Behavioral Definitions

Inappropriate language
·  Students uses words toward an adult or peer in an angry manner / Inappropriate language
·  Staff overhears student using inappropriate language in casual conversation with peer
Physical contact/fighting/ aggression toward others
·  Students engages in actions regarding serious physical contact where injury may occur (hitting, kicking, pushing, biting, hair pulling, spitting, pinching) / Physical contact/fighting/ aggression toward others
·  Horseplay causing a disruption
·  Non serious but inappropriate physical contact.
Disrespect (hall or classroom)
·  Student refuses to follow directions
·  Talks back
·  Socially rude / Disrespect (hall or classroom)
Student engages in brief or low intensity
Non compliance/defiance (hall/classroom)
·  Is defiant and refuses to comply with BIST interventions or current classroom behavior intervention / Non compliance/defiance (hall/classroom)
·  Student engages in brief or low intensity failure to respond to adult requests
Disruption (Classroom)
·  Student engages in behavior that disrupts the learning of others. The behavior disruptions include: sustained loud talk, yelling or screaming, noise with materials, horseplay or rough housing and or sustained out of seat behavior. Disruptive behavior in the buddy room. / Disruption (classroom)
·  Brief or low intensity disruption to the learning of others
Technology misuse
·  Student engages in inappropriate use of technology: cell is phone is used or out in the open through out the day. Portable game systems, or other electronic devices that are not permissible at school or violates SMSD acceptable use policy / Technology misuse
·  Accessing websites that are not teacher directed.
Property misuse/damage
·  Student uses school property in a way it is not intended to be used or that damages the property such as: (kicking, punching holes in wall, tearing off toilet paper or soap dispensers, flooding urinals, graffiti, breaking doors in bathrooms) / Property misuse/damage
·  Student engages in low intensity misuse of property
Dress code violation
·  Student repeatedly wears clothing that does not comply with the dress code in the student handbook. / Dress code violation
Initial dress code offense.
Theft/ forgery
·  Student is in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property or has signed a person’s name without that person’s permission / Theft/ Forgery
·  Repeated violation after initial offense: student delivers a message that is not true and or deliberately violates a rule copy or plagiarize another person’s work or to allow another person to plagiarize your work. / Lying/Cheating
·  student delivers a message that is not true and or deliberately violates a rule copy or plagiarize another person’s work or to allow another person to plagiarize your work
·  Teacher witnesses harassment or bullying or the effects of said harassment or bullying. Such as: Student delivers disrespectful messages (verbal or gestural) to another person that includes threats and intimidation obscene gestures, pictures or written notes. Disrespectful messages include, negative comments, based on race, religion. Gender, age, and or national origin; sustained or intense verbal attacks based on ethnic origin; disabilities, or other personal matters. / Harassment/bullying