PE / Class
Year 10 / Unit
Waimea’s got talent / Topic
Te Ao Kori
Achievement Objective(s)
6B2 – Positive attitudes: Demonstrate and examine responsible attitudes in challenging physical situations
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?
-  Demonstrate an awareness of Māori culture and customs through playing traditional Māori games.
-  Display / Assessment and/or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
-  Rangitahi will treat each other and equipment with respect (kaitiaki)
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Managing self – Students will demonstrate positive attitudes towards the game and other students. They will treat equipment and people with respect (kaitiaki)
Relating to others – Include everyone in their teams in team talks and in the game ... try to make more than two passes before scoring
Time / Student Learning Activities / Teacher Activities
Rats & Rabbits (Kioma and Taniwha)
Students line up on two lines facing each other (Kioma on one side, Taniwha on the other.
Get into teams, wear bibs, remind selves of how to play (read info sheets) / Remind Rangitahi that Ki-o-rahi is a Māori game, and that gear and people should be treated with respect!
Explain that each team today will nominate a captain. The games will be self reffed or reffed by non-participants, so it is up to the captains to sort out any disputes.
Split class into 4 teams (2 kioma teams and 2 taniwha teams)
Kioma: Taniwha:
Scott Hugh
Liam Josh
Chaza Brody
Keeley Caitlin
Georgia Rory
Andrew Johnnie
Connor Matt
Josh Kullum
Ben Renee
Lydia Johnny
Kacey Quinn
Megan Caleb
When I call ‘Taniwha’ Taniwha people run away from Kioma people who chase them. If they tag them before the line, they join the team who tagged them
Captains collect bibs and info sheets for their team.
Have a tournament:
Each team will play 2-3 games 5mins each way
Field TAHI:
Game 1: Team 1 v 2
Game 2: Team 1 v 3
Game 3: Team 1 v 4
Field RUA:
Game 1: Team 3 v 4
Game 2: Team 2 v 4
Game 3: Team 2 v 3
Debrief & gear away
-  Did you enjoy that? Why/why not?
-  How much effort did you put in?
-  Did you work well as a team?
-  Did you like self reffing and having a captain on each team to sort disputes? Did it work effectively?
-  Did you use Māori terms where possible?
-  How could the lesson be improved?
2 * bins, cones * 14, markers *lots!! Bibs * 3 colours (7 of each), 2 * ki, 2 * hoops
Reference Book. Harko Brown
Resources. 2 * info sheets and diagrams for each Kioma and Taniwha teams
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?

E:\T COL\placement 1\PE\Year 10\10 te ao kori 2.docx