Key people in secondary schools
Clubs – sports links
Rewards - sanctions
Curriculum – resources
Classroom resources
Who buys what – orders, requests
Policy documents and a summary including renewal dates
Complaints log
Self Evaluation document
Ofsted report / SIAS inspection report / EDA reports / Ofsted Data Dashboard
School Development Plan
NYCC School Profile
School Profile (DCSF)
Termly racist incident, exclusions and attendance reports
Dates of renewal of
Healthy Schools
Inclusion Quality mark
Other quality marks
Pupil Profiles and the system for it
Tracking system
Finances – latest CRF report
Audit report
Last monthly return
Forecast for 3 years
School Fund
Breakfast club
After school clubs
Holiday clubs
NYCC forms login
Racial Incidents School visits
Confidential passwords


Documents / Where to find, who to ask / done
Regular contacts numbers and addresses
Year planner – staff meetings, events etc key dates
Timetables- staff, ICT, PE, Duties, Assembly
Details of cluster group meetings
Current years diary
Timetables for peripatetic teachers coming in
Regular visitors – who, when
Residential visits
Arrangements for organising INSET e.g. who is consulted
Recent newsletters


Documents / Where to find, who to ask / done
Staff files including latest contract, Performance Management, salary statements, proof of ID and qualifications
Staffing list – who does what – scale – length of service - job descriptions
Supply list – who to use
Inset files and details of training
Staff handbook
TA handbook
Supply staff hand book
PPA Cover arrangements
Contact details for HR


Documents / Where to find, who to ask / done
Behaviour issues
Child Protection info
Info about individuals and issues
School Council
Who does jobs
Split family lists – contact with parents


Documents / Where to find, who to ask / done
Parent helpers- arrangements for – who their children are
PTA – Chair, arrangements, events, who is on committee, what they will do for you
Who needs subsidy and support


Documents / Where to find, who to ask / done
Last two sets of minutes – full governors
Notes of meeting with Chair of Governors
Instruments of governance
Committee structure
Governor visits policy and feedback sheet
Head teacher’s reports to Governors


Documents / Where to find, who to ask / done
Asbestos register
Legionella register
H&S policies and risk assessments
Fire logs
Plan of school
Buildings report
Developed Capital Applications
Rolling programme for decoration and maintenance
Accessibility plan
Buildings management plan
Asset management plan
Emergency plan/ procedures
Grounds maintenance schedule
Cleaning/caretaking schedule
List of lettings
Charging policy
Catering contacts
Maintenance contracts
Security data e.g. Key holders
Access codes – burglar alarm, door codes

1.  Suggested focus for meetings during the handover period – Checklist

The aim is for these proposed meetings to be supportive and informative for the incoming headteacher, who will benefit from the experience and knowledge of the outgoing headteacher.

Area / Action / Completed
1 Ethos / For church schools, it would be useful to introduce a meeting with diocesan officers focusing on ethos and the available support.
2 Systems / A face to face meeting focusing on a range of systems within the school should be held. This should focus upon the context of the particular school – routines and traditions.
3 Information about children / Basic pupil information will be held on SIMS. It would be useful for a meeting to be held to discuss attainment and progress in detail.
4 Development plans / A joint meeting between outgoing and incoming headteachers with the EDA and mentor Headteacher, if possible, to provide a clear picture of the school’s needs and priorities.
5 Finance / A meeting with the outgoing headteacher and bursar to discuss finance in depth.
6 Strategic plans / A meeting with the outgoing headteacher & Chair of Governors to discuss buildings-related issues.
7 Governance / Incoming headteachers could attend a meeting of the full Governing Body and any committee meetings relating to finance, personnel and premises before taking up post.
The incoming headteacher and Chair should meet face to face at least once during the handover period. At this meeting any issues of a confidential nature may be discussed.